144 research outputs found

    Design and development of a lab-on-chip for biomedical analysis based on electrowetting on dielectric technique

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    The purpose of this thesis research project has been the development of a compact and versatile optoelectronic platform able to implement all the functionalities needed for a lab-on-chip operation. The project includes also the development of the electronics needed for the control of the system. In particular, the proposed platform includes three different modules designed for the fluid handling through the ElectroWetting On Dielectric (EWOD) technique, the thermal sample treatment and optical detection. These modules incorporate thin film microelectronic devices (such as photosensors and interferential filters for the optical detection, or heaters and temperature sensors for the sample treatments) on glass substrates connected to the electronic microcontrollers. Moreover, the use of handling techniques which avoid the use of pumps and syringes led to a portable, high-sensitive and low-power consumption lab-on-chip device. All of the modules have been designed, fabricated and tested separately. Finally, a device integrating all of the functionalities mentioned before has been designed for the development of a multifunctional platform able to perform a “true” lab-on-chip biomolecular system

    Customized multichannel measurement system for microbial fuel cell characterization

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    This work presents the development of an automatic and customized measuring system employing sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters and transimpedance amplifiers for precise mea- surements of voltage and current signals generated by microbial fuel cells (MFCs). The system can perform multi-step discharge protocols to accurately measure the power output of MFCs, and has been calibrated to ensure high precision and low noise measurements. One of the key features of the proposed measuring system is its ability to conduct long-term measurements with variable time steps. Moreover, it is portable and cost-effective, making it ideal for use in laboratories without sophisti- cated bench instrumentation. The system is expandable, ranging from 2 to 12 channels by adding dual-channel boards, which allows for testing of multiple MFCs simultaneously. The functionality of the system was tested using a six-channel setup, and the results demonstrated its ability to detect and distinguish current signals from different MFCs with varying output characteristics. The power measurements obtained using the system also allow for the determination of the output resistance of the MFCs being tested. Overall, the developed measuring system is a useful tool for characterizing the performance of MFCs, and can be helpful in the optimization and development of sustainable energy production technologies

    On-glass optoelectronic platform for on-chip detection of DNA

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    Lab-on-chip are analytical systems which, compared to traditional methods, offer significant reduction of sample, reagent, energy consumption and waste production. Within this framework, we report on the development and testing of an optoelectronic platform suitable for the on-chip detection of fluorescent molecules. The platform combines on a single glass substrate hydrogenated amorphous silicon photosensors and a long pass interferential filter. The design of the optoelectronic components has been carried out taking into account the spectral properties of the selected fluorescent molecule. We have chosen the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ which exhibits a high fluorescence when it is complexed with nucleic acids in double helix. The on-glass optoelectronic platform, coupled with a microfluidic network, has been tested in detection of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) reaching a detection limit as low as 10 ng/μL

    Imparare giocando

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    Play is istinctive and multifaceted for children. It represents a golden biological way for the development of children (real influence on physical, cognitive, emotional and social sides) and become a strong support for learning process. The learning, in fact, could take advantage from the play and the corporeal engagement for general competencies. Different points of view on this phenomenon and consideration on learning process to investigate the crucial role of play for a new scholastic approach and a permanent mind set on teacher action.Il gioco è un fenomeno multiforme istintivo, vitale e universale per l’uomo. Il gioco oltre a rappresentare la modalità biologica privilegiata dello sviluppo infantile (influenzando le dimensioni fisico-motorie, cognitive, emotive, relazionale...) è un potente mezzo per l’apprendimento. Apprendimento che trova nel gioco e nel coinvolgimento corporeo degli individui, un veicolo fisico-concreto per favorire competenze non solo motorie. Un’analisi di diverse prospettive del fenomeno gioco con considerazioni sui processi di apprendimento per poi indagare il ruolo del gioco come mezzo per un rinnovamento della didattica scolastica e della figura dell’insegnante a scuola come habitus mentale

