25 research outputs found

    Coloration principles of the Great purple emperor butterfly (Sasakia charonda)

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    The dorsal wings of male Sasakia charonda butterflies display a striking blue iridescent coloration, which is accentuated by white, orange-yellow and red spots, as well as by brown margins. The ventral wings also have a variegated, but more subdued, pattern. We investigated the optical basis of the various colors of intact wings as well as isolated wing scales by applying light and electron microscopy, imaging scatterometry and (micro)spectrophotometry. The prominent blue iridescence is due to scales with tightly packed, multilayered ridges that contain melanin pigment. The scales in the brown wing margins also contain melanin. Pigments extracted from the orange-yellow and red spots indicate the presence of 3-OH-kynurenine and ommochrome pigment. The scales in the white spots also have multilayered ridges but lack pigment. The lower lamina of the scales plays a so-far undervalued but often crucial role. Its thin-film properties color the majority of the ventral wing scales, which are unpigmented and have large windows. The lower lamina acting as a thin-film reflector generally contributes to the reflectance of the various scale types

    Polarized iridescence of the tropical carpenter bee, <i>Xylocopa latipes</i>

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    The tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes, has metallic-reflecting, iridescent wings. The wing reflectance spectra for TE- and TM-polarized light depend on the angle of light incidence in a way characteristic for dielectric multilayers. Anatomy indicates the presence of melanin multilayers in the wing’s chitinous matrix. A simple optical model of melanin multilayers explains the angle dependence of the wing reflectance spectra. The wing reflections that occur upon oblique illumination exhibit colourful and strongly polarized light patterns, which may mediate intraspecific signaling and mutual recognition by conspecifics.</p

    Polymorphism of Colias croceus from the Azores caused by differential pterin expression in the wing scales

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    The pierid butterfly Colias croceus (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785), established in the Azores archipelago, is polymorphic with six forms, C. croceus f. croceus ♂ and ♀, C. c. f. cremonae ♂ and ♀, C. c. f. helice ♀, and C. c. f. cremonaehelice ♀. We investigated the optical mechanisms underlying the wing colouration of the butterflies by performing spectrophotometry and imaging scatterometry of the variously coloured wing areas and scales. The scale colouration is primarily due to wavelength-selective absorption of incident light by pterins expressed in granular beads in the wing scales, but thin film reflections of the scales’ lower lamina and scale stacking also contribute. Three forms (croceus ♂ and ♀ and helice ♀) are consistent with the patterns of the well-known ‘alba’ polymorphism. We postulate the coexistence of a second polymorphism, ‘cremonae’, to understand the three other forms (cremonae ♂ and ♀, and cremonaehelice ♀), which are characterized by the absence of red pigment, presumably due to the differential blocking of erythropterin expression.</p

    Coloration of flowers by flavonoids and consequences of pH dependent absorption

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    Flavonoid pigments are key determinants of flower colors. As absorption spectra offlavonoids are known to be severely pH-dependent, cellular pH will play a crucial rolein flower coloration. The flavonoids are concentrated in the vacuoles of the flowers’epidermal cells, and thus the pigments’ absorption spectra are modulated by thevacuolar pH. Here we study the pH dependence of flavonoid absorption spectra inextracts from flowers of two poppy speciesPapaver dubium(red) andMeconopsiscambrica(orange), and a white and redMandevilla sanderivariety. In the red poppyandMandevillaflowers, absorption spectra of the cyanidin- and pelargonidin-basedanthocyanins peak in the blue-green-wavelength range at low pH, but exhibit a distinctbathochromic shift at higher pH. This shift to longer wavelengths is not found for theblue-absorbing nudicaulin derivatives ofM. cambrica, which have a similar absorptionspectrum at low and high pH. The pH-dependent absorption changes of the whiteM. sanderi’s flavonoid remained restricted to the UV. An analysis of the spectra withlogistic functions suggests that the pH-dependent characteristics of the basic states offlavonols and anthocyanins are related. The implications of tuning of pH and pigmentabsorption spectra for studies on flower color evolution are discussed

