2,438 research outputs found

    On the Spectrum of Isotropic Turbulence

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    Measurements of the spectrum and correlation functions at large Reynolds number (RN ~ 10^5 based on the grid mesh) have been made, as well as a series of accurate spectrum measurements at lower Reynolds number (RN ~ 10^4). The results are compared with the theoretical laws proposed in recent years. It is found that the measurements at large Reynolds numbers exhibit a range of frequencies where the spectrum is nearly of the form n^- 5/3. The largest part of the spectrum in the initial stage of decay at the lower Reynolds number was found to follow closely the simple spectrum A/[B + n^2] , where A and B are constants and n is the frequency of fluctuation. At x/M = 1000 (where x is the distance behind the grid and M is the mesh size) the spectrum approaches a Gaussian distribution. The second, fourth, and sixth moments of the spectrum have been computed from the measurements and are discussed In relation to theoretical results. The significance of the number of zeros of the fluctuating velocity u(t) is discussed and examples of measurements for the determination of the microscale of turbulence [lambda] from zero counts are given

    A laboratory investigation of the production and properties of molecular and radical species pertinent to planetary atmospheres

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    Vinylidene (H2C=C) is shown to be the largest photodecomposition channel in the direct photolysis of both C2H2 and C2H4. The chemistry of H2C=C as it relates to planetary atmospheres is discussed. The vinyl radical (C2H3), important in the acetylene chemistry cycle, has been directly observed spectroscopically and the kinetics of several key reactions of this species measured

    Localized Joule heating produced by ion current focusing through micron-size holes

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    We provide an experimental demonstration that the focusing of ionic currents in a micron size hole connecting two chambers can produce local temperature increases of up to 100∘100^\circ C with gradients as large as 1∘1^\circ Kμm−1\mu m^{-1}. We find a good agreement between the measured temperature profiles and a finite elements-based numerical calculation. We show how the thermal gradients can be used to measure the full melting profile of DNA duplexes within a region of 40 μ\mum. The possibility to produce even larger gradients using sub-micron pores is discussed.Comment: 3 pages, accepted to Appl. Phys. Lett

    MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Urinary Nucleosides

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    As RNA turnover seems to be impaired in cancer patients, modified nucleosides have been evaluated as potential tumor markers. Modified nucleosides are mainly formed post-transcriptionally in tRNA, set free during RNA metabolism, and excreted in urine. Especially methylated nucleosides play an important role, as their levels are higher in urine from cancer patients. For structural elucidation of known and unknown nucleosides from urine samples of cancer patients, MALDI-TOF MS and MALDI-PSD were used for the first time. This technique generally ensures high sensitivity, mass resolution, and accuracy. In our analytical approach we prepurified nucleosides from urine by affinity chromatography and subsequently separated them by semipreparative high performance liquid chromatography. The different fractions were collected separately and analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and PSD-MALDI using a mixture of six low molecular weight calibrants for internal or external calibration. The molecular totals formulas based on a mass accuracy of 10 ppm and below were calculated and a systematic data base search was performed. The inherent problem of the MALDI-technique, the reduced sensitivity for low molecular weight substances caused by matrix suppression effects, was reduced by our technique. We identified several nucleosides in urine, which were previously identified via retention times and UV spectra of standards after HPLC analysis. Eight further nucleosides were observed. This work demonstrates for the first time the potential of MALDI-TOF and PSD-MALDI in combination with semipreparative HPLC for assignment of nucleosides in urine. The particularly high mass accuracy of this mass spectrometric method provides opportunities for identifying unknown compounds

    Endocrine-disrupting alkylphenols are widespread in the blood of lobsters from southern New England and adjacent offshore areas

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    Author Posting. © National Shellfisheries Association , 2012. This article is posted here by permission of National Shellfisheries Association for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Shellfish Research 31 (2012): 563-571, doi:10.2983/035.031.0216.Endocrine-disrupting pollutants in rivers and oceans represent a poorly understood but potentially serious threat to the integrity of aquatic and coastal ecosystems. We surveyed the hemolymph of lobsters from across southern New England and adjacent offshore areas for 3 endocrine-disrupting alkylphenols. We found all 3 compounds in hemolymph from every year and almost every region sampled. Prevalence of contamination varied significantly between regions, ranging from 45% of lobsters from southern Massachusetts to 17% of lobsters from central Long Island Sound. Mean contamination levels varied significantly as a function of region, year sampled, and collection trip, and were highest overall in lobsters from western Long Island Sound and lowest in lobsters from central Long Island Sound. Surprisingly, lobsters from offshore areas were not less contaminated than lobsters from inshore areas. Contamination levels also did not vary as a function of lobster size or shell disease signs. Contaminated lobsters held in the laboratory did not retain alkylphenols, suggesting that hemolymph contamination levels represent recent, rather than long-term, exposure. Our data set is the first, to our knowledge, to survey endocrine-disrupting contaminants in a population across such a broad temporal and spatial scale. We show that alkylphenol contamination is a persistent, widespread, but environmentally heterogeneous problem in lobster populations in southern New England and adjacent offshore areas. Our work raises serious questions about the prevalence and accumulation of these endocrine-disrupting pollutants in an important fishery species.This work was supported by the National Marine Fisheries Service as the New England Lobster Research Initiative: Lobster Shell Disease under NOAA grant NA06NMF4720100 to the University of Rhode Island Fisheries Center

