29 research outputs found

    Exploiting the Hierarchical Structure of Rule-Based Specifications for Decision Planning

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    Rule-based specifications have been very successful as a declarative approach in many domains, due to the handy yet solid foundations offered by rule-based machineries like term and graph rewriting. Realistic problems, however, call for suitable techniques to guarantee scalability. For instance, many domains exhibit a hierarchical structure that can be exploited conveniently. This is particularly evident for composition associations of models. We propose an explicit representation of such structured models and a methodology that exploits it for the description and analysis of model- and rule-based systems. The approach is presented in the framework of rewriting logic and its efficient implementation in the rewrite engine Maude and is illustrated with a case study.

    Quantitative evaluation of enforcement strategies

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    In Security, monitors and enforcement mechanisms run in parallel with programs to check, and modify their run-time behaviour, respectively, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of a security policy. For the same pol- icy, several enforcement strategies are possible. We provide a framework for quantitative monitoring and enforcement. Enforcement strategies are analysed according to user-dened parameters. This is done by extending the notion controller processes, that mimics the well-known edit automata, with weights on transitions, valued in a C-semiring. C-semirings permit one to be exible and general in the quantitative criteria. Furthermore, we provide some examples of orders on controllers that are evaluated under incomparable criteria

    A Logic for Graphs with QoS

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    We introduce a simple graph logic that supports specification of Quality of Service (QoS) properties of applications. The idea is that we are not only interested in representing whether two sites are connected, but we want to express the QoS level of the connection. The evaluation of a formula in the graph logic is a value of a suitable algebraic structure, a c-semiring, representing the QoS level of the formula and not just a boolean value expressing whether or not the formula holds. We present some examples and briefly discuss the expressiveness and complexity of our logic

    Counterpart semantics for a second-order μ-calculus

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    Quantified mu-calculi combine the fix-point and modal operators of temporal logics with (existential and universal) quantifiers, and they allow for reasoning about the possible behaviour of individual components within a software system. In this paper we introduce a novel approach to the semantics of such calculi: we consider a sort of labeled transition systems called counterpart models as semantic domain, where states are algebras and transitions are defined by counterpart relations (a family of partial homomorphisms) between states. Then, formulae are interpreted over sets of state assignments (families of partial substitutions, associating formula variables to state components). Our proposal allows us to model and reason about the creation and deletion of components, as well as the merging of components. Moreover, it avoids the limitations of existing approaches, usually enforcing restrictions of the transition relation: the resulting semantics is a streamlined and intuitively appealing one, yet it is general enough to cover most of the alternative proposals we are aware of. The paper is rounded up with some considerations about expressiveness and decidability aspects

    An Algebra of Hierarchical Graphs and its Application to Structural Encoding

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    We define an algebraic theory of hierarchical graphs, whose axioms characterise graph isomorphism: two terms are equated exactly when they represent the same graph. Our algebra can be understood as a high-level language for describing graphs with a node-sharing, embedding structure, and it is then well suited for defining graphical representations of software models where nesting and linking are key aspects. In particular, we propose the use of our graph formalism as a convenient way to describe configurations in process calculi equipped with inherently hierarchical features such as sessions, locations, transactions, membranes or ambients. The graph syntax can be seen as an intermediate representation language, that facilitates the encodings of algebraic specifications, since it provides primitives for nesting, name restriction and parallel composition. In addition, proving soundness and correctness of an encoding (i.e. proving that structurally equivalent processes are mapped to isomorphic graphs) becomes easier as it can be done by induction over the graph syntax

    Style-Based Architectural Reconfigurations ⋆

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    Abstract. We introduce Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR), an approach to deal with the design of reconfigurable software architectures. The key features we promote are: (i) rule-based approach (over graphs); (ii) hierarchical design; (iii) algebraic presentation; and (iv) inductivelydefined reconfigurations. Architectures are suitably modeled by graphs whose edges and nodes respectively represent components and connection ports. Architectures are designed hierarchically by a set of edge replacement rules that fix the architectural style. Depending on their reading, productions allow: (i) top-down design by refinement, (ii) bottomup typing of actual architectures, and (iii) well-formed composition of architectures. The key idea is to encode style proofs as terms and to exploit such information at run-time for guiding reconfigurations. The main advantages of ADR are that: (i) instead of reasoning on flat architectures, ADR specifications provide a convenient hierarchical structure, by exploiting the architectural classes introduced by the style, (ii) complex reconfiguration schemes can be defined inductively, and (iii) stylepreservation is guaranteed.

    Partial-order reduction for general state exploring algorithms

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    An important component of partial-order based reduction algorithms is the condition that prevents action ignoring, commonly known as the cycle proviso. In this paper we give a new version of this proviso that is applicable to a general search algorithm skeleton also known as the General State Expanding Algorithm (GSEA). GSEA maintains a set of open (visited but not expanded) states from which states are iteratively selected for exploration and moved to a closed set of states (visited and expanded). Depending on the open set data structure used, GSEA can be instantiated as depth-first, breadth-first, or a directed search algorithm. The proviso is characterized by reference to the open and closed set of states in GSEA. As a result the proviso can be computed in an efficient manner during the search based on local information. We implemented partial-order reduction for GSEA based on our proposed proviso in the tool HSF-SPIN, which is an extension of the model checker SPIN for directed model checking. We evaluate the state space reduction achieved by partial-order reduction according to the proviso that we propose by comparing it on a set of benchmark problems to other reduction approaches. We also compare the use of breadth-first search and A*, two algorithms ensuring that counterexamples of minimal length will be found, together with the proviso that we propose