8 research outputs found

    Malandragem and Ginga: Socio-cultural constraints on the development of expertise and skills in Brazilian football

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    In an ecological dynamics rationale, the development of expertise in sports is shaped by interactions of personal, task and environmental constraints. A notable outcome of this process is the distinctive performance styles of athletes shaped by socio-cultural-historical constraints. To understand this process, we examined the role of socio-cultural constraints shaping the development of skill in Brazilian football players at the macrosystem level. A range of data sources were inductively generated and analysed through the qualitative interpretative paradigm, including historical contextual analysis, participant observation, and unstructured interviews. Malandragem (i.e., cunning) emerged as a major focus and our findings suggested that behavioural characteristics, such as mischief and deception, are common attributes valued by many elite Brazilian footballers. Our analysis suggests how the value system of Malandragem is a product of the socio-cultural constraints primarily influenced by the Mulattos’ cultural traditions, historically interacting with particular socio-economic conditions. In Brazil, Malandragem can manifest itself through the Ginga (i.e., body sway) playing style in which footballers move deceptively to gain competitive advantages over opponents. Whilst the theatrical antics of contemporary Malandros (i.e., tricksters and/or streetwise persons), such as Neymar Junior, are frowned upon by many football critics, we argue that some aspects of being Malandro may be contributing to the development of a high level of perceptual-motor and cognitive functioning that has underpinned the Ginga playing style in Brazilian football for many decades

    Exposição corporal do cliente no atendimento das necessidades básicas em UTI: incidentes críticos relatados por enfermeiras Exposición corporal de pacientes en la atención a las necesidades básicas en UTI: los incidentes críticos relatados por enfermeros Physical exposure of clients in care for basic needs at an ICU: critical incidents reported by nurses

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    Objetivou-se identificar e analisar situações envolvendo a exposição corporal e invasão da privacidade do cliente, inerentes à assistência em UTI. A população consistiu em 15 enfermeiras de UTIs para adultos, em Maringá-PR. Empregou-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico (TIC), obtendo-se 30 relatos, 15 positivos e 15 negativos, extraindo-se 22 incidentes críticos positivos e 30 negativos. Esses foram compilados em 6 categorias, optando-se por apresentar e discutir a categoria Necessidades básicas. Os comportamentos da equipe de saúde constituíram 5 categorias e dos clientes 3. As conseqüências para a equipe de saúde e para os clientes compuseram 4 categorias. Verificou-se melhor preparo da enfermagem para contornar problemas relacionados ao atendimento dessas necessidades, que equipe e clientes manifestam os mesmos sentimentos, que os aspectos que garantem a qualidade da assistência são proteção da intimidade, respeito, confiança e orientação, e que desproteção da intimidade do cliente prejudica a qualidade da assistência.<br>La finalidad de esta investigación fue identificar y analizar las situaciones que implicaban la exposición corporal y la invasión de la privacidad del cliente, inherentes a la atención en la UTI. La población consistió en 15 enfermeros de UTIs de atención al adulto en Maringá-PR, Brasil. Fue utilizada la Técnica del Incidente Crítico (TIC), resultando en 30 informes, 15 positivos y 15 negativos, extrayéndose 22 incidentes críticos positivos y 30 negativos. Estos fueron agrupados en 6 categorías, optándose por la presentación y discusión de la categoría necesidades básicas. Los comportamientos del equipo de la salud se agruparon en 5 categorías y aquellos de los clientes en 3. Las consecuencias para el equipo de la salud y los clientes fueron agrupadas en 4 categorías. Verificamos que el equipo de enfermería está mejor preparado para esquivar los problemas relacionados a la atención de estas necesidades, que el equipo y los clientes manifiestan los mismos sentimientos, que los aspectos que garantizan la calidad de la atención son protección de la intimidad del cliente, respecto, confianza y orientación, y que desprotección de la intimidad del cliente perjudica la calidad de la atención.<br>This study aimed to identify and analyze situations involving the physical exposure and invasion of clients' privacy, which are inherent to ICU care. The population consisted of 15 adult ICU nurses in Maringá-PR, Brazil. The Critical Incident Technique was used (CIT), resulting in 30 reports, 15 of which were positive and 15 negative. From these, 22 positive and 30 negative critical incidents were extracted. These were compiled in 6 categories. We chose to present and to discuss the category Basic needs. The health team's behavior constituted 5 categories and the clients' behavior 3. Consequences for health team and clients corresponded to 4 categories. The results revealed that the nursing team is better prepared to handle problems related to care for basic needs; that team and clients disclose the same feelings; that privacy protection, respect, confidence and guidance guarantee the quality of care and that not protecting clients' intimacy impaired care quality

    Company Towns: Concepts, Historiography, and Approaches

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