4 research outputs found

    Reflexos da clarificação do caldo de cana com moringa sobre compostos inorgânicos do açúcar VHP

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of sugarcane juice clarification, using extract of leaves and seeds of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck) as auxiliary sedimentation, on the concentration of inorganic compounds of clarified juice and sugar VHP (Very High Purity - Export Type). The experimental design used was a 5 x 2 factorial arrangement with four replications. The performed main treatments included the extracted original sugarcane juice, the synthetic polyelectrolyte, the leaf and seed extract, and a control. The secondary treatments consisted of the sugarcane varieties RB92579 and RB867515. The sugarcane juice was clarified by simple defecation, evaporated until 60 degrees Brix and subjected to a cooking process. In the original juice, in the clarified juice and in the produced sugar the phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, iron and total ashes contents were quantified. The use of extract of leaves and seeds of moringa was effective on juice treatment destined to sugar production, as they removed high quantities of calcium and iron compared to the synthetic polymer. The extract of leaves was the better auxiliary in sedimentation when compared to the others.Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os reflexos da clarificação do caldo de cana utilizando extrato de folhas e sementes de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck) como auxiliares de sedimentação sobre os teores dos compostos inorgânicos do caldo clarificado e do açúcar VHP (Very High Purity - Tipo Exportação) produzido. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o fatorial 5 x 2 com quatro repetições; o primeiro fator correspondeu aos auxiliares de sedimentação: extrato de folhas e sementes de moringa, polieletrólito sintético e testemunha; já o segundo fator correspondeu a duas variedades de cana-de-açúcar: RB92579 e RB867515. O caldo extraído foi clarificado através de caleagem simples, concentrado até 60 oBrix e submetido ao processo de cozimento. No caldo original, clarificado e no açúcar produzido, foram quantificados os teores de fósforo, potássio, cálcio, sódio, magnésio, manganês e ferro além do teor de cinzas totais. Os empregos dos extratos de folhas e sementes de moringa se mostraram eficazes no tratamento do caldo destinado à produção de açúcar, por eliminar quantidades significativas de cálcio e ferro em comparação ao polieletrólito sintético. O extrato de folhas foi o melhor auxiliar de sedimentação,quando comparado aos demais.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Bioethanol production with different dosages of the commercial Acrylamide polymer compared to a Bioextract in clarifying sugarcane juice

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT One of the most important steps is to clarify the juice, which are added synthetic polymer acrylamide base, aiming the fast settling of impurities present in the juice. However, this input is expensive and may have carcinogenic and neurotoxic actions to humans. The search for new natural flocculants that have similarity with the commercial product is of great value. A bioextract that may be promising and has coagulant action is the Moringa oleifera Lam. In this context, the objective of the research was to evaluate the consequences of the use of moringa seed extracts and various concentrations of commercial polymer, such as sedimentation aids in clarifying sugarcane juice in the ethanol production, comparing the efficiency of the bioextract moringa. In the treatment of the juice, excessive addition of flocculants can result in reduction of sugars. The bioflocculant moringa was similar in technological features and the fermentative viability compared to usual dose of commercial polymer in Brazil. The fermentation efficiency was also higher for this flocculant, followed by moringa extract. The results obtained in this research indicate potential to the moringa bioextract, particularly in countries where the doses of flocculants are higher than 5 mg.L-1.</p></div