45 research outputs found

    Tracing Carbon Sources through Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Webs Using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Fingerprinting

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    Tracing the origin of nutrients is a fundamental goal of food web research but methodological issues associated with current research techniques such as using stable isotope ratios of bulk tissue can lead to confounding results. We investigated whether naturally occurring delta C-13 patterns among amino acids (delta C-13(AA)) could distinguish between multiple aquatic and terrestrial primary production sources. We found that delta C-13(AA) patterns in contrast to bulk delta C-13 values distinguished between carbon derived from algae, seagrass, terrestrial plants, bacteria and fungi. Furthermore, we showed for two aquatic producers that their delta C-13(AA) patterns were largely unaffected by different environmental conditions despite substantial shifts in bulk delta C-13 values. The potential of assessing the major carbon sources at the base of the food web was demonstrated for freshwater, pelagic, and estuarine consumers; consumer delta C-13 patterns of essential amino acids largely matched those of the dominant primary producers in each system. Since amino acids make up about half of organismal carbon, source diagnostic isotope fingerprints can be used as a new complementary approach to overcome some of the limitations of variable source bulk isotope values commonly encountered in estuarine areas and other complex environments with mixed aquatic and terrestrial inputs

    Using death to one's advantage: HIV modulation of apoptosis

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    Infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is associated with an early immune dysfunction and progressive destruction of CD4+ T lymphocytes. This progressive disappearance of T cells leads to a lack of immune control of HIV replication and to the development of immune deficiency resulting in the increased occurrence of opportunistic infections associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The HIV-induced, premature destruction of lymphocytes is associated with the continuous production of HIV viral proteins that modulate apoptotic pathways. The viral proteins, such as Tat, Env, and Nef, are associated with chronic immune activation and the continuous induction of apoptotic factors. Viral protein expression predisposes lymphocytes, particularly CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and antigen-presenting cells, to evolve into effectors of apoptosis and as a result, to lead to the destruction of healthy, non-infected T cells. Tat and Nef, along with Vpu, can also protect HIV-infected cells from apoptosis by increasing anti-apoptotic proteins and down- regulating cell surface receptors recognized by immune system cells. This review will discuss the validity of the apoptosis hypothesis in HIV disease and the potential mechanism(s) that HIV proteins perform in the progressive T cell depletion observed in AIDS pathogenesis. Originally published Leukemia, Vol. 15, No. 3, Mar 200

    Carie e latte

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    Dopo una breve introduzione relativa alla composizione del latte, gli autori considerano particolarmente la carie dei bambini e quelle causate dal biberon,latte, biberon, carie,After a short introduction concerning the composition of milk, the Authors treat particulary the caries of children and those caused by the feeding bottle dumm

    Segni immediati della morte. Legge 29 dicembre 1993 n.578:"Norme per l'accertamento e la certificazione di morte".

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    Dopo aver delineato e descritto i segni immediati della morte, gli Autori focalizzano l’attenzione sulla descrizione dei criteri per l’accertamento della morte, con particolare riferimento al quadro normativo vigente.After a description of the immediate signs of death, the Authors focus their attention on the criteria for the assessment of death, with particular reference to the current legislative framework

    Le clamidie.

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    Gli Autori concentrano la loro attenzione su quelle malattie che vengono provocati dalle clamidie e spiegano i mezzi diagnostici utilizzati per l'identificazione di questi microrganismi e la terapia antibiotica appropriata.The Authors concentrate their attention on those diseases that are provided by the chlamydias and they explain the diagnostic means used for a quick end rapid isolation and identification these microorganisms finally they antibiotics therap

    Carie e latte

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    Dopo una breve introduzione relativa alla composizione del latte, gli autori considerano particolarmente la carie dei bambini e quelle causate dal biberon,latte, biberon, carie,After a short introduction concerning the composition of milk, the Authors treat particulary the caries of children and those caused by the feeding bottle dumm

    Istituzioni di Medicina Legale e di Diritto per le Professioni Sanitarie

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    La medicina legale è un argomento di studio fondamentale in tutti i corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie, con questo manuale si intende fornire uno strumento per la didattica ma anche una guida aggiornata, che possa essere utile a chi già esercita la professione. Vengono trattati i temi principali della medicina legale generale e quelli inerenti i principi generali di diritto. Nel manuale sono trattati svariati temi: la responsabilità dell'infermiere in genere (le norme di riferimento per l'esercizio della professione, le conseguenze penali in caso di condotta non rispettosa di talune norme), la relazione con la persona, la cartella clinica infermieristica, il consenso, il segreto professionale. La parte finale si completa con una ricca appendice legislativa di utilità per il professionista sanitario, comprendente tra tutti, il codice deontologico dell’infermiere aggiornato.The forensic medicine is a subject of study fundamental in all degree programs professions health, with this manual is intended to provide a instrument for teaching but also a guide updated, which may be useful to those already holding the profession. It covers the main themes of forensic general and those related to the principles general law. This manual covered many themes: the responsibility of the nurse in general (the rules reference for the exercise of the profession,legal consequences in case of conduct that respects certain standards), the relationship with the person, the folder clinical nursing, consent, confidentiality professional. The final part is completed with a rich Appendix legislative utility for professionals health, including all of the code of ethics nurse updated