2 research outputs found

    Spatial patterns in the biology of the chokka squid, Loligo reynaudii on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa

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    Although migration patterns for various life history stages of the chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) have been previously presented, there has been limited comparison of spatial variation in biological parameters. Based on data from research surveys; size ranges of juveniles, subadults and adults on the Agulhas Bank were estimated and presented spatially. The bulk of the results appear to largely support the current acceptance of the life cycle with an annual pattern of squid hatching in the east, migrating westwards to offshore feeding grounds on the Central and Western Agulhas Bank and the west coast and subsequent return migration to the eastern inshore areas to spawn. The number of adult animals in deeper water, particularly in autumn in the central study area probably represents squid spawning in deeper waters and over a greater area than is currently targeted by the fishery. The distribution of life history stages and different feeding areas does not rule out the possibility that discrete populations of L. reynaudii with different biological characteristics inhabit the western and eastern regions of the Agulhas Bank. In this hypothesis, some mixing of the populations does occur but generally squid from the western Agulhas Bank may occur in smaller numbers, grow more slowly and mature at a larger size. Spawning occurs on the western portion of the Agulhas Bank, and juveniles grow and mature on the west coast and the central Agulhas Bank. Future research requirements include the elucidation of the age structure of chokka squid both spatially and temporally, and a comparison of the statolith chemistry and genetic characterization between adults from different spawning areas across the Agulhas Bank

    A review of cephalopod-environment interactions in European Seas

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    Cephalopods are highly sensitive to environmental conditions and changes at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Relationships documented between cephalopod stock dynamics and environmental conditions are of two main types: those concerning the geographic distribution of abundance, for which the mechanism is often unknown, and those relating to biological processes such as egg survival, growth, recruitment and migration, where mechanisms are sometimes known and in a very few cases demonstrated by experimental evidence. Cephalopods seem to respond to environmental variation both ‘actively’ (e.g. migrating to areas with more favoured environmental conditions for feeding or spawning) and ‘passively’ (growth and survival vary according to conditions experienced, passive migration with prevailing currents). Environmental effects on early life stages can affect life history characteristics (growth and maturation rates) as well as distribution and abundance. Both large-scale atmospheric and oceanic processes and local environmental variation appear to play important roles in species–environment interactions. While oceanographic conditions are of particular significance for mobile pelagic species such as the ommastrephid squids, the less widely ranging demersal and benthic species may be more dependent on other physical habitat characteristics (e.g. substrate and bathymetry). Coastal species may be impacted by variations in water quality and salinity (related to rainfall and river flow). Gaps in current knowledge and future research priorities are discussed. Key research goals include linking distribution and abundance to environmental effects on biological processes, and using such knowledge to provide environmental indicators and to underpin fishery management