18 research outputs found

    Kompleksi fibronektinskih fragmenata i imunoglobulina G u gingivalnoj tečnosti osoba obolelih od parodontopatije

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    Introduction Fibronectin (FN) can interact with immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecules affecting the process of physiological elimination and causing abnormal deposition of immune complexes. The aim of the study was to analyze interaction between FN fragments and IgG molecules with different glycosylation profiles in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of patients with periodontal disease and healthy controls. Material and Methods The study included 30 patients with moderate and advanced periodontitis and 22 healthy subjects. IgG and FN content in GCF were measured as well as the presence of FN and galactose expression on IgG molecules. Results IgG content in GCF was five times higher in patients with moderate (p lt 0.01) and eight time higher in patients with advanced periodontitis (p lt 0.001) compared to healthy subjects. Also, hypogalactosylated forms of IgG were found in higher concentration in GCF of patients with advanced periodontitis compared to moderate periodontitis and healthy subjects (p lt 0.05). FN fragments of molecular mass 48 - 53 kDa were the most commonly found fragments in all three groups. Furthermore, in patients with advanced periodontitis, fibronectin fragments were attached to IgG molecules. Conclusion IgG and FN fragments form complexes in GCF in patients with periodontal disease and healthy subjects.Uvod Fibronektin može da interreaguje s molekulima imunoglobulina G (IgG) i utiče na normalan klirens ili poremećeno deponovanje imunskih kompleksa. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita veza između fibronektina i IgG različitih glikoformi u gingivalnoj tečnosti osoba obolelih od parodontopatije i parodontalno zdravih ispitanika. Materijal i metode rada U studiju je uključeno 30 pacijenata s umerenom i uznapredovalom parodontopatijom i 22 parodontalno zdrave osobe. U gingivalnoj tečnosti određivan je sadržaj IgG i fibronektina dot blot i imunoblot tehnikama. IgG iz gingivalnih tečnosti su afinitetno izolovani i analizirani na prisustvo fibronektina i ekspresiju galaktoze. Rezultati Sadržaj IgG u gingivalnoj tečnosti osoba s umerenom parodontopatijom bio je oko pet puta veći u odnosu na sadržaj IgG kod zdravih osoba (p lt 0,01), dok je kod uznapredovalih oblika bio oko osam puta veći (p lt 0,001). Takođe, hipogalaktozilovane forme IgG su većoj meri postojale kod osoba sa uznapredovalom parodontopatijom u odnosu na zdrave i osobe s umerenom parodontopatijom (p lt 0,05). U sve tri analizirane grupe dominirali su fibronektinski fragmenti od 48 do 53 kDa. Uočeno je da su IgG izolovani iz gingivalne tečnosti vezani za fragmente fibronektina, pri čemu su IgG osoba sa uznapredovalom parodontopatijom, imali najveću količinu ovih vezanih fragmenata. Zaključak Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da IgG gingivalne tečnosti zdravih i osoba s parodontopatijom formiraju komplekse sa fibronektinom

    Pleiotropic activities of HGF/c-Met system in testicular physiology: paracrine and endocrine implications

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    In the last decades, a growing body of evidence has been reported concerning the expression and functional role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on different aspects of testicular physiology. This review has the aim to summarize what is currently known regarding this topic. From early embryonic development to adult age, HGF and its receptor c-Met appeared to be clearly detectable in the testis. These molecules acquire different distribution patterns and roles depending on the developmental stage or the post-natal age considered. HGF acts as a paracrine modulator of testicular functions promoting the epithelium-mesenchyme cross-talk as described even in other organs. Interestingly, it has been reported that testicular HGF acts even as an autocrine factor and that its receptor might be modulated by endocrine signals that change at puberty: HGF receptor expressed by Sertoli cells, in fact, is up-regulated by FSH administration. HGF is in turn able to modify endocrine state of the organism being able to increase testosterone secretion of both fetal and adult Leydig cells. Moreover, c-Met is expressed in mitotic and meiotic male germ cells as well as in spermatozoa. The distribution pattern of c-Met on sperm cell membrane changes in the caput and cauda epididymal sperms and HGF is able to maintain epididymal sperm motility in vitro suggesting a physiological role of this growth factor in the acquisition of sperm motility. Noteworthy changes in HGF concentration in seminal plasma have been reported in different andrological diseases. All together these data indicate that HGF has a role in the control of spermatogenesis and sperm quality either directly, acting on male germ cells, or indirectly acting on tubular and interstitial somatic cells of the testis. © 2014 Ricci and Catizone