14 research outputs found

    Characterization of polymorphisms in the mannose-binding lectin gene promoter among human immunodeficiency virus 1 infected subjects

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    The present study investigated the prevalence of mutations in the -550 (H/L) and -221 (X/Y) mannose-binding lectin (MBL) gene promoter regions and their impact on infection by human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in a population of 128 HIV-1 seropositive and 97 seronegative patients. The allele identification was performed through the sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction method, using primer sequences specific to each polymorphism. The evolution of the infection was evaluated through CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and plasma viral load. The allele and haplotype frequencies among HIV-1-infected patients and seronegative healthy control patients did not show significant differences. CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts showed lower levels among seropositive patients carrying haplotypes LY, LX and HX, as compared to those carrying the HY haplotype. Mean plasma viral load was higher among seropositive patients with haplotypes LY, LX and HX than among those carrying the HY haplotype. When promoter and exon 1 mutations were matched, it was possible to identify a significantly higher viral load among HIV-1 infected individuals carrying haplotypes correlated to low serum levels of MBL. The current study shows that haplotypes related to medium and low MBL serum levels might directly influence the evolution of viral progression in patients. Therefore, it is suggested that the identification of haplotypes within the promoter region of the MBL gene among HIV-1 infected persons should be further evaluated as a prognostic tool for AIDS progression

    Rabies virus in Molossus molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in the State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil

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    Rabies virus was detected in bats (Molossus molossus) from an urban area in the City of Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Four individuals were found during the day in visible, non-habitual places, lying on the ground, but still alive. No contact occurred with people or animals. Of these, only two were identified; it was not possible to identify two specimens, since they were incinerated prior to identification. Diagnosis was positive by direct immunofluorescence and intracerebral inoculation in mice. This study presents the first instance in which the virus was detected in insectivorous bats in the State of Pernambuco

    Polymorphism in the promoter region of the mannose-binding lectin gene among human T-cell lymphotropic virus infected subjects

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    The present study investigated the frequency of the mutations at positions -550 and -221 of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) gene in a sample of 75 human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infected patients and 96 HTLV seronegative controls, in order to evaluate the occurrence of a possible association between the polymorphism and HTLV infection. A sequence specific primer-polymerase chain reaction was used for discrimination of the polymorphism. The analysis of allele frequencies at position -550 did not show any significant differences between HTLV infected group and controls, but there was a significant difference at position -221. The comparative analysis of haplotypes frequencies were not significant, but the genotype frequencies between the two groups, revealed a higher prevalence of genotype LYLX (25.3%), associated with medium and low MBL serum levels among HTLV infected subjects. The odds ratio estimation demonstrated that the presence of genotype LYLX was associated with an increased risk of HTLV infection (p = 0.0096; 1.38 < IC95% < 7.7605). There was no association between proviral load and the promoter polymorphism, but when promoter and exon 1 mutations were matched, it was possible to identify a significant higher proviral load among HTLV infected individuals carrying haplotypes correlated to low serum levels of MBL. The present study shows that the polymorphism in the promoter region of the MBL gene may be a genetic marker associated with HTLV infection, and emphasizes the need for further studies to determinate if the present polymorphism have any impact on diseases linked to HTLV infection

    Characterization of polymorphisms in the mannose-binding lectin gene promoter among human immunodeficiency virus 1 infected subjects

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    The present study investigated the prevalence of mutations in the -550 (H/L) and -221 (X/Y) mannose-binding lectin (MBL) gene promoter regions and their impact on infection by human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in a population of 128 HIV-1 seropositive and 97 seronegative patients. The allele identification was performed through the sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction method, using primer sequences specific to each polymorphism. The evolution of the infection was evaluated through CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and plasma viral load. The allele and haplotype frequencies among HIV-1-infected patients and seronegative healthy control patients did not show significant differences. CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts showed lower levels among seropositive patients carrying haplotypes LY, LX and HX, as compared to those carrying the HY haplotype. Mean plasma viral load was higher among seropositive patients with haplotypes LY, LX and HX than among those carrying the HY haplotype. When promoter and exon 1 mutations were matched, it was possible to identify a significantly higher viral load among HIV-1 infected individuals carrying haplotypes correlated to low serum levels of MBL. The current study shows that haplotypes related to medium and low MBL serum levels might directly influence the evolution of viral progression in patients. Therefore, it is suggested that the identification of haplotypes within the promoter region of the MBL gene among HIV-1 infected persons should be further evaluated as a prognostic tool for AIDS progression

    Identidade surda e intervenções em saúde na perspectiva de uma comunidade usuária de língua de sinais Identity of the deaf and interventions in health from the perspective of a community of sign language users

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    A visão biomédica concebe a surdez como perda fisiológica da audição e o surdo como portador de anomalia orgânica a ser corrigida; intervenções de saúde revestem-se, correspondentemente, de tal representação. Objetivamos compreender as representações sobre surdez entre surdos, com o propósito de refletir sobre políticas públicas a eles destinadas no contexto da dimensão ética do cuidado. Utilizamos o referencial teórico-metodológico qualitativo (grupo focal); participaram 9 membros de uma comunidade surda (Fortaleza-CE, 2010) fluentes na Língua Brasileira de Sinais-Libras. Observamos que a surdez é compreendida como um modo de ser, cotidianamente construído, essencialmente a partir das experiências-vivências de interação visual com a natureza e a sociedade; assume caráter identitário particular, afirmado em componentes culturais (ser surdo) e linguísticos (Libras). Políticas públicas de oralização ou tecnologias auditivas corretivas (como o implante coclear), valorizados pela sociedade ouvinte, são representadas como retrocesso nas lutas dos surdos, de negação de seu ser no mundo e como perda da identidade surda. É necessário compreender o surdo a partir de construções histórico-sociais, simbólicas e culturais onde diferentes discursos co-existem, para além da dimensão fisiológica.<br>The biomedical view sees deafness as a physiological loss of audition and the deaf as individuals with an organic abnormality to be corrected; healthcare interventions support this perception. This study sought to understand deafness from the standpoint of the deaf, in order to identify elements for public policies addressed to them in the context of the ethical dimension of care. The research adopted the qualitative approach (focus groups) and 9 members of a deaf community in Fortaleza (Ceará-Brazil), all fluent in Brazilian Sign Language-LIBRAS, took part. The results show deafness is perceived as a way of being based on day-to-day experiences of visual interaction with nature and society, giving the deaf a different identity in terms of culture (being deaf) and linguistics (LIBRAS). Some public policies for oral training and technological interventions, like cochlear implants, are seen as a setback by the deaf, as it negates their status in the world and involves a loss of identity for the deaf. It is necessary to consider the deaf from a socio-historic, symbolic and cultural standpoint where different discourses co-exist, over and above the physiological dimension