200 research outputs found

    Commentary: “Personality and intentional binding: an exploratory study using the narcissistic personality inventory”

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    A commentary on Personality and intentional binding: an exploratory study using the narcissistic personality inventory by Hascalovitz AC and Obhi SS. Front. Hum. Neurosci. (2015) 9:13. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.0001

    Metacognition over time is related to neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations in psychosis

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    Core impairments underlying schizophrenia encompass several domains, including disruptions in metacognition, neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations. Little is known about how these phenomena change over time and whether changes co-occur. The current study sought to address these gaps and examine the relationships between these cognitive domains across a 12 month period in adults with schizophrenia. Seventy-five adult outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were enrolled in a randomized trial comparing two cognitive interventions designed to improve work performance. Cognitive outcomes were measured at baseline, a 6-month follow-up and a 12-month follow-up. Multilevel linear modeling was used to understand the longitudinal relationships between metacognition and social cognition, neurocognition, and intrapsychic foundations across the 12-month follow-up. Metacognition significantly improved across 12 months. Improvements in overall neurocognition were significantly associated with increases in the metacognition domains of self-reflectivity and mastery across time. Improvements in social cognition over time were associated with improvements in total metacognition and the metacognitive domain of mastery. Improvements in intrapsychic foundations scores over 12 months were significantly associated with improvements in overall metacognition, self-reflectivity, and mastery. In conclusion, over time, improvements in metacognition across domains co-occur with other core cognitive and social capacities in persons with schizophrenia. As persons became better able to form integrated senses of themselves and adaptively use this knowledge, improvements in neurocognition, social cognition, and intrapsychic foundations were also present

    Metacognitive function and fragmentation in schizophrenia: Relationship to cognition, self-experience and developing treatments

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    Bleuler suggested that fragmentation of thought, emotion and volition were the unifying feature of the disorders he termed schizophrenia. In this paper we review research seeking to measure some of the aspects of fragmentation related to the experience of the self and others described by Bleuler. We focus on work which uses the concept of metacognition to characterize and quantify alterations or decrements in the processes by which fragments or pieces of information are integrated into a coherent sense of self and others. We describe the rationale and support for one method for quantifying metacognition and its potential to study the fragmentation of a person\u27s sense of themselves, others and the relative place of themselves and others in the larger human community. We summarize research using that method which suggests that deficits in metacognition commonly occur in schizophrenia and are related to basic neurobiological indices of brain functioning. We also present findings indicating that the capacity for metacognition in schizophrenia is positively related to a broad range of aspects of psychological and social functioning when measured concurrently and prospectively. Finally, we discuss the evolution and study of one therapy that targets metacognitive capacity, Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) and its potential to treat fragmentation and promote recovery

    Social function in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: Associations with personality, symptoms and neurocognition

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    BACKGROUND: Research has indicated that stable individual differences in personality exist among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders predating illness onset that are linked to symptoms and self appraised quality of life. Less is known about how closely individual differences in personality are uniquely related to levels of social relationships, a domain of dysfunction in schizophrenia more often linked in the literature with symptoms and neurocognitive deficits. This study tested the hypothesis that trait levels of personality as defined using the five-factor model of personality would be linked to social function in schizophrenia. METHODS: A self-report measure of the five factor model of personality was gathered along with ratings of social function, symptoms and assessments of neurocognition for 65 participants with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. RESULTS: Univariate correlations and stepwise multiple regression indicated that frequency of social interaction was predicted by higher levels of the trait of Agreeableness, fewer negative symptoms, better verbal memory and at the trend level, lesser Neuroticism (R(2 )= .42, p < .0001). In contrast, capacity for intimacy was predicted by fewer negative symptoms, higher levels of Agreeableness, Openness, and Conscientiousness and at the trend level, fewer positive symptoms (R(2 )= .67, p < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, the findings of this study suggest that person-centered variables such as personality, may account for some of the broad differences seen in outcome in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, including social outcomes. One interpretation of the results of this study is that differences in personality combine with symptoms and neurocognitive deficits to affect how persons with schizophrenia are able to form and sustain social connections with others

