50 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Restraint is often used when administering procedures to children. However, no metrologically scale to measure the restraint intensity had yet been validated. This study validated the metrological criteria of a scale measuring the restraint intensity, Procedural Restraint Intensity in Children (PRIC), used during procedures in children. Design and methods: The PRIC scale performance was measured by a group of 7 health professionals working in a children's hospital, by watching 20 videos of health care procedures. This group included 2 physicians, 1 pediatric resident, and 4 nurses. The intra-class correlation coefficients were calculated to evaluate the inter-rater and test-retest reliability and the construct validity with the correlation between PRIC scale and a numerical rating scale. Results: One hundred and forty measurements were made. Inter-rater and test-retest correlation coefficients were 0.98 and 0.98, respectively. The 2 scales were positively correlated with a Spearman coefficient of 0.93. Conclusions: This study validated the Procedural Restraint Intensity in Children (PRIC) scale in metrological terms with some limitation. However, there is not gold standard scale to precisely validate the reliability of this tool and this study has been conducted in "experimental" conditions. Nevertheless, this is the first scale measuring the intensity of physical restraint with a metrological validation. The next step will be to validate it in real clinical situations

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Classification des prémolaires en fonction de leur anatomie radiculaire et statistiques.

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    The frequent endodontic failures on premolar teeth can be partly attributed to their complicated root canal anatomy. Anatomical studies were initiated almost a century ago by W. Hess, resulting in the actual meticulous classification. Vertucci was the first to describe in an exhaustive way the scores of anatomical variations by assigning them to 9 types. The Wein model is just as complete but offers a more clinical approach. It will be used as reference in this article to weigh the various statistics appearing in the anatomical studies on premolars.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Anatomie des prémolaires et traitements endodontiques.

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    Endodontic failures on premolars are statistically important. This is mainly due to insufficient knowledge of the typical anatomical diversity shown by premolars. Filling a second root canal is often omitted. Completely treating a complicated root canal system is technically quite difficult which results in a relatively high level of endodontic failure. There are not only the classical technical problems to deal with: calcification of the root canals and delicate probing, given the frequently bent and twisted premolar roots; special attention should also be given to upper premolars with three root canals and those showing a high bifurcation of a principal root canal (configuration IV), and to lower premolars with multiple root canals often showing configuration IV. An additional problem associated with the second lower premolars is a hazardous anatomical zone: the mandibular vasculonervous plexus of the chin.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Cour d'assises, ou Manuel de justice criminelle à l'usage des avocats, des avoués, des étudiants en droit et des jurés ; par M. J.-B. Lombart,...

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    Sécurité économique des PME par la protection du cycle du savoir

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    International audienceLes Petites et Moyennes Entreprises représentent un creuset de dynamisme économique et d’innovation d’un pays. En effet, elles sont au cœur de l’économie et alimentent un gisement de savoir (-faire) parfois séculaires. Pour subsister, les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises doivent mettre en place une stratégie globale de protection et d’anticipation des risques. Or, sur un marché fortement concurrentiel et globalisé, plusieurs questions se posent quant à leur avenir : Peuvent-elles préserver leurs savoirs ? Dans cet article nous proposons une méthodologie d’analyse des menaces et d’évaluation du niveau de vulnérabilité dans une PME dans le cas particulier du processus de production du savoir. Cette approche permet de disposer d’un cadre d’aide à la décision à l’entrepreneur soucieux de protéger non seulement le savoir de son entreprise mais aussi les différentes étapes qui conduisent à ce savoir