204 research outputs found


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    O antúrio é uma planta típica de florestas tropicais. As diversas quer sobre troncos de grandes árvores, quer sobre a matéria orgânica depositada no solo da mata, pois suas raízes aéreas têm grande capacidade de absorverem nutrientes e água e exploram apenas as partes ao substrato

    Pflanzen für die Gesundheit-Vorstellung eines neuen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes zum ökologischen Anbau von Arzneipflanzen

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    Ecologically grown medicinal plants containing bioactive compounds hold great poten-tial as high-value niche crops for farmers. However, the way to grow these plants differs from traditional crops. Growing techniques, harvest methods and postharvest handling of the raw material plays a crucial role regarding the quality of the raw material that the farmers can offer. The purpose of a new research project financed by EU-Interreg IIIA programme is among other things to carry out production, harvest and processing experiments with plants containing bioactive plant compounds that hold a preventive effect toward diabetes II. One of the project´s goals is to draw up cultivation instructions for the primary producers to use when cultivating the plants in question. Examples of the plants that are being examined in the project are Goat´s Rue (Galega officinalis) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

    Multicenter Evaluation of Independent High-Throughput and RT-qPCR Technologies for the Development of Analytical Workflows for Circulating miRNA Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND:Among emerging circulating biomarkers, miRNA has the potential to detect lung cancer and follow the course of the disease. However, miRNA analysis deserves further standardization before implementation into clinical trials or practice. Here, we performed international ring experiments to explore (pre)-analytical factors relevant to the outcome of miRNA blood tests in the context of the EU network CANCER-ID. METHODS:Cell-free (cfmiRNA) and extracellular vesicle-derived miRNA (EVmiRNA) were extracted using the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced, and the ExoRNeasy Maxi kit, respectively, in a plasma cohort of 27 NSCLC patients and 20 healthy individuals. Extracted miRNA was investigated using small RNA sequencing and hybridization platforms. Validation of the identified miRNA candidates was performed using quantitative PCR. RESULTS:We demonstrate the highest read counts in healthy individuals and NSCLC patients using QIAseq. Moreover, QIAseq showed 15.9% and 162.9% more cfmiRNA and EVmiRNA miRNA counts, respectively, in NSCLC patients compared to healthy control samples. However, a systematic comparison of selected miRNAs revealed little agreement between high-throughput platforms, thus some miRNAs are detected with one technology, but not with the other. Adding to this, 35% (9 of 26) of selected miRNAs in the cfmiRNA and 42% (11 of 26) in the EVmiRNA fraction were differentially expressed by at least one qPCR platform; about half of the miRNAs (54%) were concordant for both platforms. CONCLUSIONS:Changing of (pre)-analytical methods of miRNA analysis has a significant impact on blood test results and is therefore a major confounding factor. In addition, to confirm miRNA biomarker candidates screening studies should be followed by targeted validation using an independent platform or technology