5 research outputs found

    O negro no Rio Grande do Sul

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    A alimentação do gaĂșcho brasileiro

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    RESUMO A formação Ă©tnica do gaĂșcho brasileiro confunde-se com o prĂłprio nascimento do Rio Grande do Sul. Sua cultura Ă© baseada no ciclo do gado, nĂŁo diferindo no contexto geral da nacional, onde aparece como adepto inseparĂĄvel do churrasco tanto da carne bovina como da de ovelha. Considerando-se seu prato tĂ­pico – o churrasco acompanhado do ChimarrĂŁo – temos a mistura do gado, procedente da Europa com a erva proveniente do Paraguai estabelecendo-se uma uniĂŁo entre o Ă­ndio (erva-mate) e o europeu portuguĂȘs açoreano com o gado. Italianos, alemĂŁes e poloneses trouxeram as doçarias, o panĂ­ficio, as biscoitarias, ao negro, os temperos. O folclore do Rio Grande do Sul Ă© de nĂ­tida procedĂȘncia luso-açoreana, com influĂȘncia do Ă­ndio e do negro A participação e a contribuição do europeu foram importantes na formação Ă©tnica do gaĂșcho, mas vale ressaltar que sofreram um processo de aculturação. Tiveram que aceitar o que emanava da terra gaĂșcha na sua força primitiva. O Rio Grande do Sul ĂĄ um legado luso-açoreano brasileiro. ABSTRACT Alimentation of the brazilian “gaĂșcho”. v. 8, n. 2, p. 131-159, jul./dez. 1980. The ethnical formation of the Brazilian “gaĂșcho” (native man from Rio Grande do Sul State) is blended with the birth of Rio Grande do Sul. His culture is based on the cattle cycle, not differing in the general context from the national one, where he appears as the inseparable follower of the barbecue both from the cattle and ewe meat. Being considered his typical plate – the barbecue accompanied of “chimarrĂŁo” (kind of a bitter tea) – we have the mixture of the cattle coming from Europe with the herb which came from Paraguay being established an union between the indian people (herb-mate) and the European Portuguese people from the Açores with the cattle. Italian, German, people and Polishes have bought the specialties in sweets, the bread, the biscuits and, on the other hand the Negro, have brought the seasoning. The folklore of Rio Grande do Sul is of clearly Luso-Açorian origin, with the indian and negro influence. The European participation and contribution were very important in the ethnical formation of the “gaĂșÂŹcho”, but it is worthy to emphasize that they have undergone an acculturation, process. They had to accept what came from the Rio Grande do Sul lands in its primitive power. Rio Grande do Sul is a Luso-Açorian Brazilian bequest. RÉSUMÉ L’alimentation du “gaĂșcho” brĂ©silien. v. 8, n. 2, p. 131-159, jul./dez. 1980. La formation ethnique du gaĂșcho brĂ©silien se confond avec la naissance mĂȘme du Rio Grande du Sud. Sa culture est basĂ©e sur le cycle du bĂȘtail ne s’éloignant pas dans le contexte gĂ©neral, de la culture nationale oĂč il apparaĂźt comme un adapte insĂ©parable du “churrasco” (viande cuite sur la braise) de boeuf ou de mouton. Plat typique de la rĂ©gion – le “churrasco” accompagnĂ© du chimarrĂŁo (infusion stimulante faite de feuilles de matĂ©) – nous avons un mĂ©lange du bĂ©tail, provenant de l‘Europe et l‘herbe provenant du Paraguay, produisant l’union de l’indigĂšne (matĂ©) et l’europĂ©en portugais açorĂ©en (du bĂ©tail). Les italiens, les allemands et les polonais ont apportĂ© les confiseries, la boulangerie, la pĂątisserie et les noirs les assaisonnements. Le folklore du Rio Grande du Sud est essentiellement d’origine luso-açorĂ©enne avec l’influence de l’indigĂšne et des noirs. La participation et la contribution de l’EuropĂ©en ont etĂ© importantes dans la formation ethnique du gaĂșcho, mais il faut remarquer qu'ils ont subit un procĂ©ssus d’acculturation. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© obligĂ©s d’accepter ce qui venait de la terre gaĂșcha dans son Ă©tat primitif. Le Rio Grande du Sud est un lĂ©gat luso açorĂ©en-brĂ©silien