150 research outputs found

    Prospects for the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, Economic and technological explorations

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    The Dutch agricultural sector is greatly influenced by the global economy; the sector is very much focused on international trade. Every year, the agricultural sector generates an extensive positive export balance of over €20 billion (€23 billion in 2007). The proportion of agricultural products and food in total Dutch exports of goods and services is also fairly high (17%). A large proportion (around 70%) of the activities of the agro-complex is related to foreign sales, so there is heavy dependence on international trade

    Broiler farm size in relation tot sustainability aspects

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    In the Netherlands the number of broiler farms has been reduced by 50%, while farm size doubled between 1990 and 2008. A debate on the positive and negative aspects of large farms emerge. Many entrepreneurs in the broiler sector use increase in scale as strategy to reduce production cost. However, a critical reflection on the process of scaling up is needed. We investigated various aspects of broiler farm size with three farm sizes: small (fewer than 60,000 birds), medium (60,000 to 120,000 birds) and large (more than 120,000 birds). . The study shows that: - profitability (revenues as % of total cost) is higher on larger farms - gross margin (revenues over feed and chick cost) is higher on larger farms - larger broiler farms have a higher labour productivity (kg broiler live weight / hour) - larger farms more often have certified low ammonia emission poultry houses - there is no clear relationship between mortality and broiler farm size - there is no significant relation between the level of medication (antibiotics) and farm size The size of a broiler house and the equipment used is not related to the farm size. As a result there is no influence of farm size on the physical and social environment of the broilers. Our conclusion is, that larger broiler farms have some clear economic advantages. There is no evidence that there is a negative relation between farm size and animal health and animal welfare

    Provinciaal beleid en dierenwelzijn: analyse gericht op landbouwhuisdieren in Noord- Holland = Provincial policy and animal welfare: analysis for farm animals in the province of North Holland

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    Provincial States of North Holland wants to consider the options to stimulate proctices for better welfare among farm animals. This report describes these options for the major farm animal species in North Holland: sheep, dairy cattle, farmed fish and horse

    Geen panklare oplossing voor haantjes

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    Jaarlijks worden er in Nederland ongeveer 30 miljoen haantjes, die net uit het ei zijn gekropen, vergast, en daar moet een einde aan komen, vindt minister Verburg samen met de Tweede Kamer. Na onderzoek naar wat Nederlanders vinden van mogelijke technische oplossingen, wordt er aan de optie van selectie op eieren die al in de broedmachine zitten, voorlopig geen onderzoek meer gedaa

    Waterbuffel-, herten- en struisvogelhouderij in Nederland : quickscan om risico's op ongerief in te schatten

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    The commercial production of water buffalo, deer and ostrich in The Netherlands is described in a quick scan, with special attention for risks on discomfort of the animals

    Indicatoren voor dierenwelzijn en diergezondheid = Indicators for animal welfare and animal health

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    The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality requires a monitor for animal welfare and animal health to evaluate progress in this field. This report describes which indicators for animal welfare and health can be used for the monito

    Indicatie van de ecologische foot print van gezelschapsdieren : eerste verkenning, toegespitst op katten, honden en paarden in Nederland = Indication of the ecological foot print of companion animals : first survey, focussed on cats, dogs and horses in The Netherlands

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    Bases on desk research the ecological foot print of cats, dogs and horses in The Netherlands is calculated. Where available figures are given at the EU or global level

    De afzetmarkt voor eendagshaantjes in beeld

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    Almost all surplus day-old chicks from Dutch laying strains find a useful purpose as frozen food in specific animal feed channels and because of their unique properties, the numbers in which they become available and the relatively low price are badly replaceable by other food animals

    Marktkansen voor een combi-kip : vermarkten van haantjes van legrassen

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    Overzicht van de kansen om haantjes van legrassen te vermarkten en van de aspecten, waarmee rekening gehouden moet worden. Haantjes kunnen een aantrekkelijk product opleveren, met culinaire meerwaarde
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