86 research outputs found

    Effects of a soft robotic exosuit on the quality and speed of overground walking depends on walking ability after stroke

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    \ua9 2023, BioMed Central Ltd., part of Springer Nature.Background: Soft robotic exosuits can provide partial dorsiflexor and plantarflexor support in parallel with paretic muscles to improve poststroke walking capacity. Previous results indicate that baseline walking ability may impact a user’s ability to leverage the exosuit assistance, while the effects on continuous walking, walking stability, and muscle slacking have not been evaluated. Here we evaluated the effects of a portable ankle exosuit during continuous comfortable overground walking in 19 individuals with chronic hemiparesis. We also compared two speed-based subgroups (threshold: 0.93 m/s) to address poststroke heterogeneity. Methods: We refined a previously developed portable lightweight soft exosuit to support continuous overground walking. We compared five minutes of continuous walking in a laboratory with the exosuit to walking without the exosuit in terms of ground clearance, foot landing and propulsion, as well as the energy cost of transport, walking stability and plantarflexor muscle slacking. Results: Exosuit assistance was associated with improvements in the targeted gait impairments: 22% increase in ground clearance during swing, 5\ub0 increase in foot-to-floor angle at initial contact, and 22% increase in the center-of-mass propulsion during push-off. The improvements in propulsion and foot landing contributed to a 6.7% (0.04 m/s) increase in walking speed (R 2 = 0.82). This enhancement in gait function was achieved without deterioration in muscle effort, stability or cost of transport. Subgroup analyses revealed that all individuals profited from ground clearance support, but slower individuals leveraged plantarflexor assistance to improve propulsion by 35% to walk 13% faster, while faster individuals did not change either. Conclusions: The immediate restorative benefits of the exosuit presented here underline its promise for rehabilitative gait training in poststroke individuals

    The Consent Paradox: Accounting for the Prominent Role of Consent in Data Protection

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    The concept of consent is a central pillar of data protection. It features prominently in research, regulation, and public debates on the subject, in spite of the wide-ranging criticisms that have been levelled against it. In this paper, I refer to this as the consent paradox. I argue that consent continues to play a central role not despite but because the criticisms of it. I analyze the debate on consent in the scholarly literature in general, and among German data protection professionals in particular, showing that it is a focus on the informed individual that keeps the concept of consent in place. Critiques of consent based on the notion of “informedness” reinforce the centrality of consent rather than calling it into question. They allude to a market view that foregrounds individual choice. Yet, the idea of a data market obscures more fundamental objections to consent, namely the individual’s dependency on data controllers’ services that renders the assumption of free choice a fiction

    Sorry, Your Order Has a Substitution : The Effects of Substitution Policy in Online Grocery Retailing

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    Post-purchase out-of-stock (OOS) often happens in an online store context, where products appear to be available at the time a consumer makes an order and checks out, but then become OOS when the order is to be dispatched. To mitigate negative responses from consumers, online grocery retailers often provide consumers a substitution alternative to the OOS item. This paper investigates the effects of two substitution policies where we focus on different matching strategies of the substitution with the OOS item. In policy one, we measure the effect of matching on the dominant attribute (brand vs. flavour). In policy two, we test the effect of matching with a product from the consumers’ past purchase portfolio. We investigate these two substitution policies and their interaction in two categories that differ on the level of differentiation (i.e., the degree to which distinctions are objectively measurable – vertical differentiation/VD vs. not easy to evaluate – horizontal differentiation/HD). Our dependent variable is the probability to accept the substitute. The study employs a computer-simulated purchase experiment, using two product categories: margarine (VD) and cereals (HD). 2,113 UK consumers representative of general UK shopper profile participated. Findings show that in the margarine category where brand is the dominant attribute, the same brand substitution is more likely to be accepted than the same flavour substitution. In contrast, in the cereal category where flavour is more likely to be the dominant attribute, same flavour substitution is more likely to be accepted than same brand substitution. The results also show that, in both categories, matching the substitution product with a product from consumers’ past purchase portfolio is more likely to be accepted than offering a substitute that consumers have not bought before. We also found a significant interaction between the two policy types but for cereals only. The effects of two substitution policies are mediated by perceived fairness of the substitution. The paper discusses contributions and implication for future research

    Reactive transport codes for subsurface environmental simulation

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    Marketing en politiek: een speldje voor een stem

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    Marketing en politiek: een speldje voor een stem

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    Lijsttrekker imago's: Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 1994

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    Lijsttrekker imago's: Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 1994

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    De Brandwatcher: een meetinstrument voor merktrouw

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