26 research outputs found

    Long-term outcomes of early childhood science education: insight from a cross-national comparative case study on conceptual understanding of science

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the long term outcomes of either participating or not participating in early childhood science education on Grade 6 students’ conceptual understanding of science. The research is situated in a conceptual framework that evokes Piagetian developmental levels as both potential curriculum constraints and potential models of efficacy. The research design was a multiple case study of Grade 6 children from three schools in China (n=140) who started formal science education in the third grade, and Grade 6 children from three matched schools in Australia (n=105) who started learning science in kindergarten. The students’ understanding was assessed by a science quiz and in-depth interview. The data showed that participating children from the high socio-economic schools in China and Australia had similar understandings of science. Divergence between the medium and low socio-economic schools, however, indicated that the grounding in early childhood science education in Australia may have placed these children at an advantage. Alternative explanations for the divergence including the nature of classroom instruction in the two countries are discussed

    Human Cytomegalovirus IE1 Protein Elicits a Type II Interferon-Like Host Cell Response That Depends on Activated STAT1 but Not Interferon-Ξ³

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    Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) is a highly prevalent pathogen that, upon primary infection, establishes life-long persistence in all infected individuals. Acute hCMV infections cause a variety of diseases in humans with developmental or acquired immune deficits. In addition, persistent hCMV infection may contribute to various chronic disease conditions even in immunologically normal people. The pathogenesis of hCMV disease has been frequently linked to inflammatory host immune responses triggered by virus-infected cells. Moreover, hCMV infection activates numerous host genes many of which encode pro-inflammatory proteins. However, little is known about the relative contributions of individual viral gene products to these changes in cellular transcription. We systematically analyzed the effects of the hCMV 72-kDa immediate-early 1 (IE1) protein, a major transcriptional activator and antagonist of type I interferon (IFN) signaling, on the human transcriptome. Following expression under conditions closely mimicking the situation during productive infection, IE1 elicits a global type II IFN-like host cell response. This response is dominated by the selective up-regulation of immune stimulatory genes normally controlled by IFN-Ξ³ and includes the synthesis and secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines. IE1-mediated induction of IFN-stimulated genes strictly depends on tyrosine-phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) and correlates with the nuclear accumulation and sequence-specific binding of STAT1 to IFN-Ξ³-responsive promoters. However, neither synthesis nor secretion of IFN-Ξ³ or other IFNs seems to be required for the IE1-dependent effects on cellular gene expression. Our results demonstrate that a single hCMV protein can trigger a pro-inflammatory host transcriptional response via an unexpected STAT1-dependent but IFN-independent mechanism and identify IE1 as a candidate determinant of hCMV pathogenicity

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Acacia senegal (L) Willd. in Kenya

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    The level of genetic diversity and population structure of Acacia senegal variety kerensis in Kenya was examined using seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci and two chloroplast microsatellite loci. In both chloroplast and nuclear datasets, high levels of genetic diversity were found within all populations and genetic differentiation among populations was low, indicating extensive gene flow. Analysis of population structure provided support for the presence of two groups of populations, although all individuals had mixed ancestry. Groups reflected the influence of geography on gene flow, with one representing Rift Valley populations whilst the other represented populations from Eastern Kenya. The similarities between estimates derived from nuclear and chloroplast data suggest highly effective gene dispersal by both pollen and seed in this species, although population structure appears to have been influenced by distributional changes in the past. The few contrasts between the spatial patterns for nuclear and chloroplast data provided additional support for the idea that, having fragmented in the past, groups are now thoroughly mixed as a result of extensive gene flow. For the purposes of conservation and in situ management of genetic resources, sampling could target a few, large populations ideally distributed among the spatial groups identified. This should ensure the majority of extant variation is preserved, and facilitate the investigation of variation in important phenotypic traits and development of breeding populations