597 research outputs found

    Durability of biodegradable polymers for the conservation of cultural heritage

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    The use of polymers for conservation of cultural heritage is related to the possibility to slow down or stop natural deterioration which, in many cases, corresponds to stopping the entrance of liquid water and to favor spontaneous water vapor removal. Unfortunately, hydrophobicity is generally favored by surface roughness and thus competitive with transparency. It is therefore important to find an optimal balance hydrophobicity, transparency and durability (especially to photooxidation). However, polymers typically used for applications in this field come from non-renewable resources and are not biodegradable. In this work, the mechanical, structural, and optical properties of PLA, PBAT, and a PBAT/PLA blends, as well as surface properties and water vapor permeability, were investigated before and after exposure to UV irradiation, in order to evaluate their durability and suitability for conservation of cultural heritage

    Recyclability of a bio-based biocomposite under different reprocessing conditions

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    The present paper studies the effect of reprocessing, on both dry and wet reprocessing conditions, on the rheological and mechanical properties of a biocomposite made of a bio-based, biodegradable polymer with 40 wt% wood flour. The results show that the viscosity of the matrix decreases as the number of extrusions increases, with the greatest reduction for samples processed under wet conditions. The same behavior was observed for the biocomposite, but since the viscosity of the biocomposite is much higher than that of the matrix, this causes a greater reduction of molecular weight. Mechanical results show that properties such as tensile strength and elongation decrease as the number of extrusions increases for the matrix. In terms of maximum variations, the tensile strength experiences a decrease of approximately 18%, while the elongation at break shows a more significant reduction of about 40%. Conversely, the biocomposite shows an increase in tensile strength (about 30%) and elongation at break (about 90%) after the first extrusion and then a slight decrease, but with values of tensile strength and elongation higher than those of the virgin biocomposite

    The nutraceuticals : a new therapeutic strategy in the management of digestive and respiratory disorders

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    Nutraceuticals represents an intriguing challenge in clinical practice. They are currently used worldwide in all fields of Medicine. The present Supplement reports two Italian surveys concerning a probiotic mixture employed in patients with chronic intestinal disorders and a Medical Device used in patients with upper respiratory diseases. These surveys were conducted on a group of Italian gastroenterologists and on a group of Italian otolaryngologists respectively. Both surveys demonstrated that these compounds may represent a useful therapeutic option in clinical practice

    Vertebrate-mediated seed rain and artificial perches contribute to overcome seed dispersal limitation in a Mediterranean old field

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    Natural regeneration of vegetation is a frequent outcome of land abandonment, although the rate and diversity of such regeneration may be severely restricted by seed dispersal limitation, among other factors. In spite of this, studies aiming to quantify seed rain and test methods to enhance it, such as artificial perches, are still underrepresented in the Mediterranean. In our study, we quantified seed rain density and richness and tested the effects of artificial perches on such rain over a distance gradient on seven Mediterranean island old fields. In each of the seven sites, we positioned three sampling stations, each consisting of 1 seed trap under an artificial perch and 1 as a control on the ground, distributed at 30, 60, and 90 m from natural vegetation remnant. All traps received seeds, suggesting no overall dispersal limitation. Of the 11 seed species found, 10 were fleshy-fruited and dispersed by vertebrates. Seed traps under perches received significantly higher seed rain of fleshy-fruited species dispersed by birds, while ground traps received significantly more seeds of the species also dispersed by mammals, especially Rubus ulmifolius. The distance from the seed source was nonsignificant in all cases. Our study demonstrates the key role of vertebrate-mediated seed dispersal services to overcome dispersal limitation in old fields, as well as the effective contribution of even small artificial perches in contrasting such limitation. The lack of differences over the distance gradient reveal that the upper spatial limit of dispersal limitation was not achieved

    Influence of a biodegradable contaminant on the mechanical recycling of a low-density polyethylene sample

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    Mechanical recycling of oil-derived polymers is certainly our best option to reduce pollution, save raw materials, and protect ourselves and the environment from the adverse effects of waste disposal. However, the presence of contaminants, including other types of plastics, that are mixed in during the recycling collection process or during the mechanical waste sorting stage could adversely affect the quality of the recycled product, leading to the recycling of a poor-quality secondary material. In this work, the influence of a biodegradable contaminant on the mechanical recycling of a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sample was investigated by rheological (shear and non-isothermal elongation) and mechanical analyses. The results showed that 2% of the contaminant is able to influence the rheological, shear, and isothermal elongation properties of recycled LDPE, while the results of the mechanical tests showed that after one extrusion cycle, the main tensile properties were not significantly affected by the presence of the contaminant, but after only two cycles of extrusions, some significant reduction in the final properties began to appear. In short, the presence of 2% of a biodegradable co-polyester in a LDPE matrix gives rise to a more pronounced decay of the rheological and mechanical properties, but, after two extrusion steps, both rheological and mechanical properties seem still useful for the production of film

    Investigation on the properties and on the photo-oxidation behaviour of polypropylene/fumed silica nanocomposites

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    This work investigates the effects of very small amounts of fumed silica on the morphology and on the rheological and mechanical behaviour of polypropylene nanocomposites and on their photo-oxidation behaviour. Polypropylene nanocomposites were prepared using a twin-screw corotating extruder with 0, 1 and 2 wt/wt% of SiO2. Morphological, mechanical, thermomechanical and rheological properties were examined. It was found that the viscosity of the matrix is reduced by the presence of the silica nanoparticles, suggesting a poor adhesion between the two phases and probably some lubricating effect. On the contrary, the mechanical and, in particular, the thermomechanical properties of the matrix are considerably improved by the presence of the silica. In particular, elastic modulus and tensile strength increases remarkably, and this effect becomes more and more remarkable with an increasing temperature. As for the photo-oxidation behaviour, the presence of silica improves the photostability of the polypropylene matrix. This effect has been attributed to both the barrier to the oxygen and to the absorbance of the UV radiation from the silica nanoparticles. Finally, no significant effect of the silica nanoparticles has been put in evidence on the crystallisation behaviour of the polypropylene. As for the effect of the silica content, the difference in the properties of the two nanocomposites is relatively small and all the measured properties depend much less than linearly with its amount. This has been correlated with the reaggregation of the nanoparticles that, having a larger size, decrease the contact area between the matrix and the filler