    Cosa sono le funzioni esecutive: analisi, riscontri e legami nello sport

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    Executive functions (EF) are a category of mental processes that make possible “a game within the mind and the ideas” using the time to think beforethe performance. The core of FE is made up of three processes: i) inhibition, ii) working memory, and iii) cognitive flexibility. The goal of this little review was a discussion about the representative measures of each; address the disputes on them and the define the implications of their training and development for a social, emotional and physical health. EF can be trained and can be improved with practice/experience. The topic is addressed including actual methods and the available literature.Le funzioni esecutive (FE) sono una categoria di processi mentali che rendono possibile giocare mentalmente con le idee riuscendo a prendersi il tempo di pensare prima di agire. Il nucleo delle FE è formato da tre processi: i) inibizione, ii) memoria di lavoro, e iii) flessibilità cognitiva. L’obiettivo di questo excursus è discutere le misure rappresentative di ciascuno; affrontare le controversie e le implicazioni che comporta il loro allenamento e sviluppo per una salute sociale, emotiva e fisica. Le FE sono addestrabili e possano essere migliorate con la pratica/esperienza. Viene affrontato l’argomento, attraverso una disamina dei metodi sperimentati finora analizzati in letteratura

    La Didattica delle Scienze Motorie per Favorire l’Inclusione dei Bambini Nuovi Arrivati

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    Appropriate teaching styles should be applied to implement an inclusive process for pupils who need Special Educational Needs. Inclusion also regards those (defined NAI) who for family migration have economic-linguistic difficulties. Within a middle school a real modulation of the teaching style was carried out during Physical education classes. From an approach based on reproduction, we stimulated the autonomy of children with a teaching style based on production. We measured the degree of enjoyment and the sense of self-efficacy to verify the effectiveness of the proposal. NAI students appreciated the lessons focused on autonomy increasing the level of enjoyment. The result on self-efficacy perception was even more interesting. NAI students, even if did not reach the non-NAI levels, reported significant level. The teaching style is an important factor in educational process. The modulation of teaching styles (in an adequate way for each class) is a strategy that can enhance inclusion.La modulazione della didattica con appropriati stili di insegnamento può essere uno strumento inclusivo per gli alunni che necessitano di Bisogni Educativi Speciali come, per esempio, i bambini di origine straniera (NAI). In un istituto scolastico si è attuata una rimodulazione dello stile di insegnamento durante la didattica delle Scienze Motorie: da un approccio riproduttivo si è adottato uno stile basato sulla produzione. Si è quindi misurato il grado di enjoyment e il senso di autoefficacia per indagare la bontà della proposta. L’attività incentrata sull’autonomia degli alunni è stata gradita in quanto gli alunni NAI hanno espresso lo stesso livello di enjoyment dei coetanei. Per il senso di autoefficacia; i NAI pur non raggiungendo i livelli dei pari, hanno migliorato significativamente questa personale percezione. Ripensare la didattica adottando stili di insegnamento adeguati ad ogni singolo nucleo classe è la strategia che può permettere una reale esperienza di inclusione

    Misurare la didattica: educazione fisica cooperativa con adolescenti

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    Actually the mission of the school turn in favour of a new expertise (the life skills) adopting the cooperative learning approach: team work, briefing and collaboration to improve the ability to solve problem. The cooperative learning was applied during Physical Education classes in high school context. The goodness of the approach was assessed by pre-post administration of two questionnaire: PACES and SELF-EFFICACY for enjoyment and efficacy perceived, respectively. The data analysis showed that cooperative teaching methods improved the sense of individual and collective self-efficacy keeping the level of enjoyment.Attualmente alla scuola viene chiesto di favorire “il saper stare al mondo” attraverso forme di insegnamento cooperativo: lavorare in gruppo, confronto e collaborazione per migliorare la sua attitudine al problem-solving. La metodologia cooperativa applicata all’Educazione Fisica è stata valutata durante lezioni a studenti di scuola superiore. La bontà dell’approccio è stata misurata attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario relativo all’enjoyment (PACES) all’autoefficacia (SELF-EFFICACY) percepiti. Questo approccio ha permesso di incrementare il senso di autoefficacia individuale e collettivo mantenendo il grado di apprezzamento uguale alle forme di insegnamento usualmente adottate nella disciplina

