21 research outputs found

    An Ultra-Precise System for Electrical Resistivity Tomography Measurements

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    The objective of this research was to determine the feasibility of building and operating an ERT system that will allow measurement precision that is an order of magnitude better than existing systems on the market today and in particular if this can be done without significantly greater manufacturing or operating costs than existing commercial systems. Under this proposal, we performed an estimation of measurement errors in galvanic resistivity data that arise as a consequence of the type of electrode material used to make the measurements. In our laboratory, measurement errors for both magnitude and induced polarization (IP) were estimated using the reciprocity of data from an array of electrodes as might be used for electrical resistance tomography using 14 different metals as well as one non-metal - carbon. In a second phase of this study, using archival data from two long-term ERT surveys, we examined long-term survivability of electrodes over periods of several years. The survey sites were: the Drift Scale Test at Yucca Mountain, Nevada (which was sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy as part of the civilian radioactive waste management program), and a water infiltration test at a site adjacent to the New Mexico Institute of Mines and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico (sponsored by the Sandia/Tech vadose program). This enabled us to compare recent values with historical values and determine electrode performance over the long-term as well as the percentage of electrodes that have failed entirely. We have constructed a prototype receiver system, made modifications and revised the receiver design. The revised prototype uses a new 24 bit analog to digital converter from Linear Technologies with amplifier chips from Texas Instruments. The input impedance of the system will be increased from 107 Ohms to approximately 1010 Ohms. The input noise level of the system has been decreased to approximately 10 Nanovolts and system resolution to about 1 Nanovolt at the highest gain range of 125 to 1. The receiver also uses very high precision and high temperature stability components. The goal is to improve the accuracy to better than 0.1%. The system has more receiver channels, eight, to allow efficient data collection at lower base frequencies. We are also implementing a frequency-domain acquisition mode in addition to the time-domain acquisition mode used in the earlier systems. Initial field tests were started in the fall of 2008. We conducted tests on a number of types of cable commonly used for resistivity surveys. A series of different tests were designed to determine if the couplings were primarily resistive, capacitive, or inductive in nature and to ascertain that the response was due to the cable cross-talk and did not depend on the receiver electronics. The results show that the problem appears to be primarily capacitive in nature and does not appear to be due to problems in the receiver electronics. Thus a great deal of emphasis has been placed on finding appropriate cables as well as stable electrodes that have low contact impedance at the very low current flows observed at the receiver. One of the issues in survey design and data collection has been determining how long one must wait before using the same electrode as a transmitter and as a receiver. A series of tests was completed in the laboratory sand tank where four-electrode measurements were made using the same dipole transmitters and dipole receivers (the dipoles used adjacent electrodes). For each data series, a single set of normal measurements were collected with no reciprocals and electrodes were never reused as a receiver after being used as a transmitter. After waiting a specified length of time, the reciprocal measurements were collected using a schedule of measurements. The order of this second schedule was rearranged such that if this second set of measurements were performed without first using the normal schedule, no electrode would be used as a receiver after being used as a transmitter. For this study, we cannot conclude that increasing the wait time increased or decreased the reciprocal errors, only that there was not a dramatic change in results with different wait times. Another issue in ERT data collection is the potential for the transmitter as well as the receiver end of an ERT system to create problems with reciprocity readings. Existing ERT systems typically use a constant voltage source. For the transmitter dipole, a constant voltage source has low output impedance, whereas a constant current source has high output impedance. Therefore, we devised an experiment to determine if a constant current source transmitter might produce smaller errors than a constant voltage source. These preliminary results suggest there is little or no difference in either resistivity or chargeability reciprocal errors using a constant voltage or constant current dipole drive source

    Difference Inversion of ERT Data: a Fast Inversion Method for 3-D In Situ Monitoring

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    Vadose zone case studies.

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    Time-Lapse ERT Monitoring of an Injection/Withdrawal Experiment in a Shallow Unconfined Aquifer

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    To quantify performance of 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), a sequential injection/withdrawal experiment was designed for monitoring the pump-and-capture remediation of a conductive solute in an unconfined alluvial aquifer. Prior information is incorporated into the inversion procedure via regularization with respect to a reference model according to three protocols: (1) independent regularization involving a single reference model, (2) background regularization involving a reference model obtained via inversion of preinjection data, and (3) time-lapse regularization involving an evolving reference model obtained via inversion of data from previous experimental stages. Emplacement and sequential withdrawal of the solute is clearly imaged for all protocols. Time-lapse regularization results in greater amounts of model structure, while providing signifi-cant computational savings. ERT-estimated electrical conductivity is used to predict solute concentration and solute mass in the aquifer. At any experimental stage, we are able to estimate total solute mass in the aquifer with a maximum accuracy of 60%–85% depending on regularization protocol and survey geometry. We also estimate the withdrawn solute mass for every experimental stage (the change in mass between experimental stages). Withdrawn mass estimates are more reliable than total mass estimates and do not exhibit systematic underprediction or dependence on regularization protocol. Withdrawn mass estimates are accurate for changes in mass below 2–4 kg of potassium bromide (KBr) for horizontal and vertical dipole-dipole surveys, respectively. Estimating the withdrawn solute mass does not require background subtraction and, thus, does not require background data