24,376 research outputs found

    Kinematic Constraints to the Transition Redshift from SNe Ia Union Data

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    The kinematic approach to cosmological tests provides a direct evidence to the present accelerating stage of the universe which does not depend on the validity of general relativity, as well as on the matter-energy content of the Universe. In this context, we consider here a linear two-parameter expansion for the decelerating parameter, q(z)=q0+q1zq(z)=q_0+q_1z, where q0q_0 and q1q_1 are arbitrary constants to be constrained by the Union supernovae data. By assuming a flat Universe we find that the best fit to the pair of free parameters is (q0,q1q_0,q_1) = (0.73,1.5)-0.73,1.5) whereas the transition redshift is zt=0.490.07+0.14z_t = 0.49^{+0.14}_{-0.07} (1σ1\sigma) 0.12+0.54^{+0.54}_{-0.12} (2σ2\sigma). This kinematic result is in agreement with some independent analyzes and accommodates more easily many dynamical flat models (like Λ\LambdaCDM).Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Plane flame furnace combustion tests on JPL desulfurized coal

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    The combustion characteristics of three raw bituminous (PSOC-282 and 276) and subbituminous (PSOC-230) coals, the raw coals partially desulfurized (ca -60%) by JPL chlorinolysis, and the chlorinated coals more completely desulfurized (ca -75%) by JPL hydrodesulfurization were determined. The extent to which the combustion characteristics of the untreated coals were altered upon JPL sulfur removal was examined. Combustion conditions typical of utility boilers were simulated in the plane flame furnace. Upon decreasing the parent coal voltaile matter generically by 80% and the sulfur by 75% via the JPL desulfurization process, ignition time was delayed 70 fold, burning velocity was retarded 1.5 fold, and burnout time was prolonged 1.4 fold. Total flame residence time increased 2.3 fold. The JPL desulfurization process appears to show significant promise for producing technologically combustible and clean burning (low SO3) fuels

    Counterrotation in magnetocentrifugally driven jets and other winds

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    Rotation measurement in jets from T Tauri stars is a rather difficult task. Some jets seem to be rotating in a direction opposite to that of the underlying disk, although it is not yet clear if this affects the totality or part of the outflows. On the other hand, Ulysses data also suggest that the solar wind may rotate in two opposite ways between the northern and southern hemispheres. We show that this result is not as surprising as it may seem and that it emerges naturally from the ideal MHD equations. Specifically, counterrotating jets neither contradict the magnetocentrifugal driving of the flow nor prevent extraction of angular momentum from the disk. The demonstration of this result is shown by combining the ideal MHD equations for steady axisymmetric flows. Provided that the jet is decelerated below some given threshold beyond the Alfven surface, the flow will change its direction of rotation locally or globally. Counterrotation is also possible for only some layers of the outflow at specific altitudes along the jet axis. We conclude that the counterrotation of winds or jets with respect to the source, star or disk, is not in contradiction with the magnetocentrifugal driving paradigm. This phenomenon may affect part of the outflow, either in one hemisphere, or only in some of the outflow layers. From a time-dependent simulation, we illustrate this effect and show that it may not be permanent.Comment: To appear in ApJ

    Counter-rotation in relativistic magnetohydrodynamic jets

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    Young stellar object observations suggest that some jets rotate in the opposite direction with respect to their disk. In a recent study, Sauty et al. (2012) have shown that this does not contradict the magnetocentrifugal mechanism that is believed to launch such outflows. Signatures of motions transverse to the jet axis and in opposite directions have recently been measured in M87 (Meyer et al. 2013). One possible interpretation of this motion is the one of counter rotating knots. Here, we extend our previous analytical derivation of counter-rotation to relativistic jets, demonstrating that counter-rotation can indeed take place under rather general conditions. We show that both the magnetic field and a non-negligible enthalpy are necessary at the origin of counter-rotating outflows, and that the effect is associated with a transfer of energy flux from the matter to the electromagnetic field. This can be realized in three cases : if a decreasing enthalpy causes an increase of the Poynting flux, if the flow decelerates, or, if strong gradients of the magnetic field are present. An illustration of the involved mechanism is given by an example of relativistic MHD jet simulation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ


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    o presente estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e a obtenção de evidências de validade e precisão da Escala de Avaliação do Risco de Violência para Idosos (EARVI). Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, de corte transversal, no qual participaram 228 idosos com 65 ou mais anos, residentes de três regiões de Portugal. Resultado: Na análise fatorial, o instrumento apresentou evidências satisfatórias de validade e precisão, resultando na retenção de 21 itens que se agruparam em quatro fatores: confiança/segurança nas relações próximas, isolamento social, dependência funcional e segurança financeira. O alfa de Cronbach para a escala total foi de 0,74. A EARVI apresentou boa precisão, com índice de Youden de 0,77 e sensibilidade e especificidade de 88%. Conclusão: A EARVI poderá ser uma ferramenta útil na identificação de idosos em risco de violência, auxiliando na tomada de decisão por profissionais de saúde. No entanto, se faz necessário que o instrumento seja replicado em amostras mais amplas de idosos, incluindo outros contextos e localidades, de modo a comprovar a estrutura fatorial obtida na escala

    An accurate formula for the period of a simple pendulum oscillating beyond the small-angle regime

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    A simple approximation formula is derived here for the dependence of the period of a simple pendulum on amplitude that only requires a pocket calculator and furnishes an error of less than 0.25% with respect to the exact period. It is shown that this formula describes the increase of the pendulum period with amplitude better than other simple formulas found in literature. A good agreement with experimental data for a low air-resistance pendulum is also verified and it suggests, together with the current availability/precision of timers and detectors, that the proposed formula is useful for extending the pendulum experiment beyond the usual small-angle oscillations.Comment: 15 pages and 4 figures. to appear in American Journal of Physic

    Chemical Potential and the Nature of the Dark Energy: The case of phantom

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    The influence of a possible non zero chemical potential μ\mu on the nature of dark energy is investigated by assuming that the dark energy is a relativistic perfect simple fluid obeying the equation of state (EoS), p=ωρp=\omega \rho (ω<0,constant\omega <0, constant). The entropy condition, S0S \geq 0, implies that the possible values of ω\omega are heavily dependent on the magnitude, as well as on the sign of the chemical potential. For μ>0\mu >0, the ω\omega-parameter must be greater than -1 (vacuum is forbidden) while for μ<0\mu < 0 not only the vacuum but even a phantomlike behavior (ω<1\omega <-1) is allowed. In any case, the ratio between the chemical potential and temperature remains constant, that is, μ/T=μ0/T0\mu/T=\mu_0/T_0. Assuming that the dark energy constituents have either a bosonic or fermionic nature, the general form of the spectrum is also proposed. For bosons μ\mu is always negative and the extended Wien's law allows only a dark component with ω<1/2\omega < -1/2 which includes vacuum and the phantomlike cases. The same happens in the fermionic branch for μ0\mu 0 are permmited only if 1<ω<1/2-1 < \omega < -1/2. The thermodynamics and statistical arguments constrain the EoS parameter to be ω<1/2\omega < -1/2, a result surprisingly close to the maximal value required to accelerate a FRW type universe dominated by matter and dark energy (ω10/21\omega \lesssim -10/21).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure