523 research outputs found

    Structure and morphology of an active conjugate relay zone, Messina Strait, southern Italy

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    Messina Strait is a narrow fault-bounded marine basin that separates the Calabrian peninsula from Sicily in southern Italy. It sits in a seismically active region where normal fault scarps and raised Quaternary marine terraces record ongoing extension driven by southeastward rollback of the Calabrian subduction zone. A review of published studies and new data shows that normal faults in the Messina Strait region define a conjugate relay zone where displacement is transferred along strike from NW-dipping normal faults in the northeast (southern Calabria) to the SE-dipping Messina-Taormina normal fault in the southwest (offshore eastern Sicily). The narrow marine strait is a graben undergoing active subsidence within the relay zone, where pronounced curvature of normal faults results from large strain gradients and clockwise rotations related to fault interactions. Based on regional fault geometries and published age constraints, we infer that normal faults in southern Calabria migrated northwest while normal faults in NE Sicily migrated southeast during the past ca. 2–2.5 Myr. This pattern has resulted in tectonic narrowing of the strait through time by inward migration of facing normal faults and rapid mantle-driven uplift

    Coarse-grained deltas approaching shallow-water canyon heads: A case study from the Lower Pleistocene Messina Strait, Southern Italy

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    The tide-dominated Messina Strait (southern Italy) is a 3 km wide marine passageway, whose block-faulted borders form steep subaqueous zones incised by canyons and gullies. These erosional features retreat towards the shorelines and are often in direct connection with subaerial valley-bounded river deltas. High-energy density-flows generated by river floods periodically enter the canyon heads, attaining supercritical-flow regime and accreting large, upslope-migrating bedforms. Although these bedforms have been documented in recent studies, little attention has been paid to the definition of the type of delta entering canyon heads, the internal features of river-influenced deposits accumulated in the nearshore zone, and their interplay with tidal currents flowing axially to the strait. This study focuses on a Lower Pleistocene coarse-grained succession exposed along the north-eastern margin of the modern Messina Strait, investigated using conventional facies analysis and sedimentological logging, integrated with photogrammetric techniques and interpretation of drone-acquired imagery. Facies confinement between basement blocks suggests a subaqueous delta complex shed from the tectonically controlled margin of the ancient strait and entering shallowly submerged canyon heads. Basal breccias, conglomerates and pebbly sandstones exhibiting channel-form discontinuities and upslope dipping backsets are interpreted as cyclic-step and antidune deposits. Units composed of these facies are comprised between master erosional surfaces and tidal ravinement surfaces. The tidal ravinements suggest that canyon infill occurred during a major phase of sea-level rise, punctuated by minor falls and stillstands. These surfaces are overlain by mixed bioclastic–siliciclastic, arenitic, trough and planar cross-strata, representing dunes migrating roughly parallel to the palaeo-coastline and originated by tidal currents amplified by the narrowing of the ancient Messina Strait. Tidal-influenced sedimentation dominated over the fluvial-influenced processes during the late transgression, overfilling the canyon relief. The exceptionally good exposure of depositional architectures and facies characteristics is key to outline the general features of a specific type of delta system, fed by valley-bounded rivers and entering canyon heads in the nearshore of tectonically-controlled, tide-influenced steep strait margins. The pre-existing subaqueous incised topography forced the delta front to be split into lobe branches during the canyon infilling, hampering clinoform architectures and preserving large supercritical-flow sedimentary structures. This study suggests these as possible criteria for the recognition of similar systems in outcrop or subsurface

    Sedimentology and facies analysis of ancient sand ridges: Jurassic Rogn Formation, Trøndelag Platform, offshore Norway

