12 research outputs found

    Orchideae, in the collection of Conrad Loddiges and Sons, Hackney, near London

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    Dieser Band ist Teil der historischen BuchbestÀnde der UniversitÀtsbibliothek Wie

    Nomenclature and typification of Phoenix senegalensis (Arecaceae)

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    The nomenclature of the Canary Island endemic palm with red-bluish fruits is reviewed. Phoenix senegalensis is neotypified; P. canariensis var. porphyrococca is lectotypified. “Fulchironia senegalensis” is a nomen nudum; P. menieri is a nomen superfluumThis research received support from the INIA projects RF2007- 00010-C03 and RF2010-00006-C02 (European Regional Development Fund 2007–2013),ProspecciĂłn y recogida de recursos fitogenĂ©ticos autĂłctonos de palmera datilera y especies silvestres emparentadas, RFP2017-00004-00-00, INIA/Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn within Plan Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica y TĂ©cnica y de InnovaciĂłn 2013–2016and from the Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn of Spain project CGL 2009-10215The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Ana Isabel Vasconcelos Dias Correia (Botanical Garden Museu Nacional de HistĂłria Natural e de CiĂȘncia, Lisbon), Dalila Espirito Santo (Herbario Joao de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, Lisbon), Bruno Vila (Herbiers, Aix-Marseille UniversitĂ©) and Unidad de Parques y Jardines. Excmo. Ayto. de San CristĂłbal de La Lagun