458 research outputs found

    Electronic Properties of Boron and Nitrogen doped graphene: A first principles study

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    Effect of doping of graphene either by Boron (B), Nitrogen (N) or co-doped by B and N is studied using density functional theory. Our extensive band structure and density of states calculations indicate that upon doping by N (electron doping), the Dirac point in the graphene band structure shifts below the Fermi level and an energy gap appears at the high symmetric K-point. On the other hand, by B (hole doping), the Dirac point shifts above the Fermi level and a gap appears. Upon co-doping of graphene by B and N, the energy gap between valence and conduction bands appears at Fermi level and the system behaves as narrow gap semiconductor. Obtained results are found to be in well agreement with available experimental findings.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to J. Nanopart. Re

    Augmented plasma microparticles during acute Plasmodium vivax infection

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    Background: In the last few years, the study of microparticles (MPs) - submicron vesicles released from cells upon activation or apoptosis - has gained growing interest in the field of inflammation and in infectious diseases. Their role in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax remains unexplored. Because acute vivax malaria has been related to pro-inflammatory responses, the main hypothesis investigated in this study was that Plasmodium vivax infection is associated with elevated levels of circulating MPs, which may play a role during acute disease in nonimmune patients. Methods: Plasma MPs were analysed among thirty-seven uncomplicated P. vivax infections from an area of unstable malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon. The MP phenotype was analysed by flow cytometry using the classical MP marker, annexin, and fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies against specific cell surface markers. The frequencies of plasma MPs in P. vivax patients (n = 37) were further compared to malaria-unexposed controls (n = 15) and ovarian carcinoma patients (n = 12), a known MPs-inducing disease non-related to malaria. Results: The frequencies of plasma circulating MPs were markedly increased in P. vivax patients, as compared to healthy age-matched malaria-unexposed controls. Although platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes were the main cellular sources of MPs during vivax malaria, platelet derived-MPs (PMPs) increased in a linear fashion with the presence of fever at the time of blood collection (b = 0.06, p < 0.0001) and length of acute symptoms (b = 0.36, p < 0.0001). Finally, the results suggest that plasma levels of PMPs diminish as patient experience more episodes of clinical malaria (b = 0.07, p < 0.003). Conclusions: Abundant circulating MPs are present during acute P. vivax infection, and platelet derived-MPs may play a role on the acute inflammatory symptoms of malaria vivax

    Mineralization of sheep manure and its influence on lettuce production

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    Diversos resíduos orgânicos são utilizados na agricultura sem o adequado conhecimento da sua dinâmica de mineralização. Avaliou-se a mineralização de esterco de ovinos e sua influência na produção de alface. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Foram utilizadas 25 t ha-1 como dose de esterco para cada um dos seguintes tratamentos: 1) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de feno de mandioca (PAM); 2) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de subproduto de ervilha (ERV); 3) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de feno de capim coast-cross (FCC); 4) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de subproduto de saccharina (SAC) e 5) solo sem aplicação de esterco (testemunha). Foi determinada semanalmente a respiração basal do solo, utilizada como indicador de mineralização da matéria orgânica. A massa fresca de alface foi avaliada como medida de produção. Os tratamentos ERV, FCC e SAC apresentaram ganhos de massa fresca na ordem de 68, 65 e 62% em relação à testemunha e de 43, 39 e 33% em relação ao PAM, respectivamente. A produção menor promovida pelo PAM, em relação às demais, pode ser explicada pela forma de mineralização da matéria orgânica que apresentou elevada respiração microbiana cinco dias após o transplantio, com acentuado declínio, nas medições subseqüentes, ao longo do ciclo da cultura. Os demais tratamentos apresentaram mineralização sincronizada com conseqüente aumento na produção de massa fresca. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSeveral organic wastes are used in agriculture with no precise knowledge about the mineralization dynamics of these materials. In this study the sheep manure mineralization and its influence on the lettuce production was evaluated. A randomized block design with three replications was used. Five treatments were studied using 25 t ha-1 as dose of manure: 1) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with cassava straw (PAM); 2) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with residue of pea crop (ERV); 3) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with Coast-Cross hay (FCC), 4) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with saccharin residue (SAC) and 5) soil without application of manure (control). Weekly the basal respiration was determined and used as an indicator of organic matter mineralization. Lettuce fresh mass was evaluated as a measure of production. Treatments ERV, FCC and SAC showed superior weight gains of 68, 65 and 62% compared to the control and 43, 39 and 33% compared to MAP, respectively. Lower production promoted by the MAP in relation to the other treatments can be explained by organic matter mineralization that showed a high microbial respiration five days after transplanting, with marked decline in subsequent measurements during the crop cycle. The other systems showed mineralization synchronized with the production increase of lettuce fresh mass

    Seroprevalence of Chikungunya Virus after Its Emergence in Brazil.

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    Chikungunya has had a substantial impact on public health because of the magnitude of its epidemics and its highly debilitating symptoms. We estimated the seroprevalence, proportion of symptomatic cases, and proportion of chronic form of disease after introduction of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in 2 cities in Brazil. We conducted the population-based study through household interviews and serologic surveys during October-December 2015. In Feira de Santana, we conducted a serologic survey of 385 persons; 57.1% were CHIKV-positive. Among them, 32.7% reported symptoms, and 68.1% contracted chronic chikungunya disease. A similar survey in Riachão do Jacuípe included 446 persons; 45.7% were CHIKV-positive, 41.2% reported symptoms, and 75.0% contracted the chronic form. Our data confirm intense CHIKV transmission during the continuing epidemic. Chronic pain developed in a high proportion of patients. We recommend training health professionals in management of chronic pain, which will improve the quality of life of chikungunya-affected persons