7,396 research outputs found

    High-scale inflation and the tensor tilt

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    In this paper, we explore a novel observational signature of gravitational corrections during slow-roll inflation. We study the coupling of the inflaton field to higher-curvature tensors in models with a minimal breaking of conformal symmetry. In that case, the most general correction to the tensor two-point function is captured by a coupling to the square of the Weyl tensor. We show that these scenarios lead to a correction to the tilt of the tensor power spectrum and hence a violation of the tensor consistency condition. We arrive at the same conclusion through an analysis in conformal perturbation theory

    Specific heat amplitude ratios for anisotropic Lifshitz critical behaviors

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    We determine the specific heat amplitude ratio near a mm-axial Lifshitz point and show its universal character. Using a recent renormalization group picture along with new field-theoretical ϵL\epsilon_{L}-expansion techniques, we established this amplitude ratio at one-loop order. We estimate the numerical value of this amplitude ratio for m=1m=1 and d=3d=3. The result is in very good agreement with its experimental measurement on the magnetic material MnPMnP. It is shown that in the limit m→0m \to 0 it trivially reduces to the Ising-like amplitude ratio.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex, accepted as a Brief Report in Physical Review

    Partially massless fields during inflation

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    The representation theory of de Sitter space allows for a category of partially massless particles which have no flat space analog, but could have existed during inflation. We study the couplings of these exotic particles to inflationary perturbations and determine the resulting signatures in cosmological correlators. When inflationary perturbations interact through the exchange of these fields, their correlation functions inherit scalings that cannot be mimicked by extra massive fields. We discuss in detail the squeezed limit of the tensor-scalar-scalar bispectrum, and show that certain partially massless fields can violate the tensor consistency relation of single-field inflation. We also consider the collapsed limit of the scalar trispectrum, and find that the exchange of partially massless fields enhances its magnitude, while giving no contribution to the scalar bispectrum. These characteristic signatures provide clean detection channels for partially massless fields during inflation

    Logarithmic periodicities in the bifurcations of type-I intermittent chaos

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    The critical relations for statistical properties on saddle-node bifurcations are shown to display undulating fine structure, in addition to their known smooth dependence on the control parameter. A piecewise linear map with the type-I intermittency is studied and a log-periodic dependence is numerically obtained for the average time between laminar events, the Lyapunov exponent and attractor moments. The origin of the oscillations is built in the natural probabilistic measure of the map and can be traced back to the existence of logarithmically distributed discrete values of the control parameter giving Markov partition. Reinjection and noise effect dependences are discussed and indications are given on how the oscillations are potentially applicable to complement predictions made with the usual critical exponents, taken from data in critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PRL (2004

    Avaliação de peras para fins de melhoramento.

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    A new picture of the Lifshitz critical behavior

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    New field theoretic renormalization group methods are developed to describe in a unified fashion the critical exponents of an m-fold Lifshitz point at the two-loop order in the anisotropic (m not equal to d) and isotropic (m=d close to 8) situations. The general theory is illustrated for the N-vector phi^4 model describing a d-dimensional system. A new regularization and renormalization procedure is presented for both types of Lifshitz behavior. The anisotropic cases are formulated with two independent renormalization group transformations. The description of the isotropic behavior requires only one type of renormalization group transformation. We point out the conceptual advantages implicit in this picture and show how this framework is related to other previous renormalization group treatments for the Lifshitz problem. The Feynman diagrams of arbitrary loop-order can be performed analytically provided these integrals are considered to be homogeneous functions of the external momenta scales. The anisotropic universality class (N,d,m) reduces easily to the Ising-like (N,d) when m=0. We show that the isotropic universality class (N,m) when m is close to 8 cannot be obtained from the anisotropic one in the limit d --> m near 8. The exponents for the uniaxial case d=3, N=m=1 are in good agreement with recent Monte Carlo simulations for the ANNNI model.Comment: 48 pages, no figures, two typos fixe

    Análise estrutural em floresta ombrófila densa de terra firme não explorada, Amazônia Oriental.

