577 research outputs found

    Helping the poor accumulate assets

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    Having assets (a bank account, a car, an insured home, a good credit rating) does more than help families weather a crisis. It can move them out of poverty permanently, with benefits to individuals, government, corporations, and society as a whole.Poverty ; Finance, Personal

    Building 21st Century Nonprofit Capital Markets: The Role That Donor-Advised Funds Could Play

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    The structure and sources of capital available to nonprofit organizations largely fail to meet the financial needs of the sector. Given the dramatic growth of both the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors, the time to reinvent the “nonprofit capital markets” is now, and donor advised funds should play a leadership role in this process. This article outlines policies and practices with the potential to create new efficiencies in the delivery and investment of capital for the common good

    Globalization and Gender: Inequality Transformed in Spain

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    This article examines the extent to which the boom of globalization led to the transformation of gender inequality in Spain, based on three schools of thought: one, that globalization has transformed gender inequality in Spain for the better by creating equal opportunities, two, that globalization has caused a more stark contrast and practice of gender inequality in Spain, and three, that globalization has made no difference in Spain’s fight with gender inequality. In order to portray the three schools of thought, a comparison will be drawn between what gender roles and opportunities were given to men and women in Spain during the rule of Franco during the years of 1936-1975 and post-Franco’s rule during the years of 1975-2015

    PolicyMatters: The Role of Public Policy in Reducing Poverty and Expanding Economic Opportunity

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    Helping America's low-income families build assets is one of the most cost-effective and sustainable improvements we can make as a society. While policymakers seeking to reduce poverty have traditionally focused on income, spending and consumption, a new vision has steadily gained prominence in recent years, focusing on savings, investment, and asset-building policies that work in conjunction with, not instead of, traditional anti-poverty policies and programs

    The Arctic: A History, by Richard Vaughan.

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    Science and the Canadian Arctic, 1818-76, from Sir John Ross to Sir George Strong Nares

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    Nineteenth-century exploration of the Canadian Arctic, primarily directed by the British Admiralty, had scientific as well as geographical goals. Many expeditions, including Franklin's, had a major scientific mandate. A northwest passage was the initial inspiration, but geomagnetism (under Edward Sabine's guidance), meteorology, zoology, geology, botany, and ethnology were the principal sciences that benefited. The Royal Society of London, with its Arctic Committee, was closely involved with the Admiralty in recommending scientific programs and in nominating observers to the expeditions. Naval officers too were much concerned with science; some, including Parry and James Ross, were elected fellows of the Royal Society of London (F.R.S.). From John Ross through Parry to Franklin, scientific arctic voyages were strongly promoted. Geomagnetism, natural history, and meteorology were particularly prominent. During the searches for Franklin, the life sciences, geology, and meteorology continued to benefit, while geophysical researches were relatively neglected. After the Franklin disaster, geographical and other scientific exploration languished until the example of other nations and domestic lobbying persuaded the British government to send Nares north in 1875-76. This was the last of the old-style scientific expeditions to the Canadian Arctic. Afterwards, co-operation in science (as in the International Polar Year) and concern for the Arctic as national territory became dominant factors in arctic exploration.Key words: science, history, Canada, geomagnetism, natural history, geology, J. Ross, W.E. Parry, J. Franklin, G.S. NaresMots clés: science, histoire, Canada, géomagnétisme, histoire naturelle, géologie, J. Ross, W.E. Parry, J. Franklin, G.S. Nare
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