105,599 research outputs found

    Disk Accretion onto Magnetized Neutron Stars: The Inner Disk Radius and Fastness Parameter

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    It is well known that the accretion disk around a magnetized compact star can penetrate inside the magnetospheric boundary, so the magnetospheric radius \ro does not represent the true inner edge \rin of the disk; but controversies exist in the literature concerning the relation between \ro and \rin. In the model of Ghosh & Lamb, the width of the boundary layer is given by \delta=\ro-\rin\ll\ro, or \rin\simeq\ro, while Li & Wickramasinghe recently argued that \rin could be significantly smaller than \ro in the case of a slow rotator. Here we show that if the star is able to absorb the angular momentum of disk plasma at \ro, appropriate for binary X-ray pulsars, the inner disk radius can be constrained by 0.8\lsim \rin/\ro\lsim 1, and the star reaches spin equilibrium with a relatively large value of the fastness parameter (∌0.7−0.95\sim 0.7-0.95). For accreting neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), \ro is generally close to the stellar radius \rs so that the toroidal field cannot transfer the spin-up torque efficiently to the star. In this case the critical fastness parameter becomes smaller, but \rin is still near \ro.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Ap

    HI scaling relations of galaxies in the environment of HI-rich and control galaxies observed by the Bluedisk project

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    Our work is based on the "Bluedisk" project, a program to map the neutral gas in a sample of 25 HI-rich spirals and a similar number of control galaxies with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). In this paper we focus on the HI properties of the galaxies in the environment of our targeted galaxies. In total, we extract 65 galaxies from the WSRT cubes with stellar masses between 108M⊙10^8M_{\odot} and 1011M⊙10^{11}M_{\odot}. Most of these galaxies are located on the same HI mass-size relation and "HI-plane" as normal spiral galaxies. We find that companions around HI-rich galaxies tend to be HI-rich as well and to have larger R90,HI/R50,HI. This suggests a scenario of "HI conformity", similar to the colour conformity found by Weinmann et al. (2006): galaxies tend to adopt the HI properties of their neighbours. We visually inspect the outliers from the HI mass-size relation and galaxies which are offset from the HI plane and find that they show morphological and kinematical signatures of recent interactions with their environment. We speculate that these outliers have been disturbed by tidal or ram-pressure stripping processes, or in a few cases, by accretion events.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Current induced local spin polarization due to the spin-orbit coupling in a two dimensional narrow strip

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    The current induced local spin polarization due to weak Rashba spin-orbit coupling in narrow strip is studied. In the presence of longitudinal charge current, local spin polarizations appear in the sample. The spin polarization perpendicular to the plane has opposite sign near the two edges. The in-plane spin polarization in the direction perpendicular to the sample edges also appears, but does not change sign across the sample. From our scaling analysis based on increasing the strip width, the out-of-plane spin polarization is important mainly in a system of mesoscopic size, and thus appears not to be associated with the spin-Hall effect in bulk samples.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inhomogeneous states with checkerboard order in the t-J Model

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    We study inhomogeneous states in the t-J model using an unrestricted Gutzwiller approximation. We find that pa×papa\times pa checkerboard order, where pp is a doping dependent number, emerges from Fermi surface instabilities of both the staggered flux phase and the Fermi liquid state with realistic band parameters. In both cases, the checkerboard order develops at wave vectors (±2π/pa,0)(\pm 2\pi/pa,0), (0,±2π/pa)(0,\pm2\pi/pa) that are tied to the peaks of the wave-vector dependent susceptibility, and is of the Lomer-Rice-Scott type. The properties of such periodic, inhomogeneous states are discussed in connection to the checkerboard patterns observed by STM in underdoped cuprates.Comment: Published Versio

    The arabidopsis RCC1 family protein TCF1 regulates freezing tolerance and cold acclimation through modulating lignin biosynthesis

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    Cell water permeability and cell wall properties are critical to survival of plant cells during freezing, however the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we report that a specifically cold-induced nuclear protein, Tolerant to Chilling and Freezing 1 (TCF1), interacts with histones H3 and H4 and associates with chromatin containing a target gene, BLUE-COPPER-BINDING PROTEIN (BCB), encoding a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein that regulates lignin biosynthesis. Loss of TCF1 function leads to reduced BCB transcription through affecting H3K4me2 and H3K27me3 levels within the BCB gene, resulting in reduced lignin content and enhanced freezing tolerance. Furthermore, plants with knocked-down BCB expression (amiRNA-BCB) under cold acclimation had reduced lignin accumulation and increased freezing tolerance. The pal1pal2 double mutant (lignin content reduced by 30% compared with WT) also showed the freezing tolerant phenotype, and TCF1 and BCB act upstream of PALs to regulate lignin content. In addition, TCF1 acts independently of the CBF (C-repeat binding factor) pathway. Our findings delineate a novel molecular pathway linking the TCF1-mediated cold-specific transcriptional program to lignin biosynthesis, thus achieving cell wall remodeling with increased freezing tolerance

    Introduction to Asian Culture(s) and Globalization

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    Marshall McLuhan coined the term the global village associating globalized human experiences in an electronic age (4). Although transnational relations existed for many centuries, McLuhan predicted in the 1960s that new technologies not only facilitate the growth of international interconnectedness, cross-border exchanges, as well as trans-cultural phenomena, but also help foster cultural transactions. Referring to the dramatic and unprecedented break between the past and the present, tradition and modernity, Arjun Appadurai argues that media and migration have been two major forces impelling the circulation of world cultures (3). In the phenomenon of globalization, people from every part of the world tend to embrace the concepts of democracy, human rights, and technical assistance, but globalization did not and does not go smooth in all aspects of life. Globalization was originally characterized as a power to diminish the gap between the developed and developing worlds. However, there continue to be resistance against globalization because of the West\u27s — i.e., technologically and industrially advanced countries with now soft imperial agendas. As Fredric Jameson suggests, globalization has become a philosophical issue because through cultural adaption, integration, and transformation, globalization has triggered the development of mass culture and restructured the production of cultures in various ways (54-60)

    Quark Mass Ratios in ChPT with the Difference of Quark Condensates Considered

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    The chiral effective Lagrangian for pseudoscalar nonet is constructed in consideration of isospin breaking. And the difference of quark condensates is taken accounted. The SU(3) singlet eta0 is not taken as Goldstone-boson. The mixing with and without isospin symmetry is considered. The quark mass ratios are obtained through solving the mass equations of mesons. We estimate the change of quark mass ratios according to the change of the masses of pion+ and kaon+ to see how the electromagnetic corrections affect our results. It turn out that massless up quark is possible. The upper limit for mu/md is around 0.39. 2ms/(mu+md)=24.23~25.12. The values for quark condensate ratios and other constants are limited in narrow ranges.Comment: 10 page
