4 research outputs found

    Anatomy of the Hamstrings

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    This chapter will provide the anatomical foundation for the content to come in later portions of this book. It will begin with an overview of the proximal insertion sites of the muscles that comprise the hamstring group. The proximal tendons and musculotendinous junctions (MTJs) of semimembranosus, semitendinosus and the long and short heads of biceps femoris long head will then be described, highlighting the differences in structure between each of the muscles. The distinct architectural characteristics of each muscle belly (e.g. size, fascicle orientation within and between muscles) will be outlined, followed by the structure of the distal tendons and MTJs. Finally, a summary is provided of the neurovascular supply of the hamstrings

    Ekzeme und ekzematoide Dermatitiden im frühen Kindesalter

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    Das Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut und Halbschleimhäute

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