90 research outputs found

    A Reusable AI-Enabled Defect Detection System for Railway Using Ensembled CNN

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    Accurate Defect detection is crucial for ensuring the trustworthiness of intelligent railway systems. Current approaches rely on single deep-learning models, like CNNs, which employ a large amount of data to capture underlying patterns. Training a new defect classifier with limited samples often leads to overfitting and poor performance on unseen images. To address this, researchers have advocated transfer learning and fine-tuning the pre-trained models. However, using a single backbone network in transfer learning still may cause bottleneck issues and inconsistent performance if it is not suitable for a specific problem domain. To overcome these challenges, we propose a reusable AI-enabled defect detection approach. By combining ensemble learning with transfer learning models (VGG-19, MobileNetV3, and ResNet-50), we improved the classification accuracy and achieved consistent performance at a certain phase of training. Our empirical analysis demonstrates better and more consistent performance compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. The consistency substantiates the reusability of the defect detection system for newly evolved defected rail parts. Therefore we anticipate these findings to benefit further research and development of reusable AI-enabled solutions for railway systems.Comment: 28 pages, 13 Figures, Applied Intelligence Journal, Springer Natur

    Qualité des eaux de surface et souterraine de la région de Taza (Maroc) : bilan et situation des eaux

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    L’objectif de ce travail est de cerner l’état de la pollution des eaux superficielles et souterraines de la région de Taza (Maroc). Pour ce faire, une étude hydrochimique a été réalisée. Cette dernière est basée surla détermination des paramètres physico-chimiques de l'eau de surface ainsi que celle souterraine. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les différents paramètres : la demande biologique en oxygène, la demande chimique en oxygène ainsi que les concentrations en nitrate et nitrite présentent des valeurs trop élevées par rapport aux normes   internationales dans plusieurs échantillons analysés. Cette contamination, s’accentue par les activités humaines et les conditions climatiques de la région qui se caractérisent par des débits des oueds très faibles durant la saison d’été. S’ajoute à cela le déversement de la totalité deseffluents urbains et industriels dans les cours d’eau sans traitement préalable. Ceci a pour conséquence d’augmenter les concentrations de polluants déversés dans les cours d’eau entraînant alors une dégradation de la qualité des eaux superficielles et souterraines.Mots-clés : qualité de l’eau, DCO, DBO5, polluants

    Exploring User Perceptions of Virtual Reality Scene Design in Metaverse Learning Environments

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    Metaverse learning environments allow for a seamless and intuitive transition between activities compared to Virtual Reality (VR) learning environments, due to their interconnected design. The design of VR scenes is important for creating effective learning experiences in the Metaverse. However, there is limited research on the impact of different design elements on user's learning experiences in VR scenes. To address this, a study was conducted with 16 participants who interacted with two VR scenes, each with varying design elements such as style, color, texture, object, and background, while watching a short tutorial. Participant rankings of the scenes for learning were obtained using a seven-point Likert scale, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to validate differences in preference between the scenes. The results showed a significant difference in preference between the scenes. Further analysis using the NASA TLX questionnaire was conducted to examine the impact of this difference on cognitive load, and participant feedback was also considered. The study emphasizes the importance of careful VR scene design to improve the user's learning experience.Comment: 6 pages,3 figures, accepted to present at IEEE 42nd International Conference on Consumer Electronic

    Impact des crédits bancaires comme canal de transmission de la politique monétaire sur le secteur réel : la théorie monétaire quantitative repensée

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    Résumé:Impact des crédits bancaires comme canal de transmission de la politique monétaire sur le secteur réel : la théorie monétaire quantitative repensée L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'impact des crédits bancaires comme canal de transmission de la politique monétaire sur le secteur réel , puis de déduire les résultats d'estimations appropriées et d'analyser les réponses impulsionnelles du canal du crédit bancaire. Pour atteindre l’objectif susmentionné, est utilisé le modèle vectoriel autorégressif (VAR) sur une période allant du premier trimestre 2006 au quatrième trimestre 2018. Les résultats montrent que les crédits immobiliers destinés aux ménages sont très significatifs et très sensibles au choc produit par le changement du taux directeur de la banque centrale marocaine (Bank Al Maghrib) vis-à-vis des crédits à la consommation destinés aux ménages et aux administrations publiques et des crédits à l’équipement réservés aux entreprises qui sont moyennement significatifs eu égard au choc précité. Mots-clés : choc impulsionnel, modèle VAR, entreprises marocaines, crédits à l’équipement, canal du crédit bancaire.Classification JEL : E52, G21, C22, C23Abstract:Impact of bank loans as a transmission channel of monetary policy on the real sector: the quantitative monetary theory redesignedThis work aims to study the impact of bank loans as a transmission channel of monetary policy on the real sector, then to deduce the results from appropriate estimates and to analyze the impulse responses of the bank credit channel. To achieve the above objective, the vector autoregressive model (VAR) is used over a period from the first quarter of 2006 to the fourth quarter of 2018. The results show that real estate loans for households are very significant and very sensitive to the shock produced by the change in the key rate of the Moroccan central bank (Bank Al Maghrib), compared to consumer loans for households and public administrations and equipment loans for companies, which are moderately significant with regard to the aforementioned shock.Keywords: impulse shock, VAR model, Moroccan companies, equipment loans, bank loan channel.JEL classification: E52, G21, C22, C23  الملخص:  تأثير القروض المصرفية كقناة نقل للسياسة النقدية على القطاع الحقيقي: إعادة النظر في النظرية النقدية الكميةالهدف من هذا العمل هو دراسة تأثير الاعتمادات المصرفية كقناة نقل للسياسة النقدية على القطاع الحقيقي، ثم استنتاج النتائج من التقديرات المناسبة وتحليل ردود الفعل الدافعة لقناة الائتمان المصرفية. لتحقيق الهدف أعلاه، تم استخدام نموذج الانحدار الذاتي (VAR) على مدار فترة من الربع الأول من عام 2006 إلى الربع الرابع من عام 2018. وأظهرت النتائج أن القروض العقارية المخصصة للأسر مهمة جدًا وحساسة جدًا للصدمة. نتجت عن التغيير في سعر الفائدة الرئيسي للبنك المركزي المغربي (بنك المغرب) مقابل قروض المستهلكين المخصصة للأسر والإدارات العامة وقروض المعدات المخصصة للشركات والتي تعتبر ذات أهمية متوسطة في ضوء الصدمة المذكورة أعلاهالكلمات المفتاحية:صدمة الاندفاع، نموذج VAR، الشركات المغربية، قروض التجهيز ، قناة الائتمان البنكية.                             

