23 research outputs found


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    Mosquito nets treated with long-lasting insecticide (LLINs), when used in compliance with guidelines of the World Health Organization, may be effective for malaria vector control. In 2012, approximately 150,000 LLINs were installed in nine municipalities in the state of Rondônia. However, no studies have assessed their impact on the reduction of malaria incidence. This study analyzed secondary data of malaria incidence, in order to assess the impact of LLINs on the annual parasite incidence (API). The results showed no statistically significant differences in API one year after LLIN installation when compared to municipalities without LLINs. The adoption of measures for malaria vector control should be associated with epidemiological studies and evaluations of their use and efficiency, with the aim of offering convincing advantages that justify their implementation and limit malaria infection in the Amazon Region

    Os significados de saúde na relação sexual para mulheres assistidas pelo SUS na cidade de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil The meaning of health in sexual relations according to women treated under the Unified National Health System in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as representações sociais acerca de "saúde nas relações sexuais" de mulheres atendidas pelo SUS. Cento e cinquenta pesquisadas foram submetidas ao Teste de Evocação Livre de Palavras (TELP), adotando-se como estímulo "saúde nas relações sexuais". As mulheres foram questionadas também a respeito da origem das informações acessíveis sobre o tema. Os resultados foram obtidos utilizando-se a análise de conteúdo e o programa EVOC. Foram identificadas três dimensões representacionais: prevenção, relação com o parceiro e qualidade de vida. O núcleo central da representação social mostrou-se constituído pelos elementos prevenção e camisinha. As prováveis fontes doadoras de elementos para a representação foram a TV, a unidade de saúde e as interlocuções com a família e o parceiro. As representações são compostas por conceitos relativos à prevenção, à boa relação com o parceiro e ao bem-estar geral. Esses resultados são indicadores da necessidade de ampliação dos aspectos abordados pelo SUS em relação à saúde sexual feminina.<br>The aim of this article is to discuss the social representations of "health in sexual relations" as reported by women treated under the Unified National Health System (SUS) in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A total of 150 women were tested using the free word recall test, with "health in sexual relations" as the stimulus. Women were also asked about their sources of information on the subject. The results were obtained with content analysis and the EVOC software. We identified three representational dimensions: prevention, relationship with the partner, and quality of life. The central nucleus of social representation consisted of the elements "prevention" and "condoms". Likely sources for representation were television, health services, and dialogue with family members and partners. Representations were composed of concepts related to prevention, a good partner relationship, and overall well-being. The results illustrate the need to expand women's sexual health aspects that are considered relevant by the health system

    Prevalência de anemia e níveis séricos de hemoglobina em adolescentes segundo estágio de maturidade sexual Prevalence of anemia and hemoglobin serum levels in adolescents according to sexual maturation stage

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    Durante a adolescência o crescimento acelerado promove um aumento nas necessidades nutricionais, inclusive de ferro, tornando os adolescentes um grupo de risco nutricional. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a prevalência de anemia e os níveis séricos de hemoglobina de acordo com o estágio de maturidade sexual em uma amostra representativa composta por 272 adolescentes matriculados em escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Balneário Camboriú-SC. A auto-avaliação da maturidade sexual foi realizada segundo os critérios de Tanner (1962). Os níveis sangüíneos de hemoglobina foram medidos através do sistema HemoCue® e o diagnóstico de deficiência de ferro foi baseado no critério proposto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (2001). Foram consideradas significativas as diferenças ao nível de p<0,05. Foi encontrada prevalência de anemia de 31,2%, sem diferença significativa entre os sexos. Os níveis de hemoglobina foram significativamente maiores no sexo masculino (p=0,044) e não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os valores médios de hemoglobina entre as meninas que haviam atingido a menarca e as que não a haviam atingido. Não foi encontrada associação entre a presença de anemia e o estágio de maturidade sexual dos adolescentes (chi2=1,17; p=0,56). Verificou-se aumento dos níveis séricos de hemoglobina de acordo com o desenvolvimento sexual no sexo masculino, enquanto no sexo feminino não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas nestes valores com os sucessivos estágios puberais. Estes resultados demonstraram uma prevalência moderada de anemia e sugerem não haver relação entre a anemia e o desenvolvimento puberal na população estudada.<br>Accelerated growth spurt during adolescence leads to increased nutritional requirements, including iron, therefore posing a nutritional risk to adolescents. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence of anemia and hemoglobin serum levels according to the sexual maturation stage in a representative sample comprised of 272 adolescents enrolled in public schools in Balneário Camboriú, SC. Self-assessment of sexual maturation was carried out according to criteria defined by Tanner (1962). Hemoglobin serum levels were measured through the HemoCue® system and the diagnosis of iron deficiency was based on the cut off points proposed by the World Health Organization (2001). Differences were considered significant at the level of p<0.05. We found a prevalence of 31.2% of anemia without significant differences between genders. Hemoglobin serum levels were significantly higher in boys (p=0.044) than in girls. We did not find significant differences between mean hemoglobin levels of girls who had reached menarche and the ones who had not. There was no statistical association between the presence of anemia and sexual maturation stages of adolescents (chi2=1.17; p=0.56). An increase in mean hemoglobin serum levels was observed along with sexual maturation in boys, but not in girls. The results of the present study showed a moderate prevalence of anemia, but did not point out any relation between anemia and sexual maturation in the population studied

    Composition, abundance and aspects of temporal variation in the distribution of Anopheles species in an area of Eastern Amazonia

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    Introduction The diverse and complex environmental conditions of the Amazon Basin favor the breeding and development of Anopheles species. This study aimed to describe the composition, abundance and temporal frequency of Anopheles species and to correlate these factors with precipitation, temperature and relative humidity. Methods The study was conducted in the District of Coração, State of Amapá, Brazil. Samples were collected monthly during three consecutive nights, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, from December 2010 to November 2011. In addition, four 12-hour collections (i.e., 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM) were performed during this period. Results A total of 1,230 Anopheles specimens were collected. In the monthly collections, Anopheles darlingi was the predominant species, followed by An. braziliensis and An. albitarsis s.l., whereas An. darlingi, An. peryassui and An. braziliensis were the most frequent species collected in the 12-hour collections. The greatest number of anophelines was collected in September (the dry season). The highest frequency of anophelines was observed for An. darlingi during September, when there were the least rainfalls of the year, along with lower relative humidity and higher temperatures. There was little variation in the abundance of this species in other months, with the exception of slight increases in February, July and August. Conclusions The major malaria vectors, An. darlingi and An. albitarsis s.l. (likely An. marajoara), were the most abundant species collected in the study area. Consequently, prevention and control measures should be taken to prevent malaria outbreaks in the District of Coração