157 research outputs found

    Project of Waste Gases Continual Monitoring on the Boiler Output

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    Import 05/08/2014LITERÁK, D. Návrh kontinuálního monitoringu složení spalin na výstupu z kotle. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra energetiky, 2014, 57 s. Vedoucí práce: Ing. Tomáš Výtisk, Ph.D. V teoretické části diplomové práce je obsaženo seznámení s legislativou ochrany ovzduší, s možnostmi a způsoby odběru odpadních spalin a s možnostmi stanovení účinnosti kotlů. V praktické části byla navržena odběrová sonda, příruba a sběrná trubice. Následně bylo zvoleno odběrové potrubí, filtr s odvodem kondenzátu a rotametry a následně byl proveden hydraulický výpočet navržené varianty, zvoleno vhodné čerpadlo a na závěr bylo provedeno vyhodnocení investičních nákladů.LITERÁK, D. Ther Project of waste Gases Continual Monitoring on the Boiler Output: Master Thesis. Ostrava : VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, 2014, 57 p. Thesis head: Ing. Tomáš Výtisk, Ph.D. In the theoretical part of the thesis is included familiarization with air protection legislation, the possibilities and the collection of waste flue gas as in measuring the efficiency of boilers. In the practical part was designed sampling probe, flange and collection tube. Subsequently, the selected sampling pipe filter with condensate and rotameters. Finally, hydraulic calculation was performed designed variants, selected appropriate sampling pump and lunch series were evaluated investment costs.361 - Katedra energetikyvelmi dobř

    The Influence of Bending and Deformation of Coaxial Cables for Signal Propagation

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlastnostmi koaxiálních kabelů používaných v sítích mobilních operátorů. Zejména pak vlivem jejich ohybu a následných deformací na šíření signálu. Náplní této práce je ověřit hodnoty minimálního poloměru ohybu vybraných typů kabelů uváděných výrobcem v katalogových listech. V praktické části provádím měření vlivu různých poloměrů ohybu koaxiálních kabelů na sílu přenášeného signálu. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty výsledky tohoto měření.This bachelor thesis deals with properties of coaxial cables used in mobile operators network. Especially with the influence of their bending and deformation for signal propagation. The content of this thesis is to verify the values of minimum bending radius given in the datasheets. I am measuring the influence of different bending radius for signal propagation in the experimental part of thesis. The results of this measurement are summarized in the conclusion440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Thermal Energy Savings of House

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    Import 03/08/2012Bakalářská práce se zabývá úsporou tepelné energie rodinného domu. V první části je vypočtena tepelná ztráta rodinného domu dne projektové dokumentace. Na základě vypočtených tepelných ztrát je navrženo vytápění objektu. Následně je srovnáno několik možností způsobu zateplení a navržena tepelná izolace. Poté je na základě aplikované tepelné izolace opět vypočtena tepelná ztráta domu. V závěru práce je provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení na základě úspory nákladů na vytápění před a po zateplením.The bachelor´s work deals with the thermal energy saving house. In the first part of heat los sis calculated on a house project documentation. Based on the calculatedheat loss is designed to heat the building. Following is a comparison of several options how insulation materials and thermal insulation designed. It si then applied to the insulation again heat lossof the house. The conclusion is made based on economicevalution of cost savings on the heatinh before and after insulation.361 - Katedra energetikyvelmi dobř

    Incidence and Prevalence of Toxoplasmosis Among Sheep and Goats in Southern and Western Bohemia

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    Prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Pigs in the Region of South Bohemia

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    Genome Changes in the Toxoplasma gondii Strains during Laboratory Passages in Mice

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    Three strains of Toxoplasma gondii isolated from rabbits (K6 and K9) and a cat (K24) in the Czech Republic in 1994-95 were maintained in a tissue cyst form in laboratory mice by injections of brain homogenate every 4- 6 months. These strains were passaged 12 to 13 times before tachyzoites, from which DNA was isolated, were obtained. PCR/RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) (ROP1 gene/DdeI restriction endonuclease) and RFLP/DNA (RFLP with chromosomal DNA) (TGR1E probe/PstI and SalI restriction endonucleases) were used to characterize their genotypes. In the course of subsequent tissue cyst-tissue cyst passages, the pathogenicity of the strains increased and intraperitoneal passaging of tachyzoites from the peritoneal exudate two times weekly had to be used to facilitate the continuous maintenance. After the pathogenicity increase, the DNA was isolated from the tachyzoites after 6 to 48 tachyzoite-tachyzoite passages. Genotype differences were observed in the strain before and after increasing their pathogenicity. Both PCR/RFLP and RFLP/DNA patterns of the strain before and after increasing their pathogenicity were similar, and even identical, with previously described genotype characteristics of avirulent and virulent strains of T. gondii

    Occurence of Toxoplasmosis and its Prevalence in Cattle in the South Bohemian Region

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    Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on chickens (Gallus gallus) from small backyard flocks in the eastern part of the Czech Republic

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    Abstract One hundred and sixty chickens (Gallus gallus) from 31 small, private backyard flocks in the eastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera). At least one species of chewing lice was found on every bird examined. Seven species of chewing lice were identified in all; they had the following prevalences and mean intensities: Goniocotes gallinae (100%; 110 lice), Menopon gallinae (88%; 50), Menacanthus stramineus (48%; 17), Lipeurus caponis (35%; 12), Menacanthus cornutus (12%; 9), Cuclotogaster heterographus (1%; 4) and Goniocotes microthorax (1%; 3). Just two birds from a single flock were heavily infested with the ischnoceran species G. gallinae.


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    Three mite species of the genus Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) were recorded on wild birds represented by new hosts in Paraguay: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus ex Chlorostilbon lucidus (=aureoventris) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae), Neharpyrhynchus tangara ex Paroaria capitata and P. coronata (Passeriformes: Thraupidae), and Neharpyrhynchus aff. spinus ex Setophaga (=Parula) pitiayumi (Passeriformes: Parulidae). Records from C. aureoventris, P. capitata, P. coronata and P. pitiayumi represent new host-parasite associations. Mites of this genus were recorded in Paraguay for the first time.Dos especies de ácaros del género Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpirhynchidae) fueron registrados en aves silvestres del Paraguay: Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus ex Chlorostilbon lucidus (=aureoventris) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae), Neharpyrhynchus tangara ex Paroaria capitatay P. coronata (Passeriformers: Thraupidae) y Neharpyrhynchus aff. spinus ex Setophaga =Parula) pitiayumi (Passeriformes: Parulidae). Los registros en C. aureoventris, P. capitata, P. coronata y P. pitiayumi representan nuevas asociaciones huesped - parásito. Los ácaros de este género fueron reportados por primera vez para el Paraguay

    Haematology and Leucocytozoonosis of Great Tits (Parus Major L.) During Winter

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