301 research outputs found

    The Legal Climate for Private Enterprise under the Alliance for Progress

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    In 1907 a Pennsylvania superior court stated in one of its opinions that, \u27there is no reason why a man should not be a fool.\u27 As a corollary to that saying, it may be added that there is no reason why a court should protect a fool against the result of his folly. No new feature of rapacity in the buyer is apparent in this instance [ the purchase of property worth 5,000prospectivelyfor 5,000 prospectively for 500] to make him a worse offender against the law of fair dealing than an army of Shy locks who have preceded him. The patriarch Jacob bought a large landed estate from an improvident brother for the price of a frugal breakfast and the common parent when appealed to upheld the bargain. A \u27catching bargain\u27 much later in date than that between Jacob and Essau was passed upon in Davidson v. Little, 22 Pa. 245, when the owner of land worth 8,000conveyedhisinterestfor8,000 conveyed his interest for 200. The court held that the transaction was suggestive of fraud, but that the contract was binding if the vendor was of full age, of sound mind, acquainted with the necessary facts and subjected to no mental imprisonment. The changes made in the applications of the fundamental common law doctrine during the twenty-six years that have since elapsed would make some of the old common law lawyers turn over in their graves. If one is to judge by the recently published statements on securities control many present-day lawyers, business men and bankers are preparing their minds for a communion of commiseration with those great stalwarts who have preceded them


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    Title II of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 amends the Securities Act of 1933. These amendments make substantial concessions to the persistent and continuous clamor against the Securities Act. They will help to allay some of the fears of corporate managements and merchant bankers. The changes affect the definition section, the exemptions, the prospectus, the civil liabilities, and administration provisions

    The Ohio Blue Sky Cases

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    The ancient notion that private fraud lies beyond the domain of public law did not long survive the statements of it that have been quoted.\u27 Our legislation, expressing always the changing moral standards of the people, has directed the sanctions of the criminal law, step by step, ever against new forms of overreaching and imposition. Numerous illustrations might be cited to show the growing repugnance of the public mind toward frauds and cheats, and the tendency to recognize them as offenses invoking the restraint of public action as well as the redress of private injuries

    The Law to Govern Deepsea Mining until Superseded by International Agreement

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    Presently, no international law exists to limit recovering mineral sources of the seabed beyond coastal state jurisdiction. Bills directed at regulating deep seabed mining, through international reciprocity, by U.S. companies have been introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This Article reviews pending legislation and comparable statutes proposed abroad and suggests the enactment of interim legislation, while at the same time responding to Professor Knight\u27s assertions in his Article, The Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act A Negative View. This Article concludes that international legislation would help, rather than hurt, the United States

    Justiciable Disputes Involving Acts of State

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    Choka: An Introduction to Securities Regulation

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    A Review of An Introduction to Securities Regulation. By Allen D. Chok

    The Meaning of Income in The Perspective of Patience Traders During The 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic

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    Traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market experienced a decrease in income during the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic. Traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market still earned income, although not as much as before the 2019 corona virus pandemic. Traders remained steadfast in facing a decline in income, remained diligent in running their business even though their income has decreased and remains steadfast in their stance and does not give up easily in obtaining income. This study aims to find out why the traders in Balongpanggang Market are steadfast, persevering and face a decline in income. By collecting data from 8 informants and 1 key informant as an opening research to find accurate results. The presentation of the data is carried out using data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The results of data analysis on traders' income during the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic were very large, but the traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market remained firm in their stance in running their business because of their expertise and motivation. Traders in Traditional Markets also remain steadfast in the face of declining incomes for family welfare and happiness. In addition, the traders at the Balongpanggang Traditional Market continue to run their business by monitoring the selling of merchandise and never giving up to earn income