16,437 research outputs found

    Magnetic phases evolution in the LaMn1-xFexO3+y system

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    We have investigated the crystal structure and magnetic properties for polycrystalline samples of LaMn1-xFexO3+y, in the whole range x=0.0 to x=1.0, prepared by solid state reaction in air. All samples show the ORT-2 orthorhombic structure that suppresses the Jahn-Teller distortion, thus favoring a ferromagnetic (FM) superexchange (SE) interaction between Mn^{3+}-O-Mn^{3+}. For x=0.0 the oxygen excess (y ~ 0.09) produces vacancies in the La and Mn sites and generates a fraction around 18% of Mn^{4+} ions and 82% of the usual Mn^{3+} ions, with possible double exchange interaction between them. The Fe doping in this system is known to produce only stable Fe^{3+} ions. We find an evolution from a fairly strong FM phase with a Curie temperature T_{C} ~ 160 K, for x=0.0, to an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase with T_{N} = 790 K, for x=1.0, accompanied by clear signatures of a cluster-glass behavior. For intermediate Fe contents a mixed-phase state occurs, with a gradual decrease (increase) of the FM (AFM) phase, accompanied by a systematic transition broadening for 0.2 < x < 0.7. A model based on the expected exchange interaction among the various magnetic-ion types, accounts very well for the saturation-magnetization dependence on Fe doping.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    On Matrix Superpotential and Three-Component Normal Modes

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    We consider the supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) with three- component normal modes for the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) states. An explicit form of the SUSY QM matrix superpotential is presented and the corresponding three-component bosonic zero-mode eigenfunction is investigated.Comment: 17 pages, no figure. Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    On Useful Conformal Tranformations In General Relativity

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    Local conformal transformations are known as a useful tool in various applications of the gravitational theory, especially in cosmology. We describe some new aspects of these transformations, in particular using them for derivation of Einstein equations for the cosmological and Schwarzschild metrics. Furthermore, the conformal transformation is applied for the dimensional reduction of the Gauss-Bonnet topological invariant in d=4d=4 to the spaces of lower dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX. The paper is intended mainly for pedagogical purposes and represents a collection of exercises concerning local conformal transformations and dimensional reduction. To be published in "Gravitation and Cosmology

    Métodos para produção de mudas de jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril Linnaues) e colubrina (Colubrina glandulosa Perk) em condições de viveiro na Amazônia.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é produzir mudas de Hymenaea courbaril e Colubrina glandulosa em diferentes recipientes além de avaliar os parâmetros de crescimento, para poder se estabelecer um protocolo de produção para mudas de boa qualidade com baixo custo e em menor tempo no viveiro

    Phenolic compounds and organic acids evaluation on red grapes used for winemaking in the Northeast of Brazil.

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    Monitoring maturation to determine harvest time is very important to determine the enological potential and the quality characteristics and typicality of the wines (Borghezan et al., 2011). Considering that there is no cold weather in the São Francisco Valley, it is possible to scale and production of two harvests per year. This study aimed to determine the chemical composition of the ?Syrah? and ?Tempranillo? grapes, during maturation. Sixty plants were used for each cultivar, divided into three blocks

    Quantum state tomography of photons polarization and path degrees of freedom

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    Quantum state tomography (QST), the process through which the density matrix of a quantum system is characterized from measurements of specific observables, is a fundamental pillar in the fields of quantum information and computation. We propose a simple QST method to reconstruct the density matrix of two qubits encoded in the polarization and path degrees of freedom of a single photon, which can be realized with a single linear-optical setup. We demonstrate that the density matrix can be fully described in terms of the one-point Stokes parameters related to the two possibles paths of the photon, together with a quantum version of the two-point Stokes parameters introduced here.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Otimização e validação de método para determinação de ácidos orgânicos em vinhos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência.

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    Reagentes e soluções analíticas; Instrumentação e condição cromatográfica; Estabilidade dos padrões analíticos e da fase móvel; Validação do método; Preparação das amostras de vinho

    Crescimento da Bertholletia excelsa, Humb. et Bompl. em Manaus, AM.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o crescimento e o comportamento silvicultural da castanheira-do-Brasil na região de Manaus, AM

    Caracterização de substâncias húmicas extraídas de solo tratado com carvão vegetal (biochar).

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    As Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI) são solos antropogênicos encontrados na Amazônia, que têm alto teor de carbono (C) orgânico, alta fertilidade e alta capacidade de recuperação. Os TPI possuem estas características devido ao caráter pirogênico do C que neles se encontra, e que se manifestam na alta proporção de estruturas aromáticas policondensadas com grupos funcionais carboxílicos originadas das alterações naturais de biomassa carbonizada adicionada ao solo pelas populações indígenas pré-colombianas