4,646 research outputs found

    Transport through a vibrating quantum dot: Polaronic effects

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    We present a Green's function based treatment of the effects of electron-phonon coupling on transport through a molecular quantum dot in the quantum limit. Thereby we combine an incomplete variational Lang-Firsov approach with a perturbative calculation of the electron-phonon self energy in the framework of generalised Matsubara Green functions and a Landauer-type transport description. Calculating the ground-state energy, the dot single-particle spectral function and the linear conductance at finite carrier density, we study the low-temperature transport properties of the vibrating quantum dot sandwiched between metallic leads in the whole electron-phonon coupling strength regime. We discuss corrections to the concept of an anti-adiabatic dot polaron and show how a deformable quantum dot can act as a molecular switch.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of "Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Function IV" Conference, Glasgow 200

    Hooke's law correlation in two-electron systems

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    We study the properties of the Hooke's law correlation energy (\Ec), defined as the correlation energy when two electrons interact {\em via} a harmonic potential in a DD-dimensional space. More precisely, we investigate the 1S^1S ground state properties of two model systems: the Moshinsky atom (in which the electrons move in a quadratic potential) and the spherium model (in which they move on the surface of a sphere). A comparison with their Coulombic counterparts is made, which highlights the main differences of the \Ec in both the weakly and strongly correlated limits. Moreover, we show that the Schr\"odinger equation of the spherium model is exactly solvable for two values of the dimension (D=1and3D = 1 \text{and} 3), and that the exact wave function is based on Mathieu functions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Two electrons on a hypersphere: a quasi-exactly solvable model

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    We show that the exact wave function for two electrons, interacting through a Coulomb potential but constrained to remain on the surface of a D\mathcal{D}-sphere (D≥1\mathcal{D} \ge 1), is a polynomial in the interelectronic distance uu for a countably infinite set of values of the radius RR. A selection of these radii, and the associated energies, are reported for ground and excited states on the singlet and triplet manifolds. We conclude that the D=3\mathcal{D}=3 model bears the greatest similarity to normal physical systems.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figur

    Ground state of two electrons on concentric spheres

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    We extend our analysis of two electrons on a sphere [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 79}, 062517 (2009); Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 103}, 123008 (2009)] to electrons on concentric spheres with different radii. The strengths and weaknesses of several electronic structure models are analyzed, ranging from the mean-field approximation (restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions) to configuration interaction expansion, leading to near-exact wave functions and energies. The M{\o}ller-Plesset energy corrections (up to third-order) and the asymptotic expansion for the large-spheres regime are also considered. We also study the position intracules derived from approximate and exact wave functions. We find evidence for the existence of a long-range Coulomb hole in the large-spheres regime, and infer that unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory over-localizes the electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    High-density correlation energy expansion of the one-dimensional uniform electron gas

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    We show that the expression of the high-density (i.e small-rsr_s) correlation energy per electron for the one-dimensional uniform electron gas can be obtained by conventional perturbation theory and is of the form \Ec(r_s) = -\pi^2/360 + 0.00845 r_s + ..., where rsr_s is the average radius of an electron. Combining these new results with the low-density correlation energy expansion, we propose a local-density approximation correlation functional, which deviates by a maximum of 0.1 millihartree compared to the benchmark DMC calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Is there a Jordan geometry underlying quantum physics?

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    There have been several propositions for a geometric and essentially non-linear formulation of quantum mechanics. From a purely mathematical point of view, the point of view of Jordan algebra theory might give new strength to such approaches: there is a ``Jordan geometry'' belonging to the Jordan part of the algebra of observables, in the same way as Lie groups belong to the Lie part. Both the Lie geometry and the Jordan geometry are well-adapted to describe certain features of quantum theory. We concentrate here on the mathematical description of the Jordan geometry and raise some questions concerning possible relations with foundational issues of quantum theory.Comment: 30 page

    Invariance of the correlation energy at high density and large dimension in two-electron systems

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    We prove that, in the large-dimension limit, the high-density correlation energy \Ec of two opposite-spin electrons confined in a DD-dimensional space and interacting {\em via} a Coulomb potential is given by \Ec \sim -1/(8D^2) for any radial confining potential V(r)V(r). This result explains the observed similarity of \Ec in a variety of two-electron systems in three-dimensional space.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Infiltration/cure modeling of resin transfer molded composite materials using advanced fiber architectures

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    A model was developed which can be used to simulate infiltration and cure of textile composites by resin transfer molding. Fabric preforms were resin infiltrated and cured using model generated optimized one-step infiltration/cure protocols. Frequency dependent electromagnetic sensing (FDEMS) was used to monitor in situ resin infiltration and cure during processing. FDEMS measurements of infiltration time, resin viscosity, and resin degree of cure agreed well with values predicted by the simulation model. Textile composites fabricated using a one-step infiltration/cure procedure were uniformly resin impregnated and void free. Fiber volume fraction measurements by the resin digestion method compared well with values predicted using the model

    Note on Moufang-Noether currents

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    The derivative Noether currents generated by continuous Moufang tranformations are constructed and their equal-time commutators are found. The corresponding charge algebra turns out to be a birepresentation of the tangent Mal'ltsev algebra of an analytic Moufang loop.Comment: LaTeX2e, 6 pages, no figures, presented on "The XVth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, 15-17 June, 2006
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