2,069 research outputs found

    Range tracking for the MRS radar

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    Evidence for suppressed mid-Holocene northeastern Australian monsoon variability from coral luminescence

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    Summer monsoon rainfall in northeastern (NE) Australia exhibits substantial interannual variability resulting in highly variable river flows. The occurrence and magnitude of these seasonal river flows are reliably recorded in modern inshore corals as luminescent lines. Here we present reconstructed annual river flows for two ~120 year mid-Holocene windows based on luminescence measurements from five cores obtained from three separate coral colonies. We were able to cross-date the luminescence signatures in four cores from two of the colonies, providing confidence in the derived reconstruction. Present-day NE Australian rainfall and river flow are sensitive to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, with La Niña (El Niño) events typically associated with wetter (drier) monsoon seasons. Thus, our replicated and annually resolved coral records provide valuable insights into the northern Australian summer monsoon and ENSO variability at a key period (6 ka) when greenhouse gas levels and ice sheet cover were comparable to the preindustrial period but orbital forcing was different. Average modern and mid-Holocene growth characteristics were very similar, suggesting that sea surface temperatures off NE Australia at 6 kyr were also close to present values. The reconstructed river flow record suggests, however, that the mid-Holocene Australian summer monsoon was weaker, less variable from year to year (possibly indicative of reduced ENSO variability), and characterized by more within-season flood pulses than present. In contrast to today, the delivery of moisture appears to have been dominated by eastward propagating convective coupled waves associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation

    Localisation of mTOR complex proteins in embryonic stem cells: relationship with cell division and survival

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates cell growth and proliferation in response to nutrients and growth factors. The role of mTOR in the biology of embryonic stem cells has not been extensively characterised. The principle aim of this research was to assess the feasibility of manipulating the mTOR pathway to provide bioprocessing improvements for the expansion and differentiation of embryonic stem cells. In order to achieve this aim, the cellular distribution and localisation of mTOR pathway phosphoproteins was assessed and the effect of pathway inhibition on ES cell proliferation and viability was characterised. The key findings of this study revealed that in mouse ES cells, mTOR pathway proteins were phosphorylated during mitosis. Secondly, inhibition of mTOR in growth factor-stimulated pluripotent stem cells impaired proliferation but not viability. Upon withdrawal of growth factors, cells lost their compact shape and exhibited a spread morphology. Under these conditions mTOR inhibition reduced the viability and proliferation of ‘compact’ cells but not ‘spread’ cells. Thus, during the expansion of ES cells the mTOR pathway may be stimulated. During early differentiation, inhibition of the pathway may improve the purity of the final cell preparation and reduce the prevalence of parent stem cells. In conclusion, the experimental findings discussed here show that temporal manipulation of the mTOR pathway in embryonic stem cells may provide bioprocessing advantages resulting in an increased yield of parent cell populations during expansion and increased purity of differentiated cells. The sensitivity of the mTOR pathway to the bioavailability of nutrients may offer a cost-effective route to optimising cell production in an industrial scale process. Further work to elucidate the role of the mTOR complex 2 in ES cell proliferation may provide an additional level of control to independently modulate cell proliferation and growth during expansion and differentiation

    Pyrrolo- and pyridomorphinans:Non-selective opioid antagonists and delta opioid agonists/mu opioid partial agonists

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    Opioid ligands have found use in a number of therapeutic areas, including for the treatment of pain and opiate addiction (using agonists) and alcohol addiction (using antagonists such as naltrexone and nalmefene). The reaction of imines, derived from the opioid ligands oxymorphone and naltrexone, with Michael acceptors leads to pyridomorphinans with structures similar to known pyrrolo- and indolomorphinans. One of the synthesized compounds, 5e, derived from oxymorphone had substantial agonist activity at delta opioid receptors but not at mu and/or kappa opioid receptors and in that sense profiled as a selective delta opioid receptor agonist. The pyridomorphinans derived from naltrexone and naloxone were all found to be non-selective potent antagonists and as such could have utility as treatments for alcohol abuse

    Strongly residual coordinates over A[x]

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    For a domain A of characteristic zero, a polynomial f over A[x] is called a strongly residual coordinate if f becomes a coordinate (over A) upon going modulo x, and f becomes a coordinate upon inverting x. We study the question of when a strongly residual coordinate is a coordinate, a question closely related to the Dolgachev-Weisfeiler conjecture. It is known that all strongly residual coordinates are coordinates for n=2 . We show that a large class of strongly residual coordinates that are generated by elementaries upon inverting x are in fact coordinates for arbitrary n, with a stronger result in the n=3 case. As an application, we show that all Venereau-type polynomials are 1-stable coordinates.Comment: 15 pages. Some minor clarifications and notational improvements from the first versio

    Sea-level change and demography during the last glacial termination and early Holocene across the Australian continent

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    Future changes in sea-level are projected to have significant environmental and social impacts, but we have limited understanding of comparable rates of change in the past. Using comprehensive palaeoenvironmental and archaeological datasets, we report the first quantitative model of the timing, spatial extent and pace of sea-level change in the Sahul region between 35-8 ka, and explore its effects on hunter-gatherer populations. Results show that the continental landmass (excluding New Guinea) increased to 9.80 million km2 during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), before a reduction of 2.12 million km2 (or ~21.6%) to the early Holocene (8 ka). Almost 90% of this inundation occurs during and immediately following Meltwater Pulse (MWP) 1a between 14.6 and 8 ka. The location of coastlines changed on average by 139 km between the LGM and early Holocene, with some areas >300 km, and at a rate of up to 23.7 m per year (~0.6 km land lost every 25-year generation). Spatially, inundation was highly variable, with greatest impacts across the northern half of Australia, while large parts of the east, south and west coastal margins were relatively unaffected. Hunter-gatherer populations remained low throughout (<30,000), but following MWP1a, increasing archaeological use of the landscape, comparable to a four-fold increase in populations, and indicative of large-scale migration away from inundated regions (notably the Bass Strait) are evident. Increasing population density resulting from MWP1a (from 1/655 km2 to 1/71 km2) may be implicated in the development of large and complex societies later in the Holocene. Our data support the hypothesis that late Pleistocene coastal populations were low, with use of coastal resources embedded in broad-ranging foraging strategies, and which would have been severely disrupted in some regions and at some time periods by sea-level change outpacing tolerances of mangals and other near-shore ecological communities

    Morphological aspects of male and female hands

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    This is an electronic version of an article published in Annals of Human Biology, 1996, 23(6), 491-494. Annals of Human Biology is available online at informaworldTM http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a739339013~db=all~order=pageThis journal article discusses a series of hand radiographs from Gwynedd, North Wales, which were assessed for frequencies in digital and metacarpal formulae between the genders