858 research outputs found

    Problems of multiprocessor computational structures applicability for spacecraft control systems

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    В работе рассматриваются основные проблемы проектирования резервированной вычислительной структуры для систем управления космическими аппаратами. Приводятся примеры существующих резервированных структур отечественной и зарубежной разработки, описываются их особенности и недостатки. Формулируются основные проблемы, возникающие при проектировании рассмотренных многопроцессорных структурно резервированных структур. Целью работы является анализ применимости трѐхканальной вычислительной структуры без отдельных модулей выборки решений в сравнении с существующими многоканальными системами. Предлагается трѐхканальный управляющий вычислитель, при разработке которого учитываются изложенные проблемы. Приведены особенности реализации программного обеспечения вычислителя, на которое возложены функции контроля неисправностей и нейтрализации отказов, возникающие в случайные моменты времени. Делается вывод об оптимальности использования вычислителя в системах управления космическими аппаратами.The paper presents the major problems of designing a redundant computing structures for spacecraft control systems. Examples of existing redundant structures of domestic and foreign design is presented, their features and drawbacks are described. The main problems encountered in the design of multiprocessor considered structural redundant structures are discussed. The aim is to analyze the applicability of computational three-processor structure without individual decision-making modules in comparison with the existing multiprocessor systems. It is proposed three-channel controlling evaluator, the design of which takes into account the described problems. Features of a evaluator software implementation, which is entrusted with the functions of control and fault neutralization failures occurring at random times are shown. The conclusion on the optimum use of the evaluator in the spacecraft control systems

    Noninvasive method for determining the physical and mechanical characteristics of patients biological tissues

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    Morphological and biomechanical structure features of organs and tissues of the maxilla-facial area play the decisive role in the development of pathological processes and diseases. Understanding of their mutual influence while functioning and damage is one of the main points for a correct diagnosis, adequate treatment planning and rehabilitatio

    Rozwój osobowości w naturalnych i utrudnionych warunkach

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    The paper is devoted to the features of personality development in physically challenged individuals, which is conceptualized as the development in complicated conditions, distinct from both normal and abnormal development. Goals, direction and criteria of the development in complicated conditions do not differ from the normal development case, but the deficit of a certain category of developmental resources requires extra mobilization of other resources and increases the efforts the individual needs to apply to attain the goals of development. The theoretical model proposed in the paper describes personality development through the mechanisms of interaction of bodily, social and personal resources, some of them compensating for the deficit of others. The developmental situation of the physically challenged individual is characterized by this very challenge; accepting it implies the construction of a specific system of activity regulation based on the compensation for the deficient bodily resources by virtue of personal resources. The character of this compensation largely depends on the availability of macrosocial and microsocial resources of social support.Artykuł poświęcony jest specyfice rozwoju osobowości osób z OMZ (ograniczone możliwości zdrowia), który rozumiany jest jako rozwój w utrudnionych warunkach, nie jest on tożsamy ani z normalnym, ani anomalnym rozwojem. Cele, ukierunkowanie i kryteria rozwoju w utrudnionych warunkach nie odbiegają od normalnego rozwoju, jednak deficyt określonej kategorii zasobów rozwoju wymaga podniesionej mobilizacji pozostałych zasobów i podnosi miarę wysiłków, które należy dostosować do indywiduum dla osiągnięcia celów rozwoju. Teoretyczny model, zaproponowany w artykule, opisuje osobowościowy rozwój przez mechanizmy współdziałania fizycznych, społecznych i osobowościowych zasobów, kompensacje deficytu jednych zasobów innymi. Sytuacja rozwoju osób z OMZ charakteryzuje się wyzwaniem niepełnosprawności, przyjęcie którego prowadzi do budowania u nich jakościowej figury systemu regulacji działania, opartego na kompensacji przez osobowościowe zasoby deficytu fizycznych środków, przy czym charakter tej kompensacji licznie  kształtuje się dostępnością makrospołecznych i mikrospołecznych zasobów pomocy społecznej

    Chemical processes causing spoilage of oil and fat products

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    Article is devoted to the problem of spoilage of oil and fat products in the course of their production, transportation and storage which is caused by the hydrolytic and oxidative processes leading to deterioration of organoleptic properties of fat and oil products and decrease in their nutrition value. Chemical basics of hydrolysis of triacylglycerols are considered in detail. The mechanisms of an acid and base catalysis of hydrolysis of acyl bonds are presented. The mechanisms of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant action of ascorbic acid and ?-tocopherol are shown. Influence of natural vegetable emulsifiers and antioxidant vitamins on quality of margarine and spreads during storage is shown

    From the Phenomenon of Self-Sufficiency to the Mechanisms of Self-Determination

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    The paper presents a systematic analysis of key explanatory concepts of different levels of abstraction, being used in the psychological and interdisciplinary concepts for the explanation of the phenomenon of self-sufficiency. The phenomenon of self-sufficiency is defined basing on the understanding of person as the instance which human being as an autonomous agent may oppose to both internal impulses and external pressures, biological and social determinants acting both from within and from outside. The closest construct is that of agency. Agency is viewed as personality variable, reflecting the person’s capacity to initiate and control their actions. Agency appears as the explanatory construct as regards the observable phenomenon of self-sufficiency. However, being holistic and indivisible, it, in its turn, needs a more detailed analysis.  Such a brief analysis is provided for the psychological constructs of proactivity, autonomy, personal causation and self-determination as well as for more specific theoretical models of intrinsic / extrinsic motivation, phases of a motivated action, personality potential as the potential of autoregulation, and freedom and responsibility as two sides of personal causation and autodetermination, taking shape during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Freedom is treated as the highest form of activity, a side of personal causation and autodetermination which allows us feeling independent of outer pressures and inner impulses. Responsibility is the second side of personal causation and autodetermination, the highest form of autoregulation, associated with viewing oneself as a cause of some events in the world, it is a controlled capacity of producing goal-directed changes in oneself and in the world. In conclusion the construct of personal life position as an integral person’s attitude to one’s own life is introduced. The constructs analyzed in the paper present the multilevel conceptual frame for treating the phenomenon of self-sufficiency

    Quality assessment of endodontic treatment in patients, passed tomography examination in Belgorod

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    The purpose of root canals treatment is the maintenance (re-creation) of aseptic in the system of dentinal tubules, preventing the infection contamination of periapical tissues. Before the creation of cone-beam computed tomography, pre-operative estimation of the roots and periapical area, planned for operational impacts, had some difficulties, caused by projection distortion

    Engineering of a recombinant fab antibody fragment against cortisol

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    The paper dwells upon the molecular cloning of genes coding the structure of mouse immunoglobulins, which can specifically bind steroid hormone cortisol. For these purposes primers covering all families of genes, which code the structure ofimmunoglobulins G. Molecular-genetic constructions for effective expression of recombinant antibodies in cells of Escherichia coliwere constructed. Heterologous expression of Fab-fragments was performed. Recombinant protein has been isolated in homogenous state

    Preclinical manifestations of students’ eating disorders as an impact of the information and communication university environment

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    Students’ eating disorders include conditions and diseases characterized by irregular foods intake accomplished by stable anxiety effect regarding the mass and shape of their bodies. Information and communicative university environment is able to create a motivation for eating disorders, which damages individual’s health and well-being. The most typical forms of students’ eating disorders affected both girls and boys, are nervous bulimia and anorexia nervos