    Metacognitive self-reflectivity moderates the relationship between distress tolerance and empathy in schizophrenia

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    Deficits in empathy seen in schizophrenia are thought to play a major role in the social dysfunction seen in the disorder. However, little work has investigated potential determinants of empathic deficits. This study aimed to fill that gap by examining the effects of two variables on empathy – distress tolerance and metacognitive self-reflectivity. Fifty-four people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders receiving services at an urban VA or community mental health center were assessed for empathy, metacognition, and distress tolerance. Bivariate correlations and moderation methods were used to ascertain associations amongst these variables and examine interactions. Results revealed that, against hypotheses, empathy was not related at the bivariate level to either distress tolerance or metacognitive self-reflectivity. However, consistent with hypotheses, moderation analyses revealed that participants with higher self-reflectivity showed no relationship between distress tolerance and empathy, while those with lower self-reflectivity showed a relationship such that reduced ability to tolerate distress predicted reduced empathy. Taken together, results of this study suggest that lack of distress tolerance can negatively affect empathy in people with schizophrenia with lesser capacity for metacognitive self-reflection; thus, fostering self-reflectivity may help overcome that negative impact. Future work is needed investigating the impact of metacognitively-tailored interventions on empathy in this population

    A randomized controlled trial examining a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention enhanced with cognitive remediation to improve work and neurocognition outcomes among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    This single blind, three-armed randomized controlled trial compared cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) enhanced with cognitive remediation (CBT + CR) to CBT alone and an active control condition on work and neurocognition outcomes for persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Seventy-five adult outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomized to three study conditions (N = 25 per group). The CBT intervention was the Indianapolis Vocational Intervention program (IVIP), consisting of weekly group and individual sessions focused on work-related content. Participants in the CBT + CR group received IVIP and Posit Science computer-based cognitive training. The active control group consisted of weekly vocational support groups and individual vocational support sessions. All participants were placed into a noncompetitive work assignment and were followed for 26 weeks. Data collection included hours worked, weekly work performance ratings, and neurocognition assessed at baseline and 6 months. Neurocognition was also assessed at 12 months. Data were analyzed using multilevel linear models to account for nested, repeated measures data. Results indicate that participants in the CBT + CR condition worked significantly more hours and had a more positive trajectory of improving global work performance and work quality across the study compared with the CBT alone and vocational support condition. Compared to the other conditions, CBT + CR also had a significant increase in overall neurocognition that continued to the 12 month follow-up, particularly in the domains of verbal learning and social cognition. In conclusion, CBT + CR may be an effective intervention to improve work functioning and neurocognition in persons with schizophrenia

    Metacognition in schizophrenia disorders: Comparisons with community controls and bipolar disorder: Replication with a Spanish language Chilean sample

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    Metacognition refers to the activities which allow for the availability of a sense of oneself and others in the moment. Research mostly in North America with English-speaking samples has suggested that metacognitive deficits are present in schizophrenia and are closely tied to negative symptoms. Thus, replication is needed in other cultures and groups. The present study accordingly sought to replicate these findings in a Spanish speaking sample from Chile. Metacognition and symptoms were assessed among 26 patients with schizophrenia, 26 with bipolar disorder and 36 community members without serious mental illness. ANCOVA controlling for age and education revealed that the schizophrenia group had greater levels of metacognitive deficits than the bipolar disorder and community control groups. Differences in metacognition between the clinical groups persisted after controlling for symptom levels. Spearman correlations revealed a unique pattern of associations of metacognition with negative and cognitive symptoms. Results largely support previous findings and provide added evidence of the metacognitive deficits present in schizophrenia and the link to outcome cross culturally. Implications for developing metacognitively oriented interventions are discussed

    Social Dysfunction in Psychosis Is More Than a Matter of Misperception: Advances From the Study of Metacognition