    Magnificent magpie colours by feathers with layers of hollow melanosomes

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    The blue secondary and purple-to-green tail feathers of magpies are structurally coloured owing to stacks of hollow, air-containing melanosomes embedded in the keratin matrix of the barbules. We investigated the spectral and spatial reflection characteristics of the feathers by applying (micro)spectrophotometry and imaging scatterometry. To interpret the spectral data, we performed optical modelling, applying the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method as well as an effective media approach, treating the melanosome stacks as multi-layers with effective refractive indices dependent on the component media. The differently coloured magpie feathers are realised by adjusting the melanosome size, with the diameter of the melanosomes as well as their hollowness being the most sensitive parameters that influence the appearance of the feathers

    Glass scales on the wing of the swordtail butterfly Graphium sarpedon act as thin film polarizing reflectors

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    The wings of the swordtail butterfly Graphium sarpedon (the Common Bluebottle) have blue/green-colored patches that are covered on the underside by two types of scales: white and glass scales. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the white scales are classically structured: the upper lamina, with prominent ridges and large open windows, is well separated by trabeculae from a flat, continuous lower lamina. In the glass scales, the upper lamina, with inconspicuous ridges and windows, is almost flat and closely apposed to the equally flat lower lamina. The glass scales thus approximate ideal thin films, in agreement with the observation that they reflect light directionally and are iridescent. Reflectance and transmittance spectra measured from the glass scales with a microspectrophotometer agree with spectra calculated for an ideal non-absorbing thin film. Imaging scatterometry of single, isolated glass scales demonstrated that the reflected light can be strongly polarized, indicating that they function as polarizing reflectors

    Classical lepidopteran wing scale colouration in the giant butterfly-moth

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    The palm borer moth Paysandisia archon (Castniidae; giant butterfly-moths) has brown dorsal forewings and strikingly orange-coloured dorsal hindwings with white spots surrounded by black margins. Here, we have studied the structure and pigments of the wing scales in the various coloured wing areas, applying light and electron microscopy and (micro)spectrophotometry, and we analysed the spatial reflection properties with imaging scatterometry. The scales in the white spots are unpigmented, those in the black and brown wing areas contain various amounts of melanin, and the orange wing scales contain a blue-absorbing ommochrome pigment. In all scale types, the upper lamina acts as a diffuser and the lower lamina as a thin film interference reflector, with thickness of about 200 nm. Scale stacking plays an important role in creating the strong visual signals: the colour of the white eyespots is created by stacks of unpigmented blue scales, while the orange wing colour is strongly intensified by stacking the orange scales

    Iridescent flowers?:Contribution of surface structures to optical signaling

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    The color of natural objects depends on how they are structured and pigmented. In flowers, both the surface structure of the petals and the pigments they contain determine coloration. The aim of the present study was to assess the contribution of structural coloration, including iridescence, to overall floral coloration. We studied the reflection characteristics of flower petals of various plant species with an imaging scatterometer, which allows direct visualization of the angle dependence of the reflected light in the hemisphere above the petal. To separate the light reflected by the flower surface from the light backscattered by the components inside (e.g. the vacuoles), we also investigated surface casts. A survey among angiosperms revealed three different types of floral surface structure, each with distinct reflections. Petals with a smooth and very flat surface had mirror-like reflections and petal surfaces with cones yielded diffuse reflections. Petals with striations yielded diffraction patterns when single cells were illuminated. The iridescent signal, however, vanished when illumination similar to that found in natural conditions was applied. Pigmentary rather than structural coloration determines the optical appearance of flowers. Therefore, the hypothesized signaling by flowers with striated surfaces to attract potential pollinators presently seems untenable

    Refractive index and dispersion of butterfly chitin and bird keratin measured by polarizing interference microscopy

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    Using Jamin-Lebedeff interference microscopy, we measured the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of butterfly wing scales and bird feathers. The refractive index values of the glass scales of the butterfly Graphium sarpedon are, at wavelengths 400, 500 and 600 nm, 1.572, 1.552 and 1.541, and those of the feather barbules of the white goose Anas anas domestica are 1.569, 1.556 and 1.548, respectively. The dispersion spectra of the chitin in the butterfly scales and the keratin in the bird barbules are well described by the Cauchy equation n(λ) = A + B/λ2, with A = 1.517 and B = 8.80·10^3 nm2 for the butterfly chitin and A = 1.532 and B = 5.89·10^3 nm2 for the bird keratin.