16 research outputs found

    Ultrasonography of the prostate gland and testes in dogs

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    Ultrasonographic imaging is an important diagnostic tool because it allows assessment of the shape, size, position, margination and internal architecture of organs, as well as facilitating the study of vascular supply and vascularisation. Recently, there has been considerable development of B-mode, Doppler and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for examination of the reproductive tract of dogs, both for studying normal physiology and in the clinical setting. This article describes the practical examination of the canine prostate gland and testes using a variety of ultrasound techniques, and details the normal appearance and blood flow of these organs as well as changes that may be observed with common reproductive disorders

    The Threshold Bias Model: A Mathematical Model for the Nomothetic Approach of Suicide

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    Comparative and predictive analyses of suicide data from different countries are difficult to perform due to varying approaches and the lack of comparative parameters.A simple model (the Threshold Bias Model) was tested for comparative and predictive analyses of suicide rates by age. The model comprises of a six parameter distribution that was applied to the USA suicide rates by age for the years 2001 and 2002. Posteriorly, linear extrapolations are performed of the parameter values previously obtained for these years in order to estimate the values corresponding to the year 2003. The calculated distributions agreed reasonably well with the aggregate data. The model was also used to determine the age above which suicide rates become statistically observable in USA, Brazil and Sri Lanka.The Threshold Bias Model has considerable potential applications in demographic studies of suicide. Moreover, since the model can be used to predict the evolution of suicide rates based on information extracted from past data, it will be of great interest to suicidologists and other researchers in the field of mental health

    Suicide attempts by exogenous intoxication among female adolescents treated at a reference hospital in the city of Recife-PE, Brazil

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    This study aimed to assess cases of self-inflicted poisoning among adolescents reported by the Toxicological Care Center of a reference hospital in Recife-PE, Brazil. The data were collected between March and May 2010 from hospital charts and structured interviews with the participants and parents/guardians. Among the 25 cases of attempted suicide registered in the period, 21 were female adolescents, who made up the sample of the present study. The adolescents were between 13 and 19 years of age. Pesticides were the most frequent toxic agent used (61.9%). The results of the present study underscore the importance of studying suicide in this population, with a focus on family relations, in order to lay the foundation for the development of prevention and treatment programs for this vulnerable group

    Pronação excessiva e varismos de pé e perna: relação com o desenvolvimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas - revisão de literatura

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    A literatura propõe mecanismos biomecânicos que relacionam a pronação subtalar excessiva ao desenvolvimento de diversas patologias músculo-esqueléticas. A presença dos desalinhamentos anatômicos antepé varo, retropé varo e tíbia vara pode levar à ocorrência da pronação subtalar excessiva. Entretanto, não existe um consenso sobre a contribuição do padrão de movimento e da presença desses desalinhamentos para o desenvolvimento de patologias. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura para investigar a influência de varismos aumentados de antepé, retropé e tíbia e da pronação subtalar excessiva no surgimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistematizada nas bases Medline, ISI - Web of Science, Lilacs e Scielo, tendo sido selecionados 13 estudos analíticos. Do total de 13 estudos, 10 encontraram associação de patologias no membro inferior com um ou mais dos desalinhamentos anatômicos analisados ou com um ou mais parâmetros cinemáticos relacionadas à pronação subtalar excessiva. A análise dos estudos sugere que a pronação subtalar excessiva e/ou a presença de desalinhamentos que podem levar a esse padrão de movimento são possíveis fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas no membro inferior.The literature proposes biomechanical mechanisms that link excessive subtalar joint pronation to the development of several musculoskeletal pathologies. The presence of forefoot varus, rearfoot varus and tibiofibular varum can lead to the occurrence of excessive subtalar pronation. However, there is no consensus about the contribution of the movement pattern and/or the presence of these anatomical misalignments to the development of pathologies. The aim of the present study was to conduct a literature review in order to investigate the influence of increased varus alignment of forefoot, rearfoot and shank and of excessive subtalar pronation on the development of musculoskeletal pathologies. A systematic literature search was performed in the databases Medline, ISI - Web of Science, Lilacs and Scielo, and 13 analytic studies were selected. Ten studies found significant associations of lower-limb musculoskeletal pathologies with one or more of the anatomical misalignments analyzed or with one or more kinematic parameters related to excessive subtalar pronation. The analysis of the studies suggests that excessive pronation and/or the presence of these anatomical misalagniments should be regarded as possible risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal pathologies in the lower limb