248 research outputs found

    Study on hepatitis B and C serologic status among municipal solid waste workers in Messina (Italy)

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    A study on hepatitis B and C virus seroprevalence was carried out on blood samples from 327 municipal solid waste workers in Messina (Italy) to verify the hypothesis that this category of workers is at high risk for such diseases. The fact that 32.41% of all the subjects showed previous exposure to hepatitis B virus (HBV) substantiates the need to proceed with compulsory HBV vaccine prophylaxis in this category of workers, also in anticipation of possible medical legal litigations

    Identification of the microorganisms responsible for periodontopathy by Multiplex RT-PCR

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    The aim of our research was to identify by bacterial genomicDNA analysis the prevalence of five different species of periodontopathogenic bacteria present in the subgingival biofilm,specifically: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Bacterioides forsytus (Bf), Treponema denticola (Td).For the analysis we used the systematic Multiplex-PCR-microdentkit with species-specific primers. We studied a group of 48 subjects, 18 males and 30 females, from 18 to 78 years of age. Theinitial clinical screening enabled us to select, among the groupanalysed, 24 subjects with signs of active periodontopathy (GroupA) and 24 patients without identifiable clinical evidence of the disease used as the control group (Group B). Within the two experimental groups (A and B), the test was found to be positive in 75%of subjects from group A, whereas the test was found to be negative in all the subjects from group B. Our research shows thatthe Multiplex-PCR system is reliable. Furthermore, the sensitivity and simplicity of this technique, as well as the decrease inworking times and the possibility of identifying non-culturablebacteria, since the presence of viable organisms is not essential,make this technique indicated for the simultaneous identificationof periodontopathogenic bacteria and might, in perspective, pro-vide a more effective clinical alternative to the techniques of bacterial typing of the subgingival plaque

    Portable CdTe detection system for mammographic X-ray spectroscopy

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    This paper describes a portable apparatus to be utilized in mammographic X-ray spectroscopy under clinical conditions. The system, based on a CdTe solid-state detector, is able to directly measure mammographic X-ray tube spectra. Good system response to monoenergetic photons was measured using X-ray and γ-ray calibration sources (109Cd and 241Am). The measured molybdenum X-ray spectra, in agreement with simulated spectra, show the good spectral capability of the system also at high photon fluence rates, as typical of clinical mammography. Low tailing, no secondary X-ray escape and low pile-up distortions in the measured spectra indicate that this portable system is suitable for mammographic X-ray spectroscopy

    Comparison between a conventional subunit vaccine and the MF59-adjuvanted subunit influenza vaccine in the elderly: an evaluation of the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity for two seasonal influ- enza subunit vaccines, one with MF59 adjuvant (Fluad?) and one without an adjuvant (Agrippal?). A total of 195 subjects aged ? 65 years were enrolled to receive one dose of vaccine intramuscularly, 96 were vaccinated with Fluad?, 99 received Agrippal?. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in order to assess their antibody titre by the haemagglutination inhibition assay (HI), before (Time 0) and after (Time 1: 28 ± 7 days) vaccination, against the A/H3N2 (A/Moscow/10/99), A/H1N1 (A/New Caledonia/20/99) and B/Shandong/7/97 antigens contained in the influenza vaccine in the 2002/2003 influenza season for the northern emisphere. A good humoral antibody response was detected for both vac- cines, meeting all the criteria of EMEA. The number of subjects in whom a ? 4-fold increase in antibody titre was recorded, in comparison with the pre-vaccination value, proved to be lower in the group vaccinated with Agrippal? than in those vaccinated with the adjuvated preparation. Fluad? exhibited better immu- nogenicity than Agrippal?. This difference was probably linked to the potentiated immune stimulation exerted by the adjuvant molecules. These results take on a particular importance if we consider that the immune system is weaker in the elderly; the admin- istration of an adjuvated vaccine in such subjects is clearly preferable in that it provides greater and more prolonged protection. Both vaccines were generally well tolerated; no severe adverse events occurred in any of the subjects vaccinated, confirming the excellent safety profile of Fluad? and Agrippa