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    O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a composição florística e as estruturas horizontal, interna e diamétrica da floresta. A pesquisa foi conduzida na Unidade de Manejo Florestal (UMF) da Fazenda Tracajás (02o35?53?S e 47o47?10?W), Município de Paragominas, Estado do Pará, Brasil. A floresta foi estratificada em três áreas homogêneas, denominadas classes I, II e III de estoques volumétricos, empregando-se análise multivariada: análises de agrupamento e discriminante. Em cada classe de estoque foram instaladas, aleatoriamente, cinco parcelas de 100 x 100 m (1,0 ha) cada uma, para medição dos indivíduos com dap ? 15 cm. No centro de cada parcela de 100 x 100 m foi instalada uma subparcela de 10 x 100 m (0,1 ha), para medição dos indivíduos com 5 cm ? dap < 15 cm. Nas classes I, II e III de estoques volumétricos das árvores com dap ? 15 cm (nível I de inclusão), respectivamente, estimou-se uma densidade total de 322,4; 309,0; e 313,8 indivíduos por hectare, bem como dominância total de 27,36; 27,45; e 25,88 m2/ha e volume de fuste total de 358,69; 328,33; e 308,69 m3/ha. Nas classes I, II e III de estoques volumétricos das árvores com 5 cm ? dap < 15 cm (nível II de inclusão), respectivamente, estimaram-se densidade total de 846; 854; e 886 indivíduos por hectare, dominância total de 4,80; 4,93; e 5,46 m2/ha e volume de fuste total de 93,98; 91,23; e 97,61 m3/ha. As espécies de maior valor de importância relativa, Lecythis idatimon (potencial), Rinorea guianensis (não comercial) e Pouteria guianensis (potencial), ocorreram em todos os níveis de inclusão e classes de estoque. As distribuições de diâmetros de todas as espécies e das espécies comerciais com dap ? 5 cm, estimadas pela equação de Meyer, confirmaram a tendência exponencial negativa (?J-invertido?). A análise da estrutura da floresta em classes de estoque permitiu melhor conhecimento da composição de espécies e da estrutura fitossociológica, sendo útil na tomada de decisões em planos de manejo de rendimento sustentável

    Nuclear alpha-synuclein is present in the human brain and is modified in dementia with Lewy bodies

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    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is pathologically defined by the cytoplasmic accumulation of alpha-synuclein (aSyn) within neurons in the brain. Predominately pre-synaptic, aSyn has been reported in various subcellular compartments in experimental models. Indeed, nuclear alpha-synuclein (aSynNuc) is evident in many models, the dysregulation of which is associated with altered DNA integrity, transcription and nuclear homeostasis. However, the presence of aSynNuc in human brain cells remains controversial, yet the determination of human brain aSynNuc and its pathological modification is essential for understanding synucleinopathies. Here, using a multi-disciplinary approach employing immunohistochemistry, immunoblot, and mass-spectrometry (MS), we confirm aSynNuc in post-mortem brain tissue obtained from DLB and control cases. Highly dependent on antigen retrieval methods, in optimal conditions, intra-nuclear pan and phospho-S129 positive aSyn puncta were observed in cortical neurons and non-neuronal cells in fixed brain sections and in isolated nuclear preparations in all cases examined. Furthermore, an increase in nuclear phospho-S129 positive aSyn immunoreactivity was apparent in DLB cases compared to controls, in both neuronal and non-neuronal cell types. Our initial histological investigations identified that aSynNuc is affected by epitope unmasking methods but present under optimal conditions, and this presence was confirmed by isolation of nuclei and a combined approach of immunoblotting and mass spectrometry, where aSynNuc was approximately tenfold less abundant in the nucleus than cytoplasm. Notably, direct comparison of DLB cases to aged controls identified increased pS129 and higher molecular weight species in the nuclei of DLB cases, suggesting putative pathogenic modifications to aSynNuc in DLB. In summary, using multiple approaches we provide several lines of evidence supporting the presence of aSynNuc in autoptic human brain tissue and, notably, that it is subject to putative pathogenic modifications in DLB that may contribute to the disease phenotype
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