119,818 research outputs found

    Height fluctuations of a contact line: a direct measurement of the renormalized disorder correlator

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    We have measured the center-of-mass fluctuations of the height of a contact line at depinning for two different systems: liquid hydrogen on a rough cesium substrate and isopropanol on a silicon wafer grafted with silanized patches. The contact line is subject to a confining quadratic well, provided by gravity. From the second cumulant of the height fluctuations, we measure the renormalized disorder correlator Delta(u), predicted by the Functional RG theory to attain a fixed point, as soon as the capillary length is large compared to the Larkin length set by the microscopic disorder. The experiments are consistent with the asymptotic form for Delta(u) predicted by Functional RG, including a linear cusp at u=0. The observed small deviations could be used as a probe of the underlying physical processes. The third moment, as well as avalanche-size distributions are measured and compared to predictions from Functional RG.Comment: 6 pages, 14 figure

    Improved holder protects crystal during high acceleration and impact

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    A plastic holder, which retains a crystal blank with standard silvered contacts sandwiched between two copper contacts, protects the crystal against vibration during high acceleration and impact

    Distribution of velocities in an avalanche

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    For a driven elastic object near depinning, we derive from first principles the distribution of instantaneous velocities in an avalanche. We prove that above the upper critical dimension, d >= d_uc, the n-times distribution of the center-of-mass velocity is equivalent to the prediction from the ABBM stochastic equation. Our method allows to compute space and time dependence from an instanton equation. We extend the calculation beyond mean field, to lowest order in epsilon=d_uc-d.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Kondo Resonance of a Microwave Photon

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    We emulate renormalization group models, such as the Spin-Boson Hamiltonian or the anisotropic Kondo model, from a quantum optics perspective by considering a superconducting device. The infra-red confinement involves photon excitations of two tunable transmission lines entangled to an artificial spin-1/2 particle or double-island charge qubit. Focusing on the propagation of microwave light, in the underdamped regime of the Spin-Boson model, we identify a many-body resonance where a photon is absorbed at the renormalized qubit frequency and reemitted forward in an elastic manner. We also show that asymptotic freedom of microwave light is reached by increasing the input signal amplitude at low temperatures which allows the disappearance of the transmission peak.Comment: Final Version: Main text and Supplementary Materia
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