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    Sand ridges represent a common type of sedimentary bedform of modern shelves seldom used as analogues to interpret isolated marine sandbodies recognised in the subsurface. Lack of extended literature on outcrop and subsurface examples limits the possibility for their recognition and seems one of the reason behind this underrepresentation. The Draugen discovery made in the early 80's represents an unicum in the Trøndelag Platform, offshore Norway. After more than 30 years the Froan Basin and Frøya High area are still underexplored and the Late Jurassic Rogn Fm play not well understood. Predicting reservoir distribution, and its internal architecture and properties requires the understanding of factors controlling sedimentation (e.g. palaeocirculation, depositional processes). North-south elongated sandbodies pertaining to the Rogn Formation are recognised in the Froan Basin and Frøya High encased within thick shaly deposits. Sandbodies develop above a ravinement or flooding surface (i.e. Callovian Unconformity) of regional extent where local depressions occur with a non-erosional concave-up top. Depressions representing the depositional loci for the accumulation of sand and development of the ridge. The presence of eastward and westward dipping reflections within the sandbodies allows identifying their large-scale architectures. Sediments form coarsening-upward vertical units characterised by a shaly base evolving upwards to medium- and coarse-grained sand forming tabular and trough cross strata. Locally, a fining upward trend characterised by plane-parallel stratification and coarse-grained massive layers is recognised. Sediments results well organised and sorted, which positively affects final porosity and permeability with values up to 30% and 6 Darcy, respectively - typical values for many sand ridges. Accordingly, sand ridges encased within thick shaly deposits can form stratigraphic traps with the potential for large hydrocarbon accumulations. The aim of the present study is to help the understanding of distribution, and internal architectures and properties of the Rogn Fm in the Trøndelag Platform

    Straits and seaways: controls, processes and implications in modern and ancient systems

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    Straits and seaways are connections between basins, key areas for exchange and transfer of water, heat, biota and sediments, and they can influence regional and global climate. A better understanding of strait/seaway dynamics, their evolution and preserved deposits is, therefore, fundamental to reconstructing the palaeoecology, palaeogeography and stratigraphy of interconnected basins. Straits and seaways are also important for understanding climate dynamics in Earth's past, and for safely exploiting energy resources (fossil and renewable). This volume aims at improving the knowledge on this topic, and at providing a comprehensive collection of state-of-the-art works bringing together complementary disciplines. Even though studies on modern and ancient straits and seaways exist, they are not necessarily conceived towards a better geological understanding of these features as depositional systems in their own right. In this introduction, we emphasize the geological importance of straits and seaways, summarizing the content and key findings of the contributions on this topic. The articles included in this volume explore four main research themes related to straits and seaways: (1) occurrence and classification; (2) morphological features, facies and stratigraphic variability, sedimentary processes and dynamics; (3) tectonic and climatic controls, their feedback with climate changes; and (4) palaeogeographical reconstructions and preservation of associated deposits

    The renormalization of the effective Lagrangian with spontaneous symmetry breaking: the SU(2) case

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    We study the renormalization of the nonlinear effective SU(2) Lagrangian up to O(p4)O(p^4) with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The Stueckelberg transformation, the background field gauge, the Schwinger proper time and heat kernel method, and the covariant short distance expansion technology, guarantee the gauge covariance and incooperate the Ward indentities in our calculations. The renormalization group equations of the effective couplings are derived and analyzed. We find that the difference between the results gotten from the direct method and the renormalization group equation method can be quite large when the Higgs scalar is far below its decoupling limit.Comment: ReVTeX, 12 figures, 22 pages, some bugs are kicked off from programs, numerical analysis is renew

    Tidal sedimentary dynamics of the Early Pleistocene Messina Strait (Calabria, southern Italy) based on its modern analogue

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    The Messina Strait excursion opens a series of geological field trips associated with the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology (Tidalites), Matera, Italy, 5-7 October 2021. This guide aims at documenting a number of selected outcrops located along the eastern margin of the modern Messina Strait, in order to illustrate the sedimentary dynamics of the Early Pleistocene tide-dominated Messina Strait. Since the Pliocene, this extensional basin separated Sicily from Calabria, forming a wide non-tidal seaway. Successively, this basin turned into a ca. 10-15 km-wide and 40 km-long, tide-dominated strait during the Early Pleistocene, prior to its definitive closure following a Middle Pleistocene phase of tectonic uplift. As for today in its modern analogue, the ancient strait acted as a major conduit for marine water exchanges between the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian seas. Semi-diurnal, reverse bidirectional tidal currents flowed in phase opposition parallel to the strait margins, being subject to tidal amplification due to bathymetric restriction across the shallower strait-centre zone. This oceanographic setting partitioned the strait into specific environments. Nowadays, their sedimentary record is exposed in a series of outcrops across the western (Sicily) and eastern (Calabria) margins of the modern strait. A series of stops along a south-to-north transect covers a total distance of ca. 20 km. Outcrops of the first day show coarse-grained deposits lying adjacent to a block-faulted central horst and transgressively overlain by cross-stratified, mixed bioclastic-siliciclastic arenites. These strata record bypass and residual sedimentation in the strait-centre zone of the ancient system. The second day, large- and medium-scale cross-stratification exhibiting a variety of tidal sedimentary indicators are observed, interpreted as the ancient northern tidal dune field. The third day focuses on one major section representing the north-eastern flank of the ancient strait, where subaqueous canyon-fill strata, mass-wasting deposits and tide-influenced delta front-facies are exposed