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    Many with psychosis experience substantial difficulties forming and maintaining social bonds leading to persistent social alienation and a lack of a sense of membership in a larger community. While it is clear that social impairments in psychosis cannot be fully explained by symptoms or other traditional features of psychosis, the antecedents of disturbances in social function remain poorly understood. One recent model has proposed that deficits in social cognition may be a root cause of social dysfunction. In this model social relationships become untenable among persons diagnosed with psychosis when deficits in social cognition result in inaccurate ideas of what others feel, think or desire. While there is evidence to support the influence of social cognition upon social function, there are substantial limitations to this point of view. Many with psychosis have social impairments but not significant deficits in social cognition. First person and clinical accounts of the phenomenology of psychosis also do not suggest that persons with psychosis commonly experience making mistakes when trying to understand others. They report instead that intersubjectivity, or the formation of an intimate shared understanding of thoughts and emotions with others, has become extraordinarily difficult. In this paper we explore how research in metacognition in psychosis can transcend these limitations and address some of the ways in which intersubjectivity and more broadly social function is compromised in psychosis. Specifically, research will be reviewed on the relationship between social cognitive abilities and social function in psychosis, including measurement strategies and limits to its explanatory power, in particular with regard to challenges to intersubjectivity. Next, we present research on the integrated model of metacognition in psychosis and its relation to social function. We then discuss how this model might go beyond social cognitive models of social dysfunction in psychosis by describing how compromises in intersubjectivity occur as metacognitive deficits leave persons without an integrated sense of others' purposes, relative positions in the world, possibilities and personal complexities. We suggest that while social cognitive deficits may leave persons with inaccurate ideas about others, metacognitive deficits leave persons ill equipped to make broader sense of the situations in which people interact and this is what leaves them without a holistic sense of the other and what makes it difficult to know others, share experiences, and sustain relationships. The potential of developing clinical interventions focused on metacognition for promoting social recovery will finally be explored

    Metacognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions for psychosis: new developments

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    This review describes four cognitive approaches for the treatment of schizophrenia: cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp), metacognitive therapy, metacognitive training, and metacognitive reflection insight therapy (MERIT). A central reference point of our review is a seminal paper by James Flavell, who introduced the term metacognition ("cognition about cognition"). In a way, every psychotherapeutic approach adopts a metacognitive perspective when therapists reflect with clients about their thoughts. Yet, the four approaches map onto different components of metacognition. CBTp conveys some "metacognitive knowledge" (eg, thoughts are not facts) but is mainly concerned with individual beliefs. Metacognitive therapy focuses on unhelpful metacognitive beliefs about thinking styles (eg, thought suppression). Metacognitive training brings distorted cognitive biases to the awareness of patients; a central goal is the reduction of overconfidence. MERIT focuses on larger senses of identity and highlights metacognitive knowledge about oneself and other persons. For CBTp and metacognitive training, meta-analytic evidence supports their efficacy; single studies speak for the effectiveness of MERIT and metacognitive therapy.

    Stigma resistance at the personal, peer, and public levels: A new conceptual model.

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    Stigma resistance is consistently linked with key recovery outcomes, yet theoretical work is limited. This study explored stigma resistance from the perspective of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI). Twenty-four individuals with SMI who were either peer-service providers (those with lived experience providing services; N = 14) or consumers of mental health services (N = 10) engaged in semistructured interviews regarding experiences with stigma, self-stigma, and stigma resistance, including key elements of this process and examples of situations in which they resisted stigma. Stigma resistance is an ongoing, active process that involves using one’s experiences, knowledge, and sets of skills at the (1) personal, (2) peer, and (3) public levels. Stigma resistance at the personal level involves (a) not believing stigma or catching and challenging stigmatizing thoughts, (b) empowering oneself by learning about mental health and recovery, (c) maintaining one’s recovery and proving stigma wrong, and (d) developing a meaningful identity apart from mental illness. Stigma resistance at the peer level involves using one’s experiences to help others fight stigma and at the public level, resistance involved (a) education, (b) challenging stigma, (c) disclosing one’s lived experience, and (d) advocacy work. Findings present a more nuanced conceptualization of resisting stigma, grounded in the experiences of people with SMI. Stigma resistance is an ongoing, active process of using one’s experiences, skills, and knowledge to develop a positive identity. Interventions should consider focusing on personal stigma resistance early on and increasing the incorporation of peers into services
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