    Metabolic signature of breast cancer cell line MCF-7: profiling of modified nucleosides via LC-IT MS coupling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer, like other diseases accompanied by strong metabolic disorders, shows characteristic effects on cell turnover rate, activity of modifying enzymes and DNA/RNA modifications, resulting also in elevated amounts of excreted modified nucleosides. For a better understanding of the impaired RNA metabolism in breast cancer cells, we screened these metabolites in the cell culture supernatants of the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 and compared it to the human mammary epithelial cells MCF-10A. The nucleosides were isolated and analyzed via 2D-chromatographic techniques: In the first dimension by cis-diol specific boronate affinity extraction and subsequently by reversed phase chromatography coupled to an ion trap mass spectrometer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Besides the determination of ribonucleosides, additional compounds with cis-diol structure, deriving from cross-linked biochemical pathways, like purine-, histidine- and polyamine metabolism were detected. In total, 36 metabolites were identified by comparison of fragmentation patterns and retention time. Relation to the internal standard isoguanosine yielded normalized area ratios for each identified compound and enabled a semi-quantitative metabolic signature of both analyzed cell lines.</p> <p>13 of the identified 26 modified ribonucleosides were elevated in the cell culture supernatants of MCF-7 cells, with 5-methyluridine, <it>N</it><sup>2</sup>,<it>N</it><sup>2</sup>,7-trimethylguanosine, <it>N</it><sup>6</sup>-methyl-<it>N</it><sup>6</sup>-threonylcarbamoyladenosine and 3-(3-aminocarboxypropyl)-uridine showing the most significant differences. 1-ribosylimidazole-4-acetic acid, a histamine metabolite, was solely found in the supernatants of MCF-10A cells, whereas 1-ribosyl-4-carboxamido-5-aminoimidazole and S-adenosylmethionine occurred only in supernatants of MCF-7 cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The obtained results are discussed against the background of pathological changes in cell metabolism, resulting in new perspectives for modified nucleosides and related metabolites as possible biomedical markers for breast carcinoma <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    Conifold geometries, topological strings and multi-matrix models

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    We study open B-model representing D-branes on 2-cycles of local Calabi--Yau geometries. To this end we work out a reduction technique linking D-branes partition functions and multi-matrix models in the case of conifold geometries so that the matrix potential is related to the complex moduli of the conifold. We study the geometric engineering of the multi-matrix models and focus on two-matrix models with bilinear couplings. We show how to solve this models in an exact way, without resorting to the customary saddle point/large N approximation. The method consists of solving the quantum equations of motion and using the flow equations of the underlying integrable hierarchy to derive explicit expressions for correlators. Finally we show how to incorporate in this formalism the description of several group of D-branes wrapped around different cycles.Comment: 35 pages, 5.3 and 6 revise

    Development of a backward-mode photoacoustic microscope using a Fabry-Perot sensor

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    Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) has been shown to enable the acquisition of high resolution (μm) functional and anatomical images. For backward-mode operation, conventional piezoelectric ultrasound transducers need to be placed far away from the signal source due to their opacity and size. This can result in reduced acoustic sensitivity. Planar Fabry-Perot polymer film interferometer (FPI) sensors have the potential to overcome this limitation since they are transparent to the excitation wavelength, can be placed immediately adjacent to the signal source for high acoustic sensitivity, and offer a broadband frequency response (0 –50 MHz). In this study, we present a high frame rate, backward-mode OR-PAM system based on a planar FPI ultrasound sensor. A ns-pulsed laser provides excitation pulses (<200 nJ, maximum pulse repetition frequency = 200 kHz, 532 nm) to generate photoacoustic waves that are detected using a planar FPI sensor interrogated at 765-781 nm. For backwardmode operation and highest acoustic sensitivity, the excitation and interrogation beams are coaxially aligned and rasterscanned. The optical transfer function of the sensor, the spatial resolution and the detection sensitivity were determined to characterise the set-up. Images of a leaf phantom and first in vivo images of zebrafish larvae were acquired. This approach will enable fast 3D OR-PAM with high resolution and high sensitivity for functional and molecular imaging applications. FPI-based ultrasound detection also has the potential to enable dual-mode optical- and acousticresolution PAM and the integration of photoacoustic imaging with purely optical modalities such as multi-photon microscopy
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