    Toward the Decarbonization of Plastic: Monopolymer Blend of Virgin and Recycled Bio-Based, Biodegradable Polymer

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    Decarbonization of plastics is based on two main pillars: bio-based polymers and recycling. Mechanical recycling of biodegradable polymers could improve the social, economic and environmental impact of the use of these materials. In this regard, the aim of this study was to investigate whether concentrations of the same recycled biopolymer could significantly affect the rheological and mechanical properties of biodegradable monopolymer blends. Monopolymer blends are blends made of the same polymers, virgin and recycled. A sample of commercially available biodegradable blend was reprocessed in a single-screw extruder until two extrusion cycles were completed. These samples were exposed to grinding and melt reprocessed with 75% and 90% of the same virgin polymer. The blends were characterized by tensile tests and rheological tests. The results obtained showed that while multiple extrusions affected the mechanical and rheological properties of the polymer, the concentration of the reprocessed material present in the blends only very slightly affected the properties of the virgin material. In addition, the experimentally observed trends were accurately predicted by the additive model adopted

    Comparative investigation on the soil burial degradation behaviour of polymer films for agriculture before and after photo-oxidation

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    Polymer films based on biodegradable polymers, polyethylene (PE) and modified PE with oxo-degradable additive were prepared by film blowing. Carbon black (1%) was added to all the films. Commercial biodegradable Ecovio\uae and Mater-Bi\uae samples were used. Mechanical properties, soil burial degradation and surface wettability were investigated, before and after UV irradiation. Chemical modifications induced by UV and soil degradation, or a synergic effect, were highlighted by Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infra-Red (ATR-FTIR). Photo-oxidized film samples with an elongation at break equal to 50% and 0.5 the initial value were selected for the soil burial degradation test at 30 \ub0C. Weight loss measurements were used to follow biodegradation in soil. Predictably, the degradation in soil was higher for biodegradable polymer-based films than for the PE-based ones. UV irradiation increased surface wettability and encouraged the disintegration in soil of all the samples. In fact, photo-oxidation produced a molar mass reduction and hydrophilic end groups, thus increasing surface erosion and weight loss. This paper not only supplies new criteria to evaluate the performance of biodegradable films in agriculture, before and after lifetime, but also provides a comparative analysis on the soil burial degradation behaviour with traditional ones

    Analysis on Isotropic and Anisotropic Samples of Polypropylene/Polyethyleneterephthalate Blend/Graphene Nanoplatelets Nanocomposites: Effects of a Rubbery Compatibilizer

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    Over the past few years, polymer nanocomposites have garnered a significant amount of interest from both the scientific community and industry due to their remarkable versatility and wide range of potential uses in various fields, including automotive, electronics, medicine, textiles and environmental applications. In this regard, this study focuses on the influence of a compatibilizer rubber on a nanocomposite incorporating graphene nanoparticles (GNPs), with a polymer matrix based on a blend of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This effect has been investigated on both isotropic samples and on anisotropic/spun fiber samples. The influence of the compatibilizer rubber on morphological, rheological and mechanical properties was analysed and discussed. Mechanical and morphological properties were evaluated on both isotropic samples obtained by compression moulding and melt-spun fibers. The addition of the rubbery compatibilizer increased the viscosity, improving interfacial adhesion, and the same effect was observed for the melt strength and breaking stretching ratios. Mechanical properties, including the elastic modulus, tensile strength and elongation at break, improved in both types of samples but more significantly in the fibers. These improvements were attributed to the orientation of the matrix, the formation of PET microfibrils, and the reduction in the size of graphene nanoparticles due to the action of the elongational flow. This reduction, facilitated by the elongation flow and the action of the compatibilizer, improved matrix-nanofiller adhesion due to the increased contact area between the two polymeric phases and between the filler and matrix. Finally, a transition from brittle to ductile behaviour was observed, particularly in the system with the compatibilizer, attributed to defect reduction and improved stress transmission

    Morphology, rheological and mechanical properties of isotropic and anisotropic PP/rPET/GnP nanocomposite samples

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    The effect of graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) on the morphology, rheological, and mechanical properties of isotropic and anisotropic polypropylene (PP)/recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET)-based nanocomposite are reported. All the samples were prepared by melt mixing. PP/rPET and PP/rPET/GnP isotropic sheets were prepared by compression molding, whereas the anisotropic fibers were spun using a drawing module of a capillary viscometer. The results obtained showed that the viscosity of the blend is reduced by the presence of GnP due to the lubricating effect of the graphene platelets. However, the Cox–Merz rule is not respected. Compared to the PP/rPET blend, the GnP led to a slight increase in the elastic modulus. However, it causes a slight decrease in elongation at break. Morphological analysis revealed a poor adhesion between the PP and PET phases. Moreover, GnPs distribute around the droplets of the PET phase with a honey-like appearance. Finally, the effect of the orientation on both systems gives rise not only to fibers with higher modulus values, but also with high deformability and a fibrillar morphology of the dispersed PET phase. A fragile-ductile transition driven by the orientation was observed in both systems
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