2,169 research outputs found

    Avaliação da contaminação de coliformes fecais em alface (Lactuca sativa), água de irrigação e lavagem em sistemas de produção orgânica e convencional.

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    Foram analisados níveis de contaminação de coliformes fecais em alface (não lavada e pré-lavada), água de irrigação e água de lavagem em doze propriedades (seis orgânicas e seis convencionais), localizadas em Ibiúna, Jaguariúna, Campinas e Morungaba-SP. Em laboratório, as amostras foram submetidas à análise de coliformes fecais pela técnica de contagem do Número Mais Provável (MNP). Em todas as análises foram constatadas presença de coliformes fecais em níveis abaixo do tolerado. O cultivo convencional apresentou níveis superiores de contaminação em todos os tratamentos analisados

    A PMMA valveless micropump using electromagnetic actuation

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    We have fabricated and characterized a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) valveless micropump. The pump consists of two diffuser elements and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane with an integrated composite magnet made of NdFeB magnetic powder. A large-stroke membrane deflection (~200μm) is obtained using external actuation by an electromagnet. We present a detailed analysis of the magnetic actuation force and the flow rate of the micropump. Water is pumped at flow rates of up to 400µl/min and backpressures of up to 12mbar. We study the frequency-dependent flow rate and determine a resonance frequency of 12 and 200Hz for pumping of water and air, respectively. Our experiments show that the models for valveless micropumps of A. Olsson et al. (J Micromech Microeng 9:34, 1999) and L.S. Pan et al. (J Micromech Microeng 13:390, 2003) correctly predict the resonance frequency, although additional modeling of losses is necessar

    Framing the ultimatum game: the contribution of simulation

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    It has now become widely accepted that economic decisions are influenced by cognitive and emotional processes. In the present study, we aimed at disentangling the neural mechanisms associated with the way in which the information is formulated, i.e., framing effect, in terms of gain or loss, which influences people\u2019s decisions. Participants played a fMRI version of the Ultimatum Game (UG) where we manipulated bids through two different frames: the expression \u201cI give you\u201d (gain) focusing on money the respondent would receive if she/he agreed with the proponent, and the expression \u201cI take\u201d (loss) focusing on the money that would be removed from the respondent in the event that she/he accepted the offer. Neuroimaging data revealed a frame by response interaction, showing an increase of neural activity in the right rolandic operculum/insular cortex, the anterior cingulate, among other regions, for accepting the frame \u201cI take\u201d vs. rejecting, as compared to accepting the frame \u201cI give you\u201d vs. rejecting. In addition, the left occipito-temporal junction was activated for \u201cI take\u201d vs. \u201cI give you\u201d for offer 5, corresponding to the equal offer made unpleasant by the presence of the frame \u201cI take,\u201d where is the proposer that takes the money. Our data extend the current understanding of the neural substrates of social decision making, by disentangling the structures sensitive to the way in which the information is formulated (i.e., framing effect), in terms of gain or loss

    Avaliação da contaminação de alface (Lactuca sativa) por coliformes termotolerantes e Escherichia coli em sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional.

