36 research outputs found

    Im Zentrum des Geschehens: Zuwanderung nach Nordrhein-Westfalen von 1945 bis zum Ende der 80er Jahre

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    'Nordrhein-Westfalen verfügt über eine lange und bewegte Migrationsgeschichte. Sofort denkt man an die Zechensiedlungen von polnischen Bergleuten im Ruhrgebiet und ihre schwierige, heute vielfach verklärte Integration in die deutsche Gesellschaft. Der freiwilligen Zuwanderung von Ost nach West folgte Jahre später der jeder Moral Hohn sprechende Einsatz von Zwangsarbeitern in der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft. Nach der Katastrophe des Krieges suchten Millionen von Flüchtlingen und Heimatvertriebenen im Westen Deutschlands eine neue Heimat. Schließlich die organisierte Rekrutierung von Italienern, Griechen, Portugiesen, Türken und vielen anderen 'Gastarbeitern' für die boomende Nachkriegsindustrie: Kaum eine andere Region in Europa dürfte in stärkerem Maße von Migration geprägt worden sein als das größte deutsche Bundesland, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Welche Zuwanderergruppen im Einzelnen seit 1945 nach Nordrhein-Westfalen kamen, und wie sehr die wechselnden Phasen der Zuwanderung die Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung an Rhein und Ruhr verändert haben, steht im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Beitrages.' (Textauszug

    MatD^3^: A Database and Online Presentation Package for Research Data Supporting Materials Discovery, Design, and Dissemination

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    The discovery of new materials as well as the determination of a vast set of materials properties for science and technology is a fast growing field of research, with contributions from many groups worldwide. Materials data from individual research groups is traditionally disseminated by means of loosely interconnected, peer-reviewed publications. MatD3 is an open-source, dedicated database and web application framework designed to store, curate and disseminate experimental and theoretical materials data generated by individual research groups or research consortia. A research group can set up its own instance of MatD3 and publish scientific results or simply use an existing online MatD3 instance. Disseminating research data in this form enables broader access, reproducibility, and repurposing of scientific products. MatD3 is a general purpose database that does not focus on any specific level of theory or experimental method. Instead, the focus is on storing and making accessible the data and making it straightforward to curate them

    Can carbon labels encourage green food choices?

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    Introduction: A conventionally grown kiwi from Spain or an organic pineapple from Ghana? Which is the more environmentally friendly option? Given that the production and distribution of food is responsible for about a quarter of our CO2e emissions and thus plays a role in climate change the answer to such questions and, accordingly, making the right food product choices is crucial. The problem, however, is that it is difficult for consumers to calculate the CO2e value of food as it depends on several specifications such as the type of food, origin, etc. Could carbon labeling of food circumvent this problem and help consumers make more environmentally friendly choices? Methods: In an online experiment, 402 participants had to choose 20 food products from a fictitious online shop. The participants were randomly assigned to either one of three food labeling conditions (Star Rating, Green Foot, and Traffic Light Label, short TLL) or the control condition. Results: The labeling conditions resulted in lower overall CO2e emissions, the purchase of more green food products and fewer red food products than in the control condition. The TLL outperformed the other two labels and was also the most accepted. Discussion: The carbon TLL is therefore a promising intervention to help consumers to not only choose more environmentally friendly foods, but also make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change

    Online food choices : when does “recommended by” work?

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    Recommendations, for example, by "the chef" help increase healthier and/or more sustainable food choices. However, little is known about whether recommendations are still effective when choices are limited, as is typically the case in university cafés. More importantly, it is unclear how factors such as price interact with the recommended choice or menu. To test this, participants (N = 512) in a smartphone-based online study were visually presented with two menus (Dahl or Curry) from which they had to choose one, with either none recommended or one of two (none, Dahl or Curry). Additionally, we manipulated the price of the menus (high or low) and the position of the menus (top or bottom). Participants were then randomly assigned to one of the resulting 12 factor-level combinations (for example, the recommended expensive Curry menu at the top, the cheap Dahl menu at the bottom). The subsequent analysis (probit with post-hoc ANOVA) with recommendation, price and position as independent variables and menu choice as dependent variable showed more or less only effects regarding the choice of the more popular menu, the Curry (chosen on average with 66%). Specifically, only when the Curry menu was presented at the top did a differential effect of recommendation emerge. That is, when the Curry was the expensive option, the recommendation had a negative effect on its choice (43% chose it), but not when the Curry was the cheap option (87%). To conclude, only if, for example, university cafés know whether a menu is popular might manipulations such as position or recommendation be useful in further promoting a particular menu choice