    Integration of capillary and EWOD technologies for autonomous and low-power consumption micro-analytical systems

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    This work presents a miniaturized system combining, on the same microfluidic chip, capillarity and electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) techniques for movement and control of fluids. The change in hydrophobicity occurring at the edge between a capillary channel and a hydrophobic layer is successfully exploited as a stop-and-go valve, whose operation is electronically controlled through the EWOD electrodes. Taking into account the variety of microfluidic operation resulting from the combination of the two handling techniques and their characteristic features, this work prompts the development of autonomous, compact and low-power consumption lab-on-chip systems

    Integration of amorphous silicon balanced photodiodes and thin film heaters for biosensing application

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    This work presents the development and testing of an integrated system for on-chip detection of thermochemiluminescent biomolecules. The activation energy of the reaction is provided by a transparent structure of thin film heaters deposited on one side of a glass substrate. Light, passing through the substrate, reaches an array of amorphous silicon differential structure deposited on the opposite side of the glass substrate. The structure is designed to perform differential current measurements between a light- shielded diode, whose current is sensitive only to temperature, and a photosensor, sensitive to both incident light and temperature. The device therefore balances the thermal variations of the photodiode current and reduces the dark-current noise. These features make the presented system very appealing as highly miniaturized micro-analytical devices for biosensing applications

    Dallo spazio vissuto allo spazio del foglio: l’attività motoria come compensatore dei DSA

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    The handwriting is a complex ability resulting from a series of motor pathways to link letters and arrange the words (on the same line) following specific rules. This specific ability required an high level of motor control and a fine modulation of muscles strenght: low level of general coordination and accuracy in motor control negatively affect the writing outcomes. Thus, the dysgraphia is recognised as typical motor impairment.In the present study, analysed the graphic deficit as a spatio-temporal process within a specific and closed area using the total-body experience.Some student with an official LSD diagnosis were involved in a specific gym protocol to improve the body/motor schemas, the perception of spatio-temporal coordinates and the eyeshand coordination. Indeed, the general purpose was to monitor a potential transfer between the total body spatial experience on the hand outcomes.The improvements in the handwriting outcomes revealed with an evidence practice approach a real possibility to overcompensate the dysgraphia in gym context.La scrittura a mano è un’abilità che richiede una serie di competenze motorie finalizzate a collegare e collocare nello spazio grafico le lettere secondo specifiche convenzioni. Richiedendo un elevato livello di coordinazione e una regolazione della contrazione muscolare ad alta precisione è conseguente la riflessione che una povera coordinazione generale e un scarsolivello di controllo motorio ne influenzi la sua corretta espressione.Da qui si identifica la disgrafia come un disturbo specifico di apprendimento legato ad un deficit di natura esclusivamente motoria.Il nostro studio si pone lo scopo di affrontare il problema grafico come una dinamica spaziotemporale all’interno di uno spazio geometrico ben definito attraverso l’esperienza di tutto il corpo. Sottoponendo ad alunni disgrafici un percorso motorio di 12 lezioni incentrato sulla presa di coscienza del proprio schema corporeo/motorio, sul miglioramento della coordinazioneoculo-manuale e spazio-temporale si è potuto verificare la possibilità di ottenere un transfer tra lo spazio vissuto e lo spazio del foglio. L’evidente miglioramento della produzione grafica dopo un percorso motorio realizzato ‘total-body’ in palestra sono indicativi di una possibilita’ da perseguire precocemente