14 research outputs found

    Metabolomic analyses of Leishmania reveal multiple species differences and large differences in amino acid metabolism

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    Comparative genomic analyses of Leishmania species have revealed relatively minor heterogeneity amongst recognised housekeeping genes and yet the species cause distinct infections and pathogenesis in their mammalian hosts. To gain greater information on the biochemical variation between species, and insights into possible metabolic mechanisms underpinning visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, we have undertaken in this study a comparative analysis of the metabolomes of promastigotes of L. donovani, L. major and L. mexicana. The analysis revealed 64 metabolites with confirmed identity differing 3-fold or more between the cell extracts of species, with 161 putatively identified metabolites differing similarly. Analysis of the media from cultures revealed an at least 3-fold difference in use or excretion of 43 metabolites of confirmed identity and 87 putatively identified metabolites that differed to a similar extent. Strikingly large differences were detected in their extent of amino acid use and metabolism, especially for tryptophan, aspartate, arginine and proline. Major pathways of tryptophan and arginine catabolism were shown to be to indole-3-lactate and arginic acid, respectively, which were excreted. The data presented provide clear evidence on the value of global metabolomic analyses in detecting species-specific metabolic features, thus application of this technology should be a major contributor to gaining greater understanding of how pathogens are adapted to infecting their hosts

    Downregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in normal colonic macrophages and reinduction in inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND: In normal mucosa, intestinal lamina propria macrophages (IMACs) maintain tolerance against food antigens and the commensal bacterial flora. Several mechanisms have been identified that mediate tolerance. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is a large multiprotein complex that degrades cellular proteins. As the UPS may modulate immune functions of IMACs, we performed a detailed investigation of UPS expression and function under normal conditions and in cells derived from patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: IMACs were isolated from intestinal mucosa. mRNA expression of macrophages differentiated in vitro (i.v. MACs) and IMACs was compared by Affymetrix® oligonucleotide arrays. Quantitative Taqman-PCR was performed on five exemplary proteasomal and five ubiquitinylation genes each. Proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Proteasome function was assessed by a fluorimetric test. RESULTS: Affymetrix analysis showed downregulation of mRNA expression of almost all represented proteasomal and of 22 ubiquitination-associated genes in IMACs as compared to i.v. MACs and monocytes. By quantitative PCR, up to tenfold higher mRNA expression of 10 exemplary genes of the UPS (UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2L6, USP14, UBB and ATPase2, β2, β5, β2i/MECL-1, β5i/LMP7) was demonstrated in i.v. MACs as compared to IMACs. Immunohistochemistry and Western blots confirmed these findings in intestinal mucosa of controls and patients suffering from diverticulitis. In contrast, a significant increase in protein amounts was found in mucosa of patients with IBD. CONCLUSION: Reduced expression of subunits of the UPS in IMACs of normal mucosa supports the concept of the presence of a nonreactive, anergic macrophage phenotype in the gut under normal conditions. Reinduction in IMACs of IBD mucosa reflects activated IMACs which can present antigenic peptides and thus support inflammation