112 research outputs found

    Coherence of Nitrogen-Vacancy Electronic Spin Ensembles in Diamond

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of electronic spin decoherence in ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in bulk high-purity diamond at room temperature. Under appropriate conditions, we find ensemble NV spin coherence times (T_2) comparable to that of single NVs, with T_2 > 600 microseconds for a sample with natural abundance of 13C and paramagnetic impurity density ~10^15 cm^(-3). We also observe a sharp decrease of the coherence time with misalignment of the static magnetic field relative to the NV electronic spin axis, consistent with theoretical modeling of NV coupling to a 13C nuclear spin bath. The long coherence times and increased signal-to-noise provided by room-temperature NV ensembles will aid many applications of NV centers in precision magnetometry and quantum information.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2 minor correction

    Mesoscopic molecular ions in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the possible formation of large (mesoscopic) molecular ions in an ultracold degenerate bosonic gas doped with charged particles (ions). We show that the polarization potentials produced by the ionic impurities are capable of capturing hundreds of atoms into loosely bound states. We describe the spontaneous formation of these hollow molecular ions via phonon emission and suggest an optical technique for coherent stimulated transitions of free atoms into a specific bound state. These results open up new interesting possibilities for manipulating tightly confined ensembles.Comment: 4 pages (two-columns), 2 figure

    Light storage protocols in Tm:YAG

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    We present two quantum memory protocols for solids: A stopped light approach based on spectral hole burning and the storage in an atomic frequency comb. These procedures are well adapted to the rare-earth ion doped crystals. We carefully clarify the critical steps of both. On one side, we show that the slowing-down due to hole-burning is sufficient to produce a complete mapping of field into the atomic system. On the other side, we explain the storage and retrieval mechanism of the Atomic Frequency Comb protocol. This two important stages are implemented experimentally in Tm3+^{3+}- doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystal

    Enhanced solid-state multi-spin metrology using dynamical decoupling

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    We use multi-pulse dynamical decoupling to increase the coherence lifetime (T2) of large numbers of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) electronic spins in room temperature diamond, thus enabling scalable applications of multi-spin quantum information processing and metrology. We realize an order-of-magnitude extension of the NV multi-spin T2 for diamond samples with widely differing spin environments. For samples with nitrogen impurity concentration <~1 ppm, we find T2 > 2 ms, comparable to the longest coherence time reported for single NV centers, and demonstrate a ten-fold enhancement in NV multi-spin sensing of AC magnetic fields

    Magnetic field imaging with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles

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    Part of Focus on Diamond-Based Photonics and Spintronics We demonstrate a method of imaging spatially varying magnetic fields using a thin layer of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers at the surface of a diamond chip. Fluorescence emitted by the two-dimensional NV ensemble is detected by a CCD array, from which a vector magnetic field pattern is reconstructed. As a demonstration, ac current is passed through wires placed on the diamond chip surface, and the resulting ac magnetic field patterns are imaged using an echo-based technique with sub-micron resolution over a 140 ÎĽmĂ—140 ÎĽm field of view, giving single-pixel sensitivity \sim100\,{\rm nT}/\sqrt{{\rm Hz}} . We discuss ongoing efforts to further improve the sensitivity, as well as potential bioimaging applications such as real-time imaging of activity in functional, cultured networks of neurons. PACS 61.72.J- Point defects and defect clusters 78.55.Hx Other solid inorganic materials 87.50.C- Static and low-frequency electric and magnetic fields effects 85.30.Tv Field effect devices Subjects Electronics and devices Condensed matter: electrical, magnetic and optical Semiconductors Medical physics Biological physics Condensed matter: structural, mechanical & thermalUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyNational Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.)National Science Foundation (U.S.

    Multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field

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    We study the multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field in a far-off-resonance medium with a prepared coherence. Under the conditions of negligible dispersion and limited bandwidth, we derive a Bessel-function solution for the sideband field operators. We analytically and numerically calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields. We show that the multiorder coherent Raman process can replicate the statistical properties of a single-mode quantum probe field into a broad comb of generated Raman sidebands. We also study the mixing and modulation of photon statistical properties in the case of two-mode input. We show that the prepared Raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type, or from a non-squeezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Time evolution of 1D gapless models from a domain-wall initial state: SLE continued?

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    We study the time evolution of quantum one-dimensional gapless systems evolving from initial states with a domain-wall. We generalize the path-integral imaginary time approach that together with boundary conformal field theory allows to derive the time and space dependence of general correlation functions. The latter are explicitly obtained for the Ising universality class, and the typical behavior of one- and two-point functions is derived for the general case. Possible connections with the stochastic Loewner evolution are discussed and explicit results for one-point time dependent averages are obtained for generic \kappa for boundary conditions corresponding to SLE. We use this set of results to predict the time evolution of the entanglement entropy and obtain the universal constant shift due to the presence of a domain wall in the initial state.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure
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