126 research outputs found

    Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images

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    A novel method for 3D head tracking in the presence of large head rotations and facial expression changes is described. Tracking is formulated in terms of color image registration in the texture map of a 3D surface model. Model appearance is recursively updated via image mosaicking in the texture map as the head orientation varies. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. Parameters are estimated via a robust minimization procedure; this provides robustness to occlusions, wrinkles, shadows, and specular highlights. The system was tested on a variety of sequences taken with low quality, uncalibrated video cameras. Experimental results are reported

    Keyword Based Keyframe Extraction in Online Video Collections

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    Keyframe extraction methods aim to find in a video sequence the most significant frames, according to specific criteria. In this paper we propose a new method to search, in a video database, for frames that are related to a given keyword, and to extract the best ones, according to a proposed quality factor. We first exploit a speech to text algorithm to extract automatic captions from all the video in a specific domain database. Then we select only those sequences (clips), whose captions include a given keyword, thus discarding a lot of information that is useless for our purposes. Each retrieved clip is then divided into shots, using a video segmentation method, that is based on the SURF descriptors and keypoints. The sentence of the caption is projected onto the segmented clip, and we select the shot that includes the input keyword. The selected shot is further inspected to find good quality and stable parts, and the frame which maximizes a quality metric is selected as the best and the most significant frame. We compare the proposed algorithm with another keyframe extraction method based on local features, in terms of Significance and Quality

    Mean shift clustering for personal photo album organization

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    In this paper we propose a probabilistic approach for the automatic organization of pictures in personal photo album. Images are analyzed in term of faces and low-level visual features of the background. The description of the background is based on RGB color histogram and on Gabor filter energy accounting for texture information. The face descriptor is obtained by projection of detected and rectified faces on a common low dimensional eigenspace. Vectors representing faces and background are clustered in an unsupervised fashion exploiting a mean shift clustering technique. We observed that, given the peculiarity of the domain of personal photo libraries where most of the pictures contain faces of a relatively small number of different individuals, clusters tend to be not only visually but also semantically significant. Experimental results are reported

    On the use of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Tracking: a Survey

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    This paper aims at highlighting cutting-edge research results in the field of visual tracking by deep reinforcement learning. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is an emerging area combining recent progress in deep and reinforcement learning. It is showing interesting results in the computer vision field and, recently, it has been applied to the visual tracking problem yielding to the rapid development of novel tracking strategies. After providing an introduction to reinforcement learning, this paper compares recent visual tracking approaches based on deep reinforcement learning. Analysis of the state-of-the-art suggests that reinforcement learning allows modeling varying parts of the tracking system including target bounding box regression, appearance model selection, and tracking hyper-parameter optimization. The DRL framework is elegant and intriguing, and most of the DRL-based trackers achieve state-of-the-art results

    Iterative Multiple Bounding-Box Refinements for Visual Tracking

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    Single-object visual tracking aims at locating a target in each video frame by predicting the bounding box of the object. Recent approaches have adopted iterative procedures to gradually refine the bounding box and locate the target in the image. In such approaches, the deep model takes as input the image patch corresponding to the currently estimated target bounding box, and provides as output the probability associated with each of the possible bounding box refinements, generally defined as a discrete set of linear transformations of the bounding box center and size. At each iteration, only one transformation is applied, and supervised training of the model may introduce an inherent ambiguity by giving importance priority to some transformations over the others. This paper proposes a novel formulation of the problem of selecting the bounding box refinement. It introduces the concept of non-conflicting transformations and allows applying multiple refinements to the target bounding box at each iteration without introducing ambiguities during learning of the model parameters. Empirical results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the iterative single refinement in terms of accuracy and precision of the tracking results

    Activity Monitoring Made Easier by Smart 360-degree Cameras

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    This paper proposes the use of smart 360-degree cameras for activity monitoring. By exploiting the geometric properties of these cameras and adopting off-the-shelf tracking algorithms adapted to equirectangular images, this paper shows how simple it becomes deploying a camera network, and detecting the presence of pedestrians in predefined regions of interest with minimal information on the camera, namely its height. The paper further shows that smart 360-degree cameras can enhance motion understanding in the environment and proposes a simple method to estimate the heatmap of the scene to highlight regions where pedestrians are more often present. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Gesture Modeling by Hanklet-based Hidden Markov Model

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach for gesture modeling. We aim at decomposing a gesture into sub-trajectories that are the output of a sequence of atomic linear time invariant (LTI) systems, and we use a Hidden Markov Model to model the transitions from the LTI system to another. For this purpose, we represent the human body motion in a temporal window as a set of body joint trajectories that we assume are the output of an LTI system. We describe the set of trajectories in a temporal window by the corresponding Hankel matrix (Hanklet), which embeds the observability matrix of the LTI system that produced it. We train a set of HMMs (one for each gesture class) with a discriminative approach. To account for the sharing of body motion templates we allow the HMMs to share the same state space. We demonstrate by means of experiments on two publicly available datasets that, even with just considering the trajectories of the 3D joints, our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while competing well with methods that employ more complex models and feature representations