3,131 research outputs found

    Casimir energy between media-separated cylinders: the scalar case

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    We derive exact expressions for the Casimir scalar interaction energy between media-separated eccentric dielectric cylinders and for the media-separated cylinder-plane geometry using a mode-summation approach. Similarly to the electromagnetic Casimir-Lifshitz interaction energy between fluid-separated planar plates, the force between cylinders is attractive or repulsive depending on the relative values of the permittivities of the three intervening media.Comment: New figure and discussion about the integration contour in the complex plan

    Exact Casimir interaction between eccentric cylinders

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    The Casimir force is the ultimate background in ongoing searches of extra-gravitational forces in the micrometer range. Eccentric cylinders offer favorable experimental conditions for such measurements as spurious gravitational and electrostatic effects can be minimized. Here we report on the evaluation of the exact Casimir interaction between perfectly conducting eccentric cylinders using a mode summation technique, and study different limiting cases of relevance for Casimir force measurements, with potential implications for the understanding of mechanical properties of nanotubes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter

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    We employ a conformal mapping to explore the thermodynamics of strongly interacting matter at finite values of the baryon chemical potential μ\mu. This method allows us to identify the singularity corresponding to the critical point of a second-order phase transition at finite μ\mu, given information only at μ=0\mu=0. The scheme is potentially useful for computing thermodynamic properties of strongly interacting hot and dense matter in lattice gauge theory. The technique is illustrated by an application to a chiral effective model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Derivative expansion of the electromagnetic Casimir energy for two thin mirrors

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    We extend our previous work on a derivative expansion for the Casimir energy, to the case of the electromagnetic field coupled to two thin, imperfect mirrors. The latter are described by means of vacuum polarization tensors localized on the mirrors. We apply the results so obtained to compute the first correction to the proximity force approximation to the static Casimir effect.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The proximity force approximation for the Casimir energy as a derivative expansion

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    The proximity force approximation (PFA) has been widely used as a tool to evaluate the Casimir force between smooth objects at small distances. In spite of being intuitively easy to grasp, it is generally believed to be an uncontrolled approximation. Indeed, its validity has only been tested in particular examples, by confronting its predictions with the next to leading order (NTLO) correction extracted from numerical or analytical solutions obtained without using the PFA. In this article we show that the PFA and its NTLO correction may be derived within a single framework, as the first two terms in a derivative expansion. To that effect, we consider the Casimir energy for a vacuum scalar field with Dirichlet conditions on a smooth curved surface described by a function ψ\psi in front of a plane. By regarding the Casimir energy as a functional of ψ\psi, we show that the PFA is the leading term in a derivative expansion of this functional. We also obtain the general form of corresponding NTLO correction, which involves two derivatives of ψ\psi. We show, by evaluating this correction term for particular geometries, that it properly reproduces the known corrections to PFA obtained from exact evaluations of the energy.Comment: Minor changes. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Microscopic evaluation of the pairing gap

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    We discuss the relevant progress that has been made in the last few years on the microscopic theory of the pairing correlation in nuclei and the open problems that still must be solved in order to reach a satisfactory description and understanding of the nuclear pairing. The similarities and differences with the nuclear matter case are emphasized and described by few illustrative examples. The comparison of calculations of different groups on the same set of nuclei show, besides agreements, also discrepancies that remain to be clarified. The role of the many-body correlations, like screening, that go beyond the BCS scheme, is still uncertain and requires further investigation.Comment: 21 pages,7 figures; minor modification, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Scalar Casimir effect between two concentric D-dimensional spheres

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    The Casimir energy for a massless scalar field between the closely spaced two concentric D-dimensional (for D>3) spheres is calculated by using the mode summation with contour integration in the complex plane of eigenfrequencies and the generalized Abel-Plana formula for evenly spaced eigenfrequency at large argument. The sign of the Casimir energy between closely spaced two concentric D-dimensional spheres for a massless scalar field satisfying the Dirichlet boundary conditions is strictly negative. The Casimir energy between D-1 dimensional surfaces close to each other is regarded as interesting both by itself and as the key to describing of stability of the attractive Casimir force. PACS number(s): 03.70.+k, 11.10.Kk, 11.10.Gh, 03.65.GeComment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1207.418

    Von Neumann's Quantization of General Relativity

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    Von Neumann's procedure is applied for quantization of General Relativity. We quantize the initial data of dynamical variables at the Planck epoch, where the Hubble parameter coincides with the Planck mass. These initial data are defined via the Fock simplex in the tangent Minkowskian space-time and the Dirac conformal interval. The Einstein cosmological principle is applied for the average of the spatial metric determinant logarithm over the spatial volume of the visible Universe. We derive the splitting of the general coordinate transformations into the diffeomorphisms (as the object of the second N\"other theorem) and the initial data transformations (as objects of the first N\"other theorem). Following von Neumann, we suppose that the vacuum state is a quantum ensemble. The vacuum state is degenerated with respect to quantum numbers of non-vacuum states with the distribution function that yields the Casimir effect in gravidynamics in analogy to the one in electrodynamics. The generation functional of the perturbation theory in gravidynamics is given as a solution of the quantum energy constraint. We discuss the region of applicability of gravidynamics and its possible predictions for explanation of the modern observational and experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, updated version with extended discussio