    The determinants of Western Australia’s foreign investment in China

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    The growing economic importance of China with its major economic power in the East Asia region has become a popular host destination for receiving foreign investment from Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan. With China’s growth and development, this nation has over time become one of Australia’s main trading partners. As new investment opportunities have emerged, Australian companies, especially from Western Australia have shown interest in the Chinese marketplace. Despite the popular consensus that Australian companies are increasingly investing in China, to date relevant literature examining this notion is limited. Specifically, studies of elements that motivate or deter owners / managers of Australian companies, especially from Western Australia to invest in China are restricted. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to investigate the likely relationships between four independent constructs (1. market size, 2. labour cost, 3. infrastructure, and 4. business ethics) in China and the intensity of foreign investment from Western Australia, and to evaluate if and how these relationships are mediated by personality attributes (i.e., gender), organisational properties (i.e., size), and networking.To empirically investigate the determining factor for undertaking investment in China, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The use of the quantitative method positivist approach is deemed as a suitable, partial approach, which assists in determining the statistical relationships between the investigated variables. Moreover, a qualitative approach was used in a complementing context to understand the quantitative results. Given the dynamic business environment in China, the use of a qualitative approach has potential for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of quantitative findings as well as providing rich information for further interpretations.This study was conducted with 43 respondents of Western Australian companies. A salient feature of the study companies is that they either have capabilities to invest or are already investing in mainland China (People’s Republic of China, in this study identified as China). The targeted companies are involved in manufacturing and services industries, such as mining, education, banking, and telecommunication. Although collecting primary data appeared to be a challenge, the data were robust for statistical analysis. In addition, the data were from decision makers of the study companies, which further indicate the richness of the sample.The findings of this study revealed that China’s large market size plays a positive role in attracting investments from WA to China. Similarly, the adequate level of infrastructure and the level of familiarity of business ethics in China tend to somewhat encourage WA investors to conduct business in China. In contrast, China’s cheap labour cost was not the primary driver that motivates WA companies to invest in China. In relation to the mediating effects of personality attributes (e.g., gender), organisational properties (i.e., size), and networking the study findings revealed that networking plays a significant mediating role in the investment decision. However, due to the relatively small sample size, personality attributes and organisational properties were established to provide insufficient analytical rigor in the decision to invest in China by WA companies.The implications for this study may offer insightful information to enrich the understanding of the determinants of Australian foreign investment in general, and in the Chinese marketplace in particular. In addition, by empirically investigating the perceptions of the decision makers of WA companies in relation to their investment decisions in China, the findings of this research may assist foreign companies to undertake better planning of their investment decisions. More specifically, this study may offer additional insight to those companies that are operating or planning to invest in the Chinese marketplace. For example, this study may be particularly useful for international managers or owners, as it may provide some fruitful information to assist a better understanding of the issues that relate to business ethics with Chinese operations. In addition, the phenomenon of guanxi in China has been considered as a major determinant for facilitating business engagement in the Chinese marketplace. It may, therefore, be argued that the phenomenon of guanxi in assisting business operations in China has become increasingly important, and international managers or owners may need to gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon

    Eliminating congenital rubella: a seroepidemiological study on women of childbearing age and MMR vaccine coverage in newborns

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    Introduction. Rubella can have particularly serious effects on the product of conception if contracted during pregnancy. Thus, the main aim of rubella vaccination programmes is to prevent infection during pregnancy. Materials and methods. A seroepidemiological study was conducted from July 2006 to December 2007 on 1,000 women of childbearing age, 15 to 45 years old, using specific rubivirus antibody assays, IgG and IgM. A questionnaire administered at the same time allowed us to survey how much women knew about this disease. In addition, MMR vaccine coverage rates were analysed for cohorts born in the local health districts of Messina for the period 1993-2006. Results. An analysis of the replies given to the questionnaire showed an estimated 42.8% of the women to have immunity from rubella, while the serological study showed an immunity coverage rate of 80.6%. Vaccination coverage in the local health districts regarding the first dose of MMR was 81% (cohorts 1993-2005), while the rate was only 24% for the second dose (cohorts 1993-2002). Conclusions. Both immunity coverage in women of childbearing age and that for newborns (for the cohort considered) fall below the 95% target set by the National Elimination Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella (PNEM). It is therefore necessary to provide women with adequate information about the risks of rubella during pregnancy and about the benefits of vaccination, as well as to recoup subjects at risk or those whose immune status is unknown. Public health authorities also need to make continued efforts to increase the number of MMR vaccinations throughout the region

