17 research outputs found

    kk-slant distributions

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    Inspired by the concepts of slant distribution and slant submanifold, with their variants of hemi-slant, semi-slant, bi-slant, or almost bi-slant, we introduce the more general concepts of kk-slant distribution and kk-slant submanifold in the settings of an almost Hermitian, an almost product Riemannian, an almost contact metric, and an almost paracontact metric manifold and study some of their properties. We prove that, for any proper kk-slant distribution in the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold, there exists another one in its orthogonal complement, and we establish basic relations (metric properties, formulae relating the involved tensor fields, conformal properties) between them. Furthermore, allowing the slant angles to depend on the points of the manifold, we generalize these concepts and those of pointwise slant distribution and pointwise slant submanifold to the concepts of kk-pointwise slant distribution and kk-pointwise slant submanifold in the above-mentioned settings. For any kk-pointwise slant distribution, we prove the existence of a corresponding one in its orthogonal complement and reveal basic relations between them. We also provide sufficient conditions for kk-pointwise slant distributions to become kk-slant distributions and establish other related results. By the end, for the fulfilment of some specific requirements, we introduce a special class of kk-pointwise slant distributions, that of pointwise kk-slant distributions, and the corresponding class of submanifolds, pointwise kk-slant submanifolds, which is slightly more general than the class of generic submanifolds in sense of Ronsse, getting new results.Comment: 60 page


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    Introducere. Sindromul adrenogenital cu debut neonatal se poate manifesta prin vărsături repetate, deshidratare şi dezechilibru hidro-electrolitic sever. Abordarea diagnostică, reechilibrarea metabolică şi menţinerea balanţei electrolitice în limite normale prin tratament cronic pot fi însoţite de dificultăţi. Obiectiv. Este prezentat un caz de sindrom adrenogenital cu debut neonatal sever, evoluţie însoţită de diferite complicaţii, dar cu prognostic ameliorat de tratament cronic adecvat. Material şi metodă. Copil de sex masculin, cu greutate mică la naştere, s-a internat în Clinica Pediatrie I, Târgu-Mureş la vârsta de 3 săptămâni, cu un sindrom clinico-biologic sever prin vărsături cronice şi deshidratare severă şi aparentă macrogenitososmie. S-a efectuat o paletă largă de investigaţii în puseu acut, dar şi ulterior pentru elaborarea diagnosticului diferenţial. Rezultate. S-au evidenţiat hiponatremie şi hipokaliemie persistente, o valoare crescută a 17-OH progesteron (44,96 ng/ml) şi cortizol sub limita normală (3 ug/dl). S-au înregistrat concentraţii semnificativ crescute ale ACTH (103 pg/ml matinal) şi testosteronului seric total (186,72 ng/dl). Analiza moleculară a evidenţiat genotipul heterozigot pentru următoarele mutaţii: 12G, R356W, P453S. Tratamentul cronic cortizonic adecvat a ameliorat prognosticul; la vârsta de 1,5 ani prezenta o dezvoltare staturo-ponderală şi psiho-motorie adecvată. Concluzii. Au fost întrunite condiţiile diagnosticului de sindrom adrenogenital cu debut neonatal la un heterozigot. Vârsta mică şi simptomatologia necaracteristică pot îngreuna stabilirea unui diagnostic precoce în sindromul adrenogenital

    Scar identification, quantification, and characterization in complex atrial tachycardia: A path to targeted ablation?

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    Successful catheter ablation of scar-related atrial tachycardia depends on correct identification of the critical isthmus. Often, this is a represented by a small bundle of viable conducting tissue within a low-voltage area. It's identification depends on the magnitude of the signal/noise ratio. Ultra-high density mapping, multipolar catheters with small (eventually unidirectional) and closely-spaced electrodes improves low-voltage electrogram detection. Background noise limitation is also of major importance for improving the signal/noise ratio. Electrophysiological properties of the critical isthmus and the characteristics of the local bipolar electrograms have been recently demonstrated as hallmarks of successful ablation sites in the setting of scar-related atrial tachycardia.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe