101 research outputs found


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    Preparation to pass the licensure examination is vital at the very first stage of college life. This study aimed to determine the freshmen students’ intrinsic and extrinsic   factors as success predictors for their licensure examination. The descriptive- correlation method was employed to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the significant differences between the respondents’ motivation among colleges and between the factors. One hundred ninety-four (194)  students were utilized as respondents of this study. FGD with five (5) deans from different colleges   were employed for validation and intervention. Results revealed that between the factors, intrinsic is the highest motivating factor. Respondents believe that  to pass the board exam,   their effort to develop their own skills will bring them success. They also believe that providing material things and other support for their family as an external motivation will just follow. The test on significant difference revealed that students’ perception of motivation from among colleges have no significant difference. However, between the factors, a significant difference was noted. Activities  on study habits and skills  formation  of students  will boost intrinsic  motivation  and  family-centered  activities  were  seen  as  an  effective  intervention program

    Animal Characters as Deux ex Machina in Maranao Folktales

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    This study examined the portrayal of animals in Maranao Folktales. More specifically, it examined (1) how animals were depicted in Maranao Folktales; (2) their role or common purpose in the tales; and (3) how they were used as Deux ex Machina. To determine these, the paper employed the formalistic critical theory known as New Criticism and Textual Analysis. New Criticism accentuates the importance of close reading. That is, examining a text closely without the use of external evidence to explain the work. Textual analysis, on the other hand, is a methodology that involves understanding language, symbols, and/or pictures present in texts to gain information regarding how people make sense of and communicate life and life experiences. The findings reveal that animal characters are portrayed in Maranao folktales as helpful advisers who are extremely wise. They have the capability to teach human beings a lesson and allow them to rise from poverty or even from a difficult situation. They are depicted as extremely loyal who are willing to do anything when indebted or when they are grateful. Their common function or role is to provide assistance when necessary and to appear right when they are needed. They give the protagonists knowledge, talent, skill, or solution to a problem, resulting to a cooperative and beneficial relationship between human beings and animals.  They also appear as motif: magic and intelligent animals who bring in harmony, wealth, and greatness. Furthermore, they may serve as symbols. They may either represent as God’s providence or as the follies/vices and cunningness of human beings. Lastly, they are used as Deux ex Machina. They appear just when the situation has become too difficult for the protagonists, and they are introduced only when solution to a crisis is absolutely necessary. By being present, they can change the course of the story or tale. They save the day as deux ex machina to show that even if the protagonists are handsome, intelligent, or powerful, they still need assistance, a guide, and an adviser from time to time, as they are only human beings who can be vulnerable and powerless.&nbsp

    Sexuality and Zen Buddhism in Ikkyu Sojun’s Poetry

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    This study examined the portrayal of sex and Zen Buddhism in the poetry of Ikkyu Sojun. More specifically, it examined (1) how sex was depicted in his poems; (2) how Zen Buddhism and sex were connected in his poems, and (3) what other unorthodox ways were evident in the poems. To determine these, the paper employed the formalistic critical theory known as New Criticism and Textual Analysis. New Criticism accentuates the importance of close reading. That is, examining a text closely without the use of external evidence to explain the work. Textual analysis, on the other hand, is a methodology that involves understanding language, symbols, and/or pictures present in texts to gain information regarding how people make sense of and communicate life and life experiences. The findings reveal that sex is depicted to be as natural as breathing, which means that it is a necessary component of life. It is portrayed to be fruitful because it bears a life, making a human being immortal. It is a message of truth that other Zen masters refuse to understand, and it is better than a hundred thousand years of meditation, contemplation, and reflection. If one wants to realize the Buddha nature in him then he must accept and embrace his human nature. Sex is also depicted to be a paradise, “a celestial garden,” and a platform for meditation. Masturbation is natural, and a female’s private part is something human beings can get lost in, the origin of all Buddhas. Sex is also portrayed to cause pain if a person becomes attached to it, but it also brings forth joy and gentleness of thoughts. Most importantly, sex is a source of Zen. By enjoying sex, one is also tasting life. It is intimate, beautiful, a “love pact” between lovers, and something that can make an old man feel young again. As for the connection between Zen and sex, findings reveal that enlightenment is manifest in many ways, which means that sex is one these countless of ways, a path to spiritual awakening. To break it is to go against the nature of Zen. Sex is also a way of meditation, a platform which can cause a man to shun fame and fortune. Most importantly, sex is the act of perceiving and accepting the nature of things, embracing being human, and merging with the universe. It is essential to being a Zen master. As for other unorthodox ways reflected in the poems, findings reveal that Ikkyu is unafraid to break religious taboos and spiritual conventions. He unabashedly calls and proclaims himself to be “Crazy Cloud,” “Blind Donkey,” and “Master of Love.” He is blatant in speaking openly about his love of sexual acts, having a lover, and mocking other Zen priests for failing to appreciate and understand the “truth” about sex. Lastly, he declares proudly that he is “tangled in red thread.” The red thread is that which indicates humanness. Thus, by saying that he is tangled in it, he is declaring that he is tied to his bodily pleasures. He is proud of it because one cannot realize his buddha nature by not accepting his human nature. To understand human nature is to experience it

    Learning Styles: A Motivation to Study Habits of Students

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    Study habit of students is one of the pressing issues a lecturer encounters despite of the many motivational factors given to them How the issues can be solved to enhance better learning process Learning styles can enhance students development and initiative to their study habits The study examines the learning styles of students particularly focuses on their study habits as a motivating factors to the learning process and enhancement of students that provide also an intervening action in the improve study habits The study employed the qualitative and quantitative research design because it measures the quality and accuracy of answers which focuses on the perception experiences and analogies of the learning styles of the students and a motivation to their study habits Random sampling is utilized in the study which is equal opportunity be given to the selected area of the sample population in the different colleges and universities in the Philippines Libya and Sultanate of Oma

    The RGB Colors Impact Li-Fi Data Transmission in Both Indoor and Outdoor Environments

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    This study investigates how LED light colors influence Li-Fi data transmission and sound clarity responsiveness. Employing a quantitative experimental design, the research systematically assesses the impact of various color treatments on Li-Fi performance in indoor and outdoor settings. Significant variations are observed in background noise levels and clarity of transmitted sound, with white LED consistently outperforming other colors. In alignment with existing literature, the study contributes valuable insights into Li-Fi connectivity. Despite unexpected results in responsiveness evaluation, proposed future experiments aim to refine understanding and enhance the practical applications of Li-Fi technology. This research comprehensively examines Li-Fi performance under diverse conditions, contributing to the advancement of efficient and adaptable data transmission solutions
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