    Intersection capacity management: simulation model process diagrams

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    The article describes the features of creating formal transport and pedestrian flows models for the simulation model of the road network section formed by the intersection of Aviatsionnaya and Pekhotnaya Streets in the Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo district of the North-West of Moscow (RU). The aim of the study is to create a comfortable and safe environment by building a simulation model for the implementation of different scenarios of street section transformation. Application of the structural analysis method allowed us to identify all objects and subjects, and the relations between them in the implementation of transport and pedestrian processes

    Métastases mammaires d’un adénocarcinome gastrique associées à une grossesse de 32 semaines d’aménorrhée: à propos d’un cas rare

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    Les métastases mammaires ne représentent que 0,4 à 2% des tumeurs malignes du sein. L’origine gastrique est exceptionnellement rapportée. Encore plus rare est l’association des métastases mammaires et ovariennes provenant de l’estomac. De par leur rareté et la non spécificité des signes cliniques et radiologiques, les métastases mammaires peuvent être confondues avec un cancer primitif et être à l’origine d’un traitement mutilant non approprié. Nous rapportons le cas d’un adénocarcinome gastrique métastatique au niveau mammaire et ovarien chez une patiente jeune de 32 ans et enceinte de 32 Semaines d’aménorrhée, qui est à notre connaissance le premier cas rapporté au cours de la grossesse. A travers notre cas, nous soulignons les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques de cette entité très rare, dont la connaissance est nécessaire afin d’éviter les erreurs diagnostic et les prise en charge non adaptée qui peut suivre.Key words: Métastase mammaire, cancer gastrique, diagnostic, grossess

    Generative Model-Driven Synthetic Training Image Generation: An Approach to Cognition in Rail Defect Detection

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    Recent advancements in cognitive computing, with the integration of deep learning techniques, have facilitated the development of intelligent cognitive systems (ICS). This is particularly beneficial in the context of rail defect detection, where the ICS would emulate human-like analysis of image data for defect patterns. Despite the success of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in visual defect classification, the scarcity of large datasets for rail defect detection remains a challenge due to infrequent accident events that would result in defective parts and images. Contemporary researchers have addressed this data scarcity challenge by exploring rule-based and generative data augmentation models. Among these, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) models can generate realistic data without extensive baseline datasets for noise modeling. This study proposes a VAE-based synthetic image generation technique for rail defects, incorporating weight decay regularization and image reconstruction loss to prevent overfitting. The proposed method is applied to create a synthetic dataset for the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) with just 50 real samples across five classes. Remarkably, 500 synthetic samples are generated with a minimal reconstruction loss of 0.021. A Visual Transformer (ViT) model underwent fine-tuning using this synthetic CPR dataset, achieving high accuracy rates (98%-99%) in classifying the five defect classes. This research offers a promising solution to the data scarcity challenge in rail defect detection, showcasing the potential for robust ICS development in this domain.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, Springer Journa

    An Overview of Serious Games

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    Serious games are growing rapidly as a gaming industry as well as a field of academic research. There are many surveys in the field of digital serious games; however, most surveys are specific to a particular area such as education or health. So far, there has been little work done to survey digital serious games in general, which is the main goal of this paper. Hence, we discuss relevant work on serious games in different application areas including education, well-being, advertisement, cultural heritage, interpersonal communication, and health care. We also propose a taxonomy for digital serious games, and we suggest a classification of reviewed serious games applications from the literature against the defined taxonomy. Finally, the paper provides guidelines, drawn from the literature, for the design and development of successful serious games, as well as discussing research perspectives in this domain