4 research outputs found

    Aplicación de ensayos de PCR en tiempo real para el diagnóstico de histoplasmosis utilizando tres dianas moleculares en tejidos FFPE humanos y sangre completa

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    Objective: Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that causes significant morbidity and mortality in persons living with HIV/AIDS, especially in countries with limited resources. Currently used diagnostic tests rely on culture and serology, lack sensitivity and often require weeks to obtain results causing significant diagnosis delays; molecular assays are not commercially available. Methods: we aimed to apply quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) targeting three protein-coding genes of Histoplasma capsulatum (100-kDa, H and M antigens) for detection of H. capsulatum infection in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and whole blood (WB) samples from patients with proven histoplasmosis. Results: For FFPE samples, the sensitivity of 100-kDa, H and M qPCR assays were 93.9%, 91% and 57%, respectively; however, the same qPCR assays showed only 23%, 19% and 11.5% of sensitivity for 100-kDa, H y M qPCR assays when used with the WB samples. The specificity of qPCR was determined by testing samples from patients with other clinical infections and healthy controls and was 93%-100% depending upon the assay and the specimen type. Conclusion: we applied three qPCR assays for detecting H. capsulatum DNA in human samples, and demonstrated that the molecular protocols based on amplification of 100-kDa and H antigen can be successfully used for diagnosing this mycosis when using FFPE samples; however, we do not recommend WB for routine diagnosis of histoplasmosis by qPCR in patients with progressive disseminated histoplasmosis

    Molecular characterization of environmental Cryptococcus neoformans isolated in Vitoria, ES, Brazil Caracterização molecular de cepas ambientais de Cryptococcus neoformans isoladas em Vitória, ES, Brasil

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is the major cause of fungal meningitis, a potentially lethal mycosis. Bird excreta can be considered a significant environmental reservoir of this species in urban areas, thirty-three samples of pigeon excreta were collected within the city of Vitoria, Brazil. Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated and identified using standard biochemical assays in ten samples. PCR amplification with primer M13 and orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (URA5) gene-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis discerned serotypes and genotypes within this species. All isolates were serotype A (C. neoformans var. grubii) and genotype VNI. The two alternative alleles a and &#945; at the mating type locus were determined by PCR amplification and mating assays performed on V8 medium. All isolates were MAT &#945; mating type but only 50% were able to mate in vitro with the opposite mating type MAT a tester strains (JEC20, KN99a and Bt63). This study adds information on the ecology and molecular characterization of C. neoformans in the Southeast region of Brazil.<br>O "complexo Cryptococcus neoformans" é constituído por C. neoformans var. neoformans, C. neoformans var. grubii, e C. gattii. Trinta por cento de amostras de excrementos de pombos coletados dentro da cidade de Vitória, Brasil, foram positivas para Cryptococcus neoformans, espécie identificada por testes bioquímicos convencionais. Amplificação por PCR com primer M13 e análise por orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (URA5) gene-"restriction fragment length polymorphism" (RFLP) distinguiram sorotipos e genotipos dentro desta espécie. Todos os isolados ambientais foram sorotipo A (C. neoformans var. grubii) e genotipo VNI. Os dois alelos alternativos a e &#945; do locus "mating type" foram determinados por PCR e por testes de "mating" em meio V8. Todos os isolados foram "mating type" tipo MAT &#945; mas somente 50% foram capazes de conjugar in vitro com cepas MAT a, de "mating type" oposto (JEC20, KN99a e Bt63). Este estudo adiciona informações sobre a ecologia e caracterização molecular de cepas ambientais de C. neoformans, isoladas na região sudeste do Brasil