    Effective Theory of a Dynamically Broken Electroweak Standard Model at NLO

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    We consider the Standard Model as an effective theory at the weak scale vv of a generic new strong interaction that dynamically breaks electroweak symmetry at the energy scale Λ∼\Lambda\sim (few) TeV. Assuming only the minimal field content with the Standard Model fermions and gauge bosons, but without a light Higgs particle, we construct the complete Lagrangian through next-to-leading order, that is, including terms of order v2/Λ2v^2/\Lambda^2. The systematics behind this expansion is clarified. Although similar to chiral perturbation theory, it is not governed by the dimension of operators alone, but depends in an essential way on the loop expansion. Power-counting formulas are derived that indicate the classes of operators required at the next-to-leading order. The complete set of operators at leading and next-to-leading order is then listed, based on the restrictions implied by the Standard-Model gauge symmetries. We recover the well-known operators discussed in the literature in connection with the electroweak chiral Lagrangian and in similar contexts, but we collect a complete and systematic list of all terms through order v2/Λ2v^2/\Lambda^2. This includes some operators not discussed in explicit terms before. We also show that a few of the previously considered operators can be eliminated via the equations of motion. As another important result we confirm the known list of dimension-6 operators in the Standard Model with an elementary Higgs doublet, essentially as a special case of our scenario.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; references adde

    From marginal to axial tidal-strait facies in the Early Pleistocene Siderno Strait

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    This geological guide presents the description of locations associated with a two-day field trip arranged in relation to the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology (Tidalites), Matera, Italy. The field guide describes sedimentological features of the largest among a series of tectonically controlled tidal straits that dissected the Calabrian Arc in southern Italy during the Early Pleistocene. The WNW-ESE trending, 50x20 km-wide Siderno Strait connected the Tyrrhenian with the Ionian seas. Due to tidal phase opposition between the two basins, continuous water-mass exchanges occurred through the strait, leading to powerful, bi-directionally flowing tidal currents. Sediments filling the Siderno Strait derived from both fluvial supply from the margins and intra-basinal autochthonous carbonate-factory debris. The main objective of the two-day field trip is to guide the visitor through a cross-section of the ancient strait, starting from one of the margins, ending in the deeper axial zone. The focus during the day one is on strait-margin deltaic fluvial-dominated deposits, shed from the tectonically-controlled, northern border and reworked by tidal currents in their distal reaches (delta front). Erosively-based, 4-5 m-thick pebbly-sandstone strata intercalated with 2-3 m-thick tidally-generated cross strata stack into a ca. 170 m-thick succession, exposed in a series of outcrops progressively located down-current with respect to the inferred entry point to the north. The focus of the day two is a ca. 150-190 m-thick succession consisting of cross-stratified mixed (bioclastic-siliciclastic) deposits, forming a series of WNE-ESE-oriented, elongated ridges that accumulated in the south-eastern axial zone of the Siderno Strait. The selected stops offer panoramic views of exceptionally continuous sections and close-up observations, revealing different scales of depositional architectures and a variety of sedimentary structures and trace fossils that record the development of these tidal sand ridges during the strait lifespan. The interplay between the tectonic uplift of a central bedrock sill and a number of syn-sedimentary faults and high-frequency relative sea-level changes (induced by glacio-eustacy and active tectonics) can be deciphered from the architecture of the tidally-generated cross strata composing the main body of the ridges

    Measuring effective electroweak couplings in single top production at the LHC

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    We study the mechanism of single top production at the LHC in the framework of an effective electroweak Lagrangian, analyzing the sensitivity of different observables to the magnitude of the effective couplings that parametrize new physics beyond the Standard Model. The observables relevant to the distinction between left and right effective couplings involve in practice the measurement of the spin of the top and this can be achieved only indirectly by measuring the angular distribution of its decay products. We show that the presence of effective right-handed couplings implies that the top is not in a pure spin state. A unique spin basis is singled out which allows one to connect top decay products angular distribution with the polarized top differential cross section. We present a complete analytical expression of the differential polarized cross section of the relevant perturbative subprocess including general effective couplings. The mass of the bottom quark, which actually turns out to be more relevant than naively expected, is retained. Finally we analyze different aspects the total cross section relevant to the measurement of new physics through the effective couplings. The above analysis also applies to anti-top production in a straightforward way.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure
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