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    A alface (Lactuca sativa) é a hortaliça folhosa mais consumida no Brasil, sendo classificada como um importante alimento para a população por ser uma rica fonte de vitaminas. Em função das práticas adotadas, o seu cultivo pode ser orgânico ou convencional. No entanto, alface pode ser um veículo transmissor de microrganismos patogênicos ao homem, como coliformes termotolerantes e Escherichia coli, uma vez que se encontra em contato com esses contaminantes presentes freqüentemente no solo, na água, nos insumos naturais (cama de frango) propiciando o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência dos mesmos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quantitativamente, a presença de Coliformes termotolerantes e de E.coli em água de irrigação e de pré-lavagem, assim como, o produto alface não lavada e pré-lavada, cultivada sob cultivo orgânico e convencional, em relação a recomendação da ANVISA. As coletas foram realizadas em dez propriedades, cinco de cultivo orgânico e cinco de cultivo convencional, localizadas nas cidades de Ibiúna, Jaguariúna, Campinas e Morungaba - SP. Em laboratório, as amostras foram submetidas à análise de tubos múltiplos e série bioquímica e procedeu-se a avaliação pela técnica de contagem do Número Mais Provável. Os resultados mostraram um alto índice de coliformes termotolerantes e E. coli, na água de irrigação sendo um fator importante pela contaminação da alface, independente do sistema de cultivo. Todavia, o cultivo convencional apresentou índices de contaminação por esse microrganismos na água superiores ao do cultivo orgânico. No produto alface, a pré lavagem contribuiu para a redução da contaminação por coliformes termotolerantes e E. coli, que no entanto essa contaminação pelo primeiro foi mais alta em ambos os sistemas de cultivos. Além disso, outras práticas utilizadas nas propriedades como, a higiene pessoal, o uso de adubos compostados não adequados e a presença de animais nas áreas de cultivo são fontes de contaminação.Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural) - Centro de Ciências Agrárias, UFSCar, Araras. Orientador: Pedro José Valarini, Embrapa Meio Ambiente

    Grid services for the MAGIC experiment

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    Exploring signals from the outer space has become an observational science under fast expansion. On the basis of its advanced technology the MAGIC telescope is the natural building block for the first large scale ground based high energy gamma-ray observatory. The low energy threshold for gamma-rays together with different background sources leads to a considerable amount of data. The analysis will be done in different institutes spread over Europe. Therefore MAGIC offers the opportunity to use the Grid technology to setup a distributed computational and data intensive analysis system with the nowadays available technology. Benefits of Grid computing for the MAGIC telescope are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Italy: Predictors of Acceptance, Fence Sitting and Refusal of the COVID-19 Vaccination

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    Background: The hesitancy in taking the COVID-19 vaccine is a global challenge. The need to identify predictors of COVID-19 vaccine reluctance is critical. Our objectives were to evaluate sociodemographic, psychological, and behavioral factors, as well as attitudes and beliefs that influence COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in the general population of Italy. Methods: A total of 2,015 people were assessed in two waves (March, April and May, 2021). Participants were divided into three groups: (1) individuals who accepted the vaccination (“accepters”); (2) individuals who refused the vaccination (“rejecters”); and (3) individuals who were uncertain about their attitudes toward the vaccination (“fence sitters”). Group comparisons were performed using ANOVA, the Kruskal-Wallis test and chi-square tests. The strength of the association between the groups and the participants' characteristics was analyzed using a series of multinomial logistic regression models with bootstrap internal validation (one for each factor). Results: The “fence sitters” group, when compared to the others, included individuals of younger age, lower educational level, and worsening economic situation in the previous 3 months. After controlling for sociodemographic factors, the following features emerged as the main risk factors for being “fence sitters” (compared with vaccine “accepters”): reporting lower levels of protective behaviors, trust in institutions and informational sources, frequency of use of informational sources, agreement with restrictions and higher conspirative mentality. Higher levels of COVID-19 perceived risk, trust in institutions and informational sources, frequency of use of informational sources, agreement with restrictions and protective behaviors were associated with a higher likelihood of becoming “fence sitters” rather than vaccine “rejecters.” Conclusions: The “fence sitters” profile revealed by this study is intriguing and should be the focus of public programmes aimed at improving adherence to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign

    A novel background reduction strategy for high level triggers and processing in gamma-ray Cherenkov detectors

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    Gamma ray astronomy is now at the leading edge for studies related both to fundamental physics and astrophysics. The sensitivity of gamma detectors is limited by the huge amount of background, constituted by hadronic cosmic rays (typically two to three orders of magnitude more than the signal) and by the accidental background in the detectors. By using the information on the temporal evolution of the Cherenkov light, the background can be reduced. We will present here the results obtained within the MAGIC experiment using a new technique for the reduction of the background. Particle showers produced by gamma rays show a different temporal distribution with respect to showers produced by hadrons; the background due to accidental counts shows no dependence on time. Such novel strategy can increase the sensitivity of present instruments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proc. of the 9th Int. Syposium "Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics" (FFP9), (AIP, Melville, New York, 2008, in press