    Forschungsbericht in Erfüllung des Postulats 14.4077/Hefti

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    Digitale Brillen, deren prominenteste Vertreterin wohl Google Glass sein dürfte, stehen an der Schwelle, ein verbreitetes Konsumentenprodukt zu werden – spätestens dann, wenn sich das System auch mit vorhandenen Brillen kombinieren lässt. Als erweitertes Display eines Smartphones versprechen solche Systeme, Informationen «auf einen Blick» quasi nebenbei zu präsentieren, spontan Bilder und Filme der eigenen Umgebung festzuhalten und persönliche Textnachrichten ad hoc lesen und beantworten zu können. Die Integration ortsbezogener Informationen ermöglicht darüber hinaus – neben der Abbildung von Navigationsinformationen – den Einbezug lokaler Informationen, beispielsweise zu Sehenswürdigkeiten oder zu in der nahen Umgebung verfügbaren Produkten. Es dürfte nicht unwahrscheinlich sein, dass die Nutzung von digitalen Brillen auch während der aktiven Teilnahme am Strassenverkehr stattfindet, was folglich einen Einfluss auf das Verhalten im Strassenverkehr impliziert. Zu klären ist, welche Qualität diese Einwirkung besitzt und ob in der Gesamtbilanz von einer eher positiven oder negativen Wirkung auf die Verkehrssicherheit zu erwarten ist. Der Blick richtet sich dabei vorwiegend auf allfällige Effekte in der Rolle als Fahrzeuglenkende, Ableitungen mit Bezug auf den Langsamverkehr sind – eingeschränkt – jedoch möglich

    Can carbon labels encourage green food choices?

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    IntroductionA conventionally grown kiwi from Spain or an organic pineapple from Ghana? Which is the more environmentally friendly option? Given that the production and distribution of food is responsible for about a quarter of our CO2e emissions and thus plays a role in climate change the answer to such questions and, accordingly, making the right food product choices is crucial. The problem, however, is that it is difficult for consumers to calculate the CO2e value of food as it depends on several specifications such as the type of food, origin, etc. Could carbon labeling of food circumvent this problem and help consumers make more environmentally friendly choices?MethodsIn an online experiment, 402 participants had to choose 20 food products from a fictitious online shop. The participants were randomly assigned to either one of three food labeling conditions (Star Rating, Green Foot, and Traffic Light Label, short TLL) or the control condition.ResultsThe labeling conditions resulted in lower overall CO2e emissions, the purchase of more green food products and fewer red food products than in the control condition. The TLL outperformed the other two labels and was also the most accepted.DiscussionThe carbon TLL is therefore a promising intervention to help consumers to not only choose more environmentally friendly foods, but also make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change

    Well-designed medical pictograms accelerate search

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    Two types of newly designed pharmaceutical pictograms (with and without context) were compared with an existing type of certified pictograms regarding their search efficiency. Each of the 30 participants had to search a total of 1'090 "fictitious" medical shelves for a certain box defined by the amount and type of medical instructions given (memory size) and presented among a variable number of other boxes (set size). The boxes contained the different types of pictograms mentioned above. Calculated factorial analyses on reaction time data, among others, showed that the two newly designed pictogram types make search more efficient compared to existing types of pictograms (i.e., flatter reaction time x set size slopes). Furthermore, regardless of the type of pictogram, this set size effect became more pronounced with larger memory sizes. Overall, the newly designed pictograms need fewer attentional resources and therefore might help to increase patient adherence