    Similar Impact of CD8+ T Cell Responses on Early Virus Dynamics during SIV Infections of Rhesus Macaques and Sooty Mangabeys

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    Despite comparable levels of virus replication, simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV) infection is non-pathogenic in natural hosts, such as sooty mangabeys (SM), whereas it is pathogenic in non-natural hosts, such as rhesus macaques (RM). Comparative studies of pathogenic and non-pathogenic SIV infection can thus shed light on the role of specific factors in SIV pathogenesis. Here, we determine the impact of target-cell limitation, CD8+ T cells, and Natural Killer (NK) cells on virus replication in the early SIV infection. To this end, we fit previously published data of experimental SIV infections in SMs and RMs with mathematical models incorporating these factors and assess to what extent the inclusion of individual factors determines the quality of the fits. We find that for both rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys, target-cell limitation alone cannot explain the control of early virus replication, whereas including CD8+ T cells into the models significantly improves the fits. By contrast, including NK cells does only significantly improve the fits in SMs. These findings have important implications for our understanding of SIV pathogenesis as they suggest that the level of early CD8+ T cell responses is not the key difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic SIV infection

    Altered time structure of neuro-endocrine-immune system function in lung cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The onset and the development of neoplastic disease may be influenced by many physiological, biological and immunological factors. The nervous, endocrine and immune system might act as an integrated unit to mantain body defense against this pathological process and reciprocal influences have been evidenced among hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pineal gland and immune system. In this study we evaluated differences among healthy subjects and subjects suffering from lung cancer in the 24-hour secretory profile of melatonin, cortisol, TRH, TSH, FT4, GH, IGF-1 and IL-2 and circadian variations of lymphocyte subpopulations. </p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In ten healthy male volunteers (age range 45-66) and ten male patients with untreated non small cell lung cancer (age range 46-65) we measured melatonin, cortisol, TRH, TSH, FT4, GH, IGF-1 and IL-2 serum levels and percentages of lymphocyte subpopulations on blood samples collected every four hours for 24 hours. One-way ANOVA between the timepoints for each variable and each group was performed to look for a time-effect, the presence of circadian rhythmicity was evaluated, MESOR, amplitude and acrophase values, mean diurnal levels and mean nocturnal levels were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A clear circadian rhythm was validated in the control group for hormone serum level and for lymphocyte subsets variation. Melatonin, TRH, TSH, GH, CD3, CD4, HLA-DR, CD20 and CD25 expressing cells presented circadian rhythmicity with acrophase during the night. Cortisol, CD8, CD8<sup>bright</sup>, CD8<sup>dim</sup>, CD16, TcRδ1 and δTcS1 presented circadian rhythmicity with acrophase in the morning/at noon. FT4, IGF-1 and IL-2 variation did not show circadian rhythmicity. In lung cancer patients cortisol, TRH, TSH and GH serum level and all the lymphocyte subsubsets variation (except for CD4) showed loss of circadian rhythmicity. MESOR of cortisol, TRH, GH, IL-2 and CD16 was increased, whereas MESOR of TSH, IGF-1, CD8, CD8<sup>bright</sup>, TcRδ1 and δTcS1 was decreased in cancer patients. The melatonin/cortisol mean nocturnal level ratio was decreased in cancer patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The altered secretion and loss of circadian rhythmicity of many studied factors observed in the subjects suffering from neoplastic disease may be expression of gradual alteration of the integrated function of the neuro-immune-endocrine system</p