17 research outputs found

    Le frontiere dell'Afghanistan

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    L\u2019Afghanistan non \ue8 soltanto un paese splendido, un crocevia straordinario di culture e civilt\ue0, esso \ue8 soprattutto una cerniera, \ue8 una frontiera fatta di frontiere\u201d. E\u2019 cos\uec che si pu\uf2 introdurre questo libero che analizza questo paese prima di tutto sotto il profilo geografico, passando da l\uec alla storia, alla societ\ue0, alla politica interna e a quella dell\u2019intera Asia. Una terra di forntiera dalle inaccessibili catene montuose che la rendono quasi impenetrabile dall\u2019esterno e della convivenza interna di molti e diversi modi di esistenza sociale, a loro volta individuati dalla frammentazione in trib\uf9 e dalla storica ostilit\ue0 che nutrono l\u2019una verso l\u2019altra

    Identity. Place Identity between Preservation and Innovation

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    Human coexistence in post-industrial cities poses a formidable challenge to the interior design, consisting not only of migration and the planet survival, social integration and welfare, but also of a liveability dimension based on intangiblemeanings. According to an ecological view, the human habitat should take account of people primary needs in their complexity, including their right to memory, beauty, interiority and to change themselves by changing their city. Reusing existing buildings allows to put a brake on the consumption of land, energy, built and natural heritage, but also to draw significant inspiration from the memory layered in complex historical spaces, taking their latent potentialities and developing them in an innovative and sustainable way. In the chapter, the concepts of place, identity, innovation are discussed and some reflections on the possible intersection between different fields (interior design, psychology, anthropology, preservation, neurosciences…) are proposed, to promote the creation of hospitable and welcoming physical and relational places

    Marcas identitárias masculinas e a saúde de homens jovens Male identity traits and young men's health

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    O trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar os sentidos que homens jovens atribuem à masculinidade. Por meio dessa análise, discussões acerca de uma atenção integral a esses sujeitos no campo da saúde podem ser desenvolvidas. O desenho metodológico se caracteriza por um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva das ciências sociais, ancorado numa abordagem hermenêutica-dialética, envolvendo 19 jovens do sexo masculino, na faixa etária de 15 a 17 anos. Em relação aos resultados, observou-se que os jovens, em seus depoimentos, associam ser homem a: ser provedor, dominador, heterossexual e cuidador. Essa associação, por sua vez, não ocorre de uma forma mecânica, mas mediante um processo dialético que reflete a complexidade subjetiva na incorporação ou na rejeição das marcas identitárias. Dentre as conclusões do estudo, destaca-se a necessidade de a saúde dar voz aos homens jovens acerca de sua identidade para que se possa obter um maior envolvimento deles nas ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde, assegurando que esses sujeitos que - tradicionalmente não são vistos como agentes dos cuidados em saúde - protagonizem uma trajetória e uma relação diferenciada com esta área.<br>This work is mainly aimed to analyze the meaning given by young men to masculinity. By this analysis, discussions involving integral attention to them in health care field can advance. Our methodology is characterized by case study under the social sciences perspective and with hermeneutic-dialectical approach involving 19 male youngsters aged 15 to 17. About the observed results, young men associated being male with playing household provider, dominating man, heterosexual and caregiver roles. This association occurs through dialectical process reflecting the subjective complexity in accepting or rejecting the identity marks. Within this study conclusions, it is emphasized the public heath care need of listening young men's voice about their identity to involve them in health care prevention and promotion actions, assuring to these social agents - traditionally not seen as health care agents - to find a way and different relationship with this area

    Locating Italianicity Through Food and Tourism: Playing with Geographical Associations

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    Food is a highly performative expression of Italianicity, and is reproduced, transformed, reified and contested through flows of mobility and globalisation. This chapter aims to explore the scalar geographical associations\u2014particularly the \u2018local\u2019 and the \u2018national\u2019\u2014that connote Italianicity as it emerges in food performances in the context of tourism. The discussion begins by examining the construction, circulation and consumption of food of local origin in tourist food shops, followed by scrutiny of how retailers are open to scaling this geographical frame of reference to the national level in order to meet tourists\u2019 demands for iconic products. This playful scalar entanglement also includes framing or achieving a compromise with foodways that may or may not be consistent with food manners branded as Italian. Italianicity emerges as a \u2018mobile technology\u2019, something that is not only multi-scalar but also one that is bounded and unbounded, fluid and fixing, territorialising and de-territorialising. As such, it should be taken into account when developing transectorial synergies between food and other key sectors of the \u2018Made in Italy\u2019 brand

    The Background of the P.A.A.I.: A Research Between Spatial Marginality and Social Activation

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    The PAAI project, the Mobile Self-Administered Adaptable Pavilion designed within the campUS research programme, offers the opportunity of regenerating anonymous fragmented urban areas, which are barely recognised and often excluded from the daily trajectories of the inhabitants; despite its finite time horizon and the uncertainty of the physical means, the attempt at “occupation” which took place was aimed at strengthening new social ties, to recover often neglected parts of the city and to offer opportunities for social interaction in order to reconstruct identities which had been lost or never existed. In this chapter, we explore some of the concepts underlying the theoretical bases for the PAAI project, which has beenchosentoaddressconditionsofmarginality(bothspatialandsocial)inorderto build,eveninthemoreperipheralareas,broadlysharedandwelcomingplaceswhich are recognisable and recognised. The projects promote social regeneration and the re-energisation of the region, connecting the physical living space and the symbolic experiential space; the activities promote the ephemeral and the immaterial as tools ofurbanregeneration;theyareactionswhichdepletethetransitoryimageofthecity but build a lasting fantasy in the memory of the community