7 research outputs found

    Organotypic Culture of Physiologically Functional Adult Mammalian Retinas

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    BACKGROUND: The adult mammalian retina is an important model in research on the central nervous system. Many experiments require the combined use of genetic manipulation, imaging, and electrophysiological recording, which make it desirable to use an in vitro preparation. Unfortunately, the tissue culture of the adult mammalian retina is difficult, mainly because of the high energy consumption of photoreceptors. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We describe an interphase culture system for adult mammalian retina that allows for the expression of genes delivered to retinal neurons by particle-mediated transfer. The retinas retain their morphology and function for up to six days— long enough for the expression of many genes of interest—so that effects upon responses to light and receptive fields could be measured by patch recording or multielectrode array recording. We show that a variety of genes encoding pre- and post-synaptic marker proteins are localized correctly in ganglion and amacrine cells. CONCLUSIONS: In this system the effects on neuronal function of one or several introduced exogenous genes can be studied within intact neural circuitry of adult mammalian retina. This system is flexible enough to be compatible with genetic manipulation, imaging, cell transfection, pharmacological assay, and electrophysiological recordings

    Effective DNA/RNA Co-Extraction for Analysis of MicroRNAs, mRNAs, and Genomic DNA from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Specimens

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    Background: Retrospective studies of archived human specimens, with known clinical follow-up, are used to identify predictive and prognostic molecular markers of disease. Due to biochemical differences, however, formalin-fixed paraffinembedded (FFPE) DNA and RNA have generally been extracted separately from either different tissue sections or from the same section by dividing the digested tissue. The former limits accurate correlation whilst the latter is impractical when utilizing rare or limited archived specimens. Principal Findings: For effective recovery of genomic DNA and total RNA from a single FFPE specimen, without splitting the proteinase-K digested tissue solution, we optimized a co-extraction method by using TRIzol and purifying DNA from the lower aqueous and RNA from the upper organic phases. Using a series of seven different archived specimens, we evaluated the total amounts of genomic DNA and total RNA recovered by our TRIzol-based co-extraction method and compared our results with those from two commercial kits, the Qiagen AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE kit, for co-extraction, and the Ambion RecoverAll TM Total Nucleic Acid Isolation kit, for separate extraction of FFPE-DNA and-RNA. Then, to accurately assess the quality of DNA and RNA co-extracted from a single FFPE specimen, we used qRT-PCR, gene expression profiling and methylation assays to analyze microRNAs, mRNAs, and genomic DNA recovered from matched fresh and FFPE MCF10A cells. These experiments show that the TRIzol-based co-extraction method provides larger amounts of FFPE-DNA and –RNA tha

    Effective Health Promotion Interventions for Targeted Audience using Social Networking Sites: A Systematic Review

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