2,056 research outputs found

    Person to Person in France

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    While still in the midst of their study abroad experiences, students at Linfield College write reflective essays. Their essays address issues of cultural similarity and difference, compare lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and examine changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States. In this essay, Luis Santillan-Guzman describes his observations during his study abroad program at the American University Center of Provence in Marseilles, France


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    We present a model of a currency area in which labor markets of country members are isolated but there is trade among these countries. When a country experiences a negative (resp. positive) shock, inflation goes down (up). This causes two effects. On the one hand the real interest rate of this country increases (decreases). On the other hand the goods produced in this country become more (less) competitive. We show that the stability of the system depends on several factors, including a large competitive effect, how inflation expectations are formed and fiscal policy. In general, stability requires a trade-off between the rationality of expectations and budget balance.

    The Impact of Capital Expenditure on the Probability of Reelection of Mayors at the District Level in Peru

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    Abstract. Until recently, elected authorities in Peru were allowed to run for re-election. The objective of this study is to test whether voters reward (or punish) elected authorities according to expenditure performance. In particular, I measure the probability of a mayor being reelected subject to their capital expenditure throughout the four-year term. I study the two most recent electoral terms: 2006-2010 and 2010-2014. To deal with the endogeneity of capital expenditure, the model controls for a number of characteristics of the elected authority and his or her political party (including the share of voted obtained in the previous election), for district characteristics and for other characteristics of the municipality. I find that mayors who get reelected for another four-year termare characterized by high levels of capital expenditure throughout the periods of 2007-2010 and 2011-2014. In particular, the years before the electoral processes, 2009 and 2013, seem to be of vital importance to determine the outcome of an election. A more refined question is answered by looking at both timing and type of expenditure which reveals that the electorate values the provision of public goods such as security, electrification, education, health and roads during the electoral term. Voters tend to punish projects related totransportation, communications and plumbing, which are characterized by the destruction of roads in the electoral years.Keywords. Reelection, Decentralization, Public capital expenditure, Local governments.JEL. D72, D73, H70

    Los Costes de la Congestión Urbana. Estimación de Cambios en el Bienestar Derivados de la Implementación de un Cobro por Congestión

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    El objetivo de esta ponencia es la optimización del valor de una tarifa de congestión dentro un análisis de coste/beneficio (CBA), cuyo objetivo principal es maximizar una función objetivo compuesta por diferentes indicadores de un sistema de transporte, dentro de una zona de estudio. El proceso de optimización se realiza con el apoyo de un modelo de usos del suelo y transporte, adaptado y calibrado para la Comunidad de Madrid. El peaje se aplica a los usuarios del coche que tengan como destino el centro del municipio de Madrid (almendra). Los flujos, costes y tiempos de viaje (según cada escenario), se estiman con un modelo de usos del suelo y transporte (LUTI, Land Use and Transport Integrated), lo que permite, por medio del desarrollo de un modelo de optimización, calcular los cambios de una función objetivo, según el valor de la nueva tarifa. Cuatro costes principales son identificados, clasificados de la siguiente manera: los cambios en los costes de los usuarios (tasas, ahorros de tiempo y costes de operación), beneficio de los operadores, el valor de las externalidades (emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, contaminantes y accidentes) y la recaudación por impuestos de los combustibles. Una vez realizado el análisis, se ha encontrado una tarifa óptima para el peaje de ingreso a la almendra de 1.15 € en la hora punta. Esta tarifa maximiza la función objetivo planteada. Este cobro adicional hace que se presente un cambio modal del coche hacia el transporte público de un 2% aproximadamente, mientras que el resto de viajeros, prefiere cambiar su destino habitual, por otras zonas más alejadas del centro, reduciendo entre otras cosas las emisiones en el centro de Madrid

    Minimalist compositions on maximum production: The interstellar score and its storytelling

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    On this paper, we will focus on this storytelling approach and how the production side of it gives more resources for effective storytelling. We will see how music was used in the film, the structure of the themes, the unconventional timbres of the score, the mix, and much more to see how all of the decisions are based on one premise: To help tell the story of the film.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/1